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	"imgUrl": "",
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    "name": "Laugh Riot at Mirthville Manor",
    "name": "The Lion of Allah: Hamza Ibn Abdul Mutalib (RA)",
	"author": "Anonymous",
	"score": "2.13",
	"review": "107.3",
	"view": "2.7",
    "desc": "   Once upon a time in the quaint town of Mirthville, there stood an old, mysterious manor on the outskirts of the village. Locals often referred to it as the 'Mirthville Manor,' but few had ever dared to venture inside its eerie walls. The reason behind this was a strange legend that had been passed down through generations. Legend had it that the manor was haunted by the spirits of a group of eccentric comedians who once lived there. These comedians, known for their uproarious laughter, held secret gatherings to entertain the villagers with their wit and humor. But one fateful night, during one of their riotous laughter sessions, an unforeseen mishap occurred. The old fireplace, where they gathered around, exploded in a shower of sparks and laughter, engulfing the entire room. Ever since that night, it was believed that the spirits of these comedians roamed the manor, causing laughter to echo through its halls. The town's young and adventurous Jenny had always been fascinated by the tales of Mirthville Manor. She was a bold, curious spirit with a passion for unraveling mysteries. One day, she gathered her group of friends, each with unique talents, and they decided to explore the infamous manor once and for all. \n \n   Jenny's team consisted of Sam, a tech-savvy genius who loved to invent gadgets; Mia, an artist with a vivid imagination; and Mike, a historian who could piece together the town's ancient lore. Together, they believed they could unlock the secrets of Mirthville Manor. With torches in hand, they approached the manor's towering doors that creaked ominously as they pushed them open. The sound of laughter drifted towards them, both eerie and enticing. Undeterred, they stepped inside. The interior of the manor was like stepping into a bygone era. Cobwebs adorned the corners, dusty chandeliers hung from the ceilings, and antique furniture stood in various states of disrepair. As they moved deeper into the manor, the laughter grew louder and more infectious. In a central room, they discovered a collection of old joke books, scribbled comedic sketches, and clown costumes. Sam's flashlight illuminated a mysterious note written in faded ink. As Mia read it aloud, the laughter seemed to intensify: 'To release the spirits' grip and lift the curse, seek out their long-lost punchlines, and the laughter shall disperse.' \n \n   The friends realized that to free the comedians' spirits, they had to locate the missing punchlines to their unfinished jokes. This quest led them on a wild goose chase throughout the manor and even beyond, unraveling the comedic mysteries hidden in various rooms and secret passages. Each puzzle they solved revealed a fragment of a long-forgotten joke. As they pieced together the punchlines, the atmosphere in the manor began to change. The once creepy surroundings now echoed with warm laughter. Finally, in the heart of the manor, they found the last missing piece to a legendary joke, and as Mia delivered the punchline, the spirits materialized before them. The comedians were not the eerie specters the legends had suggested, but rather jovial and friendly beings who had yearned for someone to solve their riddles and release them from their amusing prison. Grateful for Jenny and her friends' efforts, the comedians promised never to haunt the manor again. In return, they offered the group a grand, private comedy show. Sam's gadgets combined with Mia's artistic flair created spectacular visual effects, while Mike shared stories of Mirthville's quirky history to keep the laughs rolling. The laughter echoed through the manor, filling it with mirth and joy. Word of the friends' discovery spread through the town, and soon, Mirthville Manor became a famous destination for people seeking laughter and amusement. \n \n   Jenny and her friends continued to visit the manor regularly, not to solve puzzles anymore, but to enjoy the company of the comedic spirits and the laughter that once seemed so terrifying. And so, Mirthville Manor went from a haunted house to a house of laughter, bringing happiness to all who entered its doors. The legend lived on, but it had transformed into a tale of joy and camaraderie, reminding everyone that sometimes, even the scariest of places can hold the greatest of treasures."
    "desc": "   In the army of Islam there have been a number of brave and self-sacrificing officers and strong and powerful champions but the bravery of Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib is recorded in the pages of history and in fact constitutes the golden leaves of the history of the battles of Islam. The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his Ahlel-Bayt), though safe under the protection of his uncle, Abu Talib, was not immune from harassment by the infidels. Whenever they found an opportunity for baiting him, they didn’t miss it. Hamza Ibn Abdul Mutalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Manaf was born in Mecca before the Prophet’s birth in two years so he was very close to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) . He was also the brother of the Prophet by feeding; (the same woman had feed them both, she was Halima Al-Saadiya). In accordance with historical accounts, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud(ra) has narrated the incident of Hazrat Hamza’s acceptance of Islam in his own style. I will narrate its summary [before you] as well as present some of its details. A person ought to hear this incident and ponder over the reasons as to why Hazrat Hamza(ra) accepted Islam, and how he was overcome with jealousy for the honour of the Holy Prophet (SAW) at the time when Abu Jahl acted unjustly toward the Prophet (SAW). \n \n   Once,the Holy Prophet (SAW) was sitting on a rock between the hills of Safa and Marwa. He was most certainly pondering over how to establish the unity of God Almighty in the world when, in the meanwhile, Abu Jahl approached him. As soon as he arrived, he said, ''O Muhammad (SAW)! Why do you not refrain from spreading your message?'' Following this statement, Abu Jahl began to verbally abuse the Prophet in a most vile manner. The Holy Prophet (SAW) quietly continued to listen to Abu Jahl’s abuse and tolerated him. He did not utter a single word in reply.Hazrat Hamza’s house was right in front of the place where the Holy Prophet (SAW) was sitting and where Abu Jahl had abused him.Hazrat Hamza (ra) had not yet accepted Islam. That day, when Abu Jahl had cursed the Holy Prophet (SAW) and treated him harshly, he was away hunting. However, it so happened that when Abu Jahl was acting in this manner, one of the female servants of Hazrat Hamza(ra) was standing at the door, observing this scene. When Abu Jahl repeatedly attacked the Holy Prophet (SAW) and hurled innumerable curses at him, the Prophet quietly and peacefully tolerated his abuse. The female servant stood at the door and continued to observe this scene. When Hazrat Hamza(ra) returned from his hunt that evening and came home, he disembarked from his mount with his bow and arrow in hand, in a manner of demonstrating his courage and pride. Seeing this, the female servant, who had suppressed her anger and sorrow for a long time, approached Hazrat Hamza(ra) and passionately said: ''Do you have no shame that you walk around acting brave?'' Hearing this, Hazrat Hamza(ra) became perplexed and asked her in astonishment what the matter was. The female servant said: ''The matter is that your nephew, Muhammad (SAW), was sitting here when Abu Jahl approached him, and began to attack and hurl abuse at him, and then Abu Jahl slapped him on the face. However, Muhammad (SAW) did not make as much as a sound in response to this and quietly continued to bear this. Abu Jahl continued to curse him until he became tired and then left. However, I saw that Muhammad (SAW) did not respond to any of his actions. You walk around with great courage and have returned from your hunt with great pride. Are you not ashamed that your nephew has been treated in this manner in your presence?''Hazrat Hamza(ra) had not yet accepted Islam. One of the reasons for this was that he was counted among the leaders of Quraish and he was also not willing to accept Islam due to [his] position in the tribe, even though he believed the Prophet (SAW) to be true. \n \n   However, until that time, Hazrat Hamza(ra) was unprepared to sacrifice his status, honour and prominence for the sake of religion. Nevertheless, when he heard this incident from his female slave, his eyes became bloodshot and he became indignant for his family’s honour. Hence, without taking a moment of rest, he marched toward the Ka‘ba in that very state of anger. First, he performed a circuit around the Ka‘ba and following this he marched towards the gathering in which Abu Jahl was present.There, Abu Jahl was narrating the incident with great arrogance, pride and boastfulness. He mentioned that earlier that day he had abused Muhammad (SAW) and treated him in a vile manner. When Hazrat Hamza (RA) reached this gathering, he forcefully struck his bow against the head of Abu Jahl and said: ''You claim to be brave and are telling people that you disgraced Muhammad (SAW) in such manner and that he did not make as much as a sound. Now I will disgrace you. If you have the courage, speak before me.'' At that time, Abu Jahl was considered to be a king and he was a chief of [their] nation. He was similar to the pharaoh. When his friends saw this, they passionately got up and tried to attack Hazrat Hamza (SAW) . However, Abu Jahl, who had become awestruck due to the Holy Prophet(sa) quietly tolerating his abuse and due to the bravery and courage of Hazrat Hamza(ra), intervened and stopped them from attacking Hazrat Hamza(ra). He said, ''Let him be. The fact of the matter is that I committed an injustice and Hamza is in the right.'' Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud(ra) further writes in his own manner that when Muhammad(sa) returned home from the hills of Safa and Marwa, he was repeating in his heart that his duty was not to fight, but to patiently tolerate all abuse. \n \n   However, until that time, Hazrat Hamza(ra) was unprepared to sacrifice his status, honour and prominence for the sake of religion. Nevertheless, when he heard this incident from his female slave, his eyes became bloodshot and he became indignant for his family’s honour. Hence, without taking a moment of rest, he marched toward the Ka‘ba in that very state of anger. First, he performed a circuit around the Ka‘ba and following this he marched towards the gathering in which Abu Jahl was present.There, Abu Jahl was narrating the incident with great arrogance, pride and boastfulness. He mentioned that earlier that day he had abused Muhammad (SAW) and treated him in a vile manner. When Hazrat Hamza (RA) reached this gathering, he forcefully struck his bow against the head of Abu Jahl and said: ''You claim to be brave and are telling people that you disgraced Muhammad (SAW) in such manner and that he did not make as much as a sound. Now I will disgrace you. If you have the courage, speak before me.'' At that time, Abu Jahl was considered to be a king and he was a chief of [their] nation. He was similar to the pharaoh. When his friends saw this, they passionately got up and tried to attack Hazrat Hamza (SAW) . However, Abu Jahl, who had become awestruck due to the Holy Prophet(sa) quietly tolerating his abuse and due to the bravery and courage of Hazrat Hamza(ra), intervened and stopped them from attacking Hazrat Hamza(ra). He said, ''Let him be. The fact of the matter is that I committed an injustice and Hamza is in the right.'' Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud(ra) further writes in his own manner that when Muhammad(sa) returned home from the hills of Safa and Marwa, he was repeating in his heart that his duty was not to fight, but to patiently tolerate all abuse. \n \n   In the battle of Uhud, she slaked her thirst for vengeance which had given her no rest since the battle of Badr. Hinda, the wife of Abu Sufyan and the mother of Muawiya, nursed a grudge against Hamzah and was determined to take her father’s revenge on the Muslims at any cost. Wahshi, an Ethiopian warrior, was the slave of Jabir Mut’am and an uncle of Jibir had also been killed in the Battle of Badr. He (Wahshi) had been appointed by Hinda to help achieve her object by hook or by crook. She asked him to kill one of the three persons (viz. the Prophet, Imam Ali or Hamzah) so that she might avenge her father’s death. The Ethiopian warrior said in reply: ''I cannot approach Muhammad at all, because his companions are nearer to him than anyone else. Ali too is extraordinarily vigilant in the battlefield. However, Hamzah is so furious that, while fighting, he does not pay any attention to any other side and it is possible that I may be able to make him fall by some trick or by taking him unawares''. Hinda was contented with this and promised that if he was successful in performing the job she would set him free. \n \n   Some believe that Jibir made this promise with his slave (Wahshi) as his (Jibir’s) uncle had been killed in the Battle of Badr. Wahshi, the slave, says: ''On the Day of Uhud I was pursuing Hamzah. He was attacking the centre of the army like a ferocious lion. He killed every one whom he could approach. I hid myself behind the trees and stones, so that he could not see me. He was too busy in fighting. I came out of ambush. Being an Ethiopian, I used to throw my weapon like them (i.e. like the Ethiopians) and it seldom missed the target. I, therefore, threw my javelin towards him from a specific distance after moving it in a particular manner. The weapon fell on his flank and came out from between his two legs. He wanted to attack me but severe pain prevented him from doing so. He remained in the same condition till his soul departed from his body. Then I approached him very carefully and having taken out my weapon from his body returned to the army of Quraysh and waited for my freedom. In the battle of Uhud the Muslims suffered a lot. Hinda and the other harpies she had brought with her from Makka, mutilated the bodies of the slain Muslims. Hinda cut open Hamzah’s abdomen, plucked out his liver and chewed it up. Muhammad ibn Umar Waqidi, the historian, says that she made a fire in the battlefield, roasted Hamzah’s heart and liver and ate them. Not satisfied with this, she cut the limbs, the ears and the nose of Hamzah, strung them into a ''necklace,'' and entered Makka wearing it as a ''trophy'' of victory. When the Messenger of Allah saw how his uncle and foster brother, Hamza, was mutilated, he was extremely grieved. \n \n   After the Battle of Uhud, I continued to live in Makkah for quite a long time until the Muslims conquered Makkah. I then ran away to Ta’if, but soon Islam reach that area as well. I heard that however grave the crime of a person might be, the Prophet forgave him. I, therefore, reached the Prophet with Shahadatayn on my lips (i.e., I testify that there is no god but Allah and I also testify that Muhammad is His Prophet). The Prophet saw me and said ''Are you the same Wahshi, an Ethiopian?'' I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon he said: ''How did you kill Hamzah?'' I gave an account of the matter. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was moved and said: ''I should not see your face until you are alive, because the heart-rending calamity fell upon my uncle at your hands''. It was the same great spirit of the Prophet of Islam which made him set this man free although he could execute him on many grounds. Wahshi says: ''So long as the Prophet was alive I kept myself hidden from him. Ibn Mas‘ud said: We have never seen the Messenger of Allah weeping so much as he was for Hamza bin ‘Abdul Muttalib. He directed him towards Al-Qiblah, then he stood at his funeral and sobbed his heart out. The sight of the martyrs was extremely horrible and heart-breaking. Describing Hamza’s funeral, Khabbab said: ''No shroud long enough was available for Hamza except a white-darkish garment. When they covered his head with it, it was too short to cover his feet. Similarly if they covered his feet his head would be revealed. Finally they covered his head with it and put some plant called ‘Al-Idhkhir’ to cover his feet.'' May God be pleased with him, and bless him."
	"imgUrl": "",
	"imgUrl": "",
    "name": "The Comedy Chronicles: Chronicles of Chuckles",
    "name": "Bilal the Great African Muslim",
	"author": "Anonymous",
	"score": "2.13",
	"review": "107.3",
	"view": "2.7",
    "desc": "   In the whimsical realm of Giggleton, humor reigned supreme, and laughter was the magical essence that bound the kingdom together. In this land of perpetual cheer, there was a book of legends called 'The Comedy Chronicles,' which held the most amusing and enchanting stories ever told. Among its many tales was the most treasured saga of all - 'The Chronicles of Chuckles.' At the heart of this story was a young jester named Chuckles. He was no ordinary jester; he had an uncanny ability to make anyone laugh, even in the gloomiest of times. His contagious laughter could lift the heaviest spirits and heal the sorrows of the soul. Chuckles lived in the royal palace of Giggleton, where King Merrymore and Queen Giggles ruled with kindness and joy. The kingdom's jubilant atmosphere, however, was at risk when a wicked sorceress named Grumella cast a spell on the land. The spell drained the kingdom of its laughter, leaving the people somber and desolate. Chuckles, the once cheerful jester, felt a profound sorrow in his heart. He couldn't bear to see the people of Giggleton devoid of their laughter and happiness. With determination in his eyes, Chuckles decided to embark on a quest to find the mythical artifact known as the 'Tears of Tickleberry.' Legend had it that these magical tears, collected from the rare Tickleberry tree, held the power to break any curse and restore laughter to any heart. Armed with his jester's cap and a few trusty jesting tools, Chuckles set out on his adventure, hoping to find the Tears of Tickleberry before Grumella's curse became irreversible. \n \n   Chuckles's journey took him through enchanted forests, bubbling brooks, and mystical caves. Along the way, he met peculiar creatures who tested his wit and humor, challenging him to make them laugh despite their initial grumpiness. With his clever jests and witty retorts, Chuckles succeeded in bringing laughter to each encounter, earning new friends and allies on his quest. As Chuckles ventured deeper into the heart of the kingdom, he encountered increasingly difficult challenges set forth by Grumella to thwart his progress. But Chuckles's determination never wavered, and his optimism remained unyielding. Finally, after a series of trials, Chuckles reached the fabled Tickleberry tree, hidden atop the Giggle Peak. The tree's leaves shimmered with a golden hue, and the Tears of Tickleberry glistened like tiny diamonds. Chuckles collected the magical tears in a small vial and set out on his return journey to Giggleton. As he reentered the kingdom, Chuckles sensed a glimmer of hope. The land was not entirely lost to sorrow; the people's laughter, though faint, still echoed in the streets. Fuelled by determination, Chuckles arrived at the palace, where King Merrymore and Queen Giggles awaited with bated breath. \n \n   With the Tears of Tickleberry in hand, Chuckles performed his most extraordinary jests, drawing on every ounce of humor he possessed. His laughter was contagious, and soon the palace erupted with mirth. The spell of Grumella began to crumble, and the people of Giggleton felt joy rushing back into their hearts. The combined laughter of the kingdom proved too powerful for Grumella's curse to withstand. As the laughter grew, the sorceress's wicked magic dissipated, leaving the kingdom free once again. In gratitude, King Merrymore and Queen Giggles bestowed upon Chuckles the title of 'Master Jester' and declared an annual celebration in his honor - 'The Chuckles Comedy Festival.' From that day on, the kingdom of Giggleton thrived as the land of laughter, and Chuckles's legacy lived on through generations as the heartwarming tale of 'The Chronicles of Chuckles' graced the pages of 'The Comedy Chronicles' for all to enjoy and cherish forever."
    "desc": "   Bilal is very lovingly remembered by all Muslims of the world as one of the earliest great African Muslim. He was born in a village in a mountainous place in Western Arabia. Bilal's father was called Rebah and his mother was known as Hamama. They had come to Arabia as slaves from Ethiopia. The father and mother were slaves of Ummayya bin Khalaf, a rich man from the tribe of Quraish. Bilal was therefore born in slavery and served as a housekeeper. His master Ummayya bin Khalaf was not a Muslim. When Bilal was about the age of 40, it was the time when Prophet Muhammad started teaching the new religion of Islam, Bilal was attracted by the teaching of Prophet Muhammad. He accepted the religion of Islam and became a Muslim. When Ummayya bin Khalaf and his family went to worship idols, Bilal would pray to Allah as taught by Islam. In the early days of Islam the tribe of Quraish who were strong and many and lived in and around Makkah, disliked Islam. They also disliked Prophet Muhammad and his new teachings. If any person accepted the new religion, they oppressed and harassed him. \n \n   One day Ummayya bin Khalaf came to know of Bilal's secret prayers. He called Bilal and asked,\n'Oh Bilal, do you worship and bow down to the God of Muhammad?' Bilal was not afraid. He replied,\n''Yes Master, I do worship Allah, the only God.''\n The reply angered Ummayya greatly. He began to torture Bilal. He was tied with ropes and made to lie on the burning hot desert sand at mid-noon. He was then asked to forget the God of Islam and worship the 'great' idols known as LAT and UZZA. But Bilal was strong in his new belief. He refused to worship idols and kept crying \n''AHAD-AHAD'', meaning ''One God, One God.'' \nThe tortures continued and were increased. Hot iron rod were stamped on his pained body. Yet Bilal would not yield. On one hot day Bilal lay on the burning hot sand tied to the ground. A very heavy stone was placed over his chest. Bilal could no longer bear the heat and the load so great. He had also grown weak. In that tied condition even water was denied to him. In the condition he lay and lost his senses. As the day neared its end, it became cooler; he regained his conscious (senses). He found that the heavy stone was no more on his chest. He wondered who had come to free him from pain. His heavy eyes slowly opened only to look at the bright smiling face of Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad had heard of and seen the torture of Bilal. It pained him extremely to learn that a true believer should suffer in such a manner. He also felt pity for the poor man He told Abu Bakr to purchase Bilal from Ummayya and set him free. This was done. In similar ways the Prophet had many slaves set free. He insisted that slaves be treated fairly and kindly. By his own conduct he also set such examples. \n \n   When Bilal first came before the Holy Prophet, he praised the Holy Prophet in two poetic lines of his native language. The Prophet asked Hassan bin Thabit to translate it in Arabic. He translated it in words which means: \n''When in the world, the virtues are described, thou art mentioned as the model of virtues in our midst.'' \nAmong the slaves from Africa, Bilal was the first to accept Islam. He had a strong faith in Allah and a great love for the Prophet. He had a pure character. Soon he earned high respect of the Prophet and other great Muslims of the time. The Prophet liked Bilal's sweet voice and made him the first Muazzin -The Caller To The Prayers. All through his life Bilal remained a close companion of Prophet Muhammad and was with him at every occasion. When the Prophet died he was very saddened. Thereafter all his life he looked grieved and very solemn. He had gone to Madina when the Prophet had migrated. After the death of the Prophet he did not feel happy to stay in Madina. He sadly discontinued giving 'adhan' and migrated to Damascus, Syria. He died there after about eight (or ten) years. His grave is still existing in the famous Muslim graveyard in Damascus. People still go to his grave to pay respect and salute him."
	"imgUrl": "",
    "name": "Muhammad al Fatih, The Conqueror of Constantinople",
	"author": "Anonymous",
	"score": "2.13",
	"review": "107.3",
	"view": "2.7",
    "desc": "   Muhammad al Fatih was born on the 27th of Rajab, year 835 H or 30th of March, 1432 AD in the city of Erdine, the capital of Uthmani kingdom at that time. He was the son of Sultan Murad II, the sixth king of the Uthmani kingdom. Sultan Murad II had a great concern for his son’s education. He forged his beloved child to be a great and tough leader later in his life. His concern was proven by how the little Muhammad had finished his memorization of the 30 parts of the Qur’an, learned hadith, comprehended the science of jurisprudence, studied mathematic, astronomy, and war strategy in his young age. Beside that, Muhammad also learned many kind of languages, such as Arabic, Persian, Latin, and Greek. No wonder that at the age of 21, Muhammad was very fluent in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, Latin and Greek. \n \n   Even though he was still very young, Muhammad’s father, Sultan Murad II, had trusted him to rule a region with the guidance of some scholars. His father did that to make his son realize faster that he would carry massive responsibility later. Guidance of the scholars were hoped to be a compass to direct his son’s mind, so that it always goes in line with the correct understanding of Islam. The first step Sultan Muhammad took was to realize his ambition to create strategic military and foreign policies. He renewed pact and agreement that was made with neighboring countries and his military allies. Rearrangement of those agreements were aimed to deprive the influence of Roman Byzantium kingdom in the neighboring countries of Uthmani kingdom, both in politic and military fields. \n \n   Sultan Muhammad II also prepared more than 4 million soldiers that will besiege the Constantinople from land. During the besiege of Byzantium fortress, many of the Uthmani soldiers were dead due to the strong defense of that fortress. The besiege took place for no less than 50 days, and it truly tested the patience of the Uthmani soldiers, drained out their power, mind, and logistic. The strong defense of this great Roman empire had been seen from beginning, Before the enemy reached their fortress, Byzantium had built fence on their sea front using metal chains that stretched across the Gold Horn Peninsula. It was impossible to touch the Byzantium fortress except by passing trough those chains. \n \n   Finally, Sultan Mahmud found an idea which he thought was the only way to go through that fence. His idea resembled what the Princes of Kiev, who attacked Byzantium on the 10th century, did. The Princes of Kiev withdrew their ship out of the Bosphorus strait, encircled Galata, and relaunched it on the Golden Horn. Unfortunately, their soldiers were still suffering defeat from the Romans of Byzantium. Sultan Muhammad did the same, but in smarter way. He took his 70 ships with him across Galata to the estuary after they oiled the logs. It was done in a very short time, less than one night. At the morning, the people of Byzantium were dead shocked, since they didn’t think that Sultan Muhammad and his troops could get their ships through land. In their belief,mTo take across 70 ships through land which was still covered with large trees and cut down its trees in one night was impossible, but that exactly what happened. A fierce battle was unavoidable, and the untouchable fortress – the symbol of Byzantium’s power – was finally attacked by soldiers who were fearless of death. Finally, that great, 11 centuries-aged emporium, fell to the hands of the muslims. That great battle resulted in 265.000 casualties from the muslim soldiers. On the 20th of Jumadil Awal, year 857 H, coincided with 29th of May, 1453AD, Sultan al Ghazi Muhammad managed to enter the Constantinople. Since then, he was famous with the name Sultan Muhammad al Fatih, the Conqueror of Constantinople. \n \n   When he entered the Constantinople, Sultan Muhammad al Fatih dismounted from his horse and prostrated as the sign of his gratitude to Allah. After that, he marched to the church Hagia Sophia and ordered his people to change it into mosque. Constantinople was made as a capital, the center of Uthmani government and its name was changed into Islambul, which means 'Islamic country', then it underwent some changes into Istanbul. Beside famous as a skilled general in war, who managed to expand the power of Uthmani kingdom more than other sultans, Muhammad al Fatih was also known as a poet. He created a diwan, a collection of his poetries. Sultan Muhammad also built more than 300 mosques, 57 schools, and 59 bathing places in various regions of Uthmani territory. His most well-known legacy was the mosque of Sultan Muhammad II and Jami’ Abu Ayyub al-Anshari. \n \n   On the month of Rabiul Awwal, year 886 H or 1481 AD, Sultan Muhammad al Fatih went out of Istanbul to fight in Allah’s Cause, while actually he was unwell. In the middle of his journey, his illness worsened. A physician was brought to cure him, but no physician nor drugs could benefit him anymore, and he died amidst his soldiers on Thursday, 4th of Rabiul Awwal, year 886 H or 3rd of May, 1481 AD. At that time, Sultan Muhammad was 52 years old, and had ruled for 31 years. Some said that Sultan Muhammad al Fatih died because he was poisoned by his private doctor, Ya’qub Basya. And Allah knows best. There is no valid evidence that indicate where did Sultan Muhammad II intended to lead his soldiers. Some said that he was heading to Italy to conquer Rome, but some others said that he aimed for France or Spain. Before his death, Muhammad al Fatih willed to his son and successor to his throne, Sultan Bayazid II, to always be close with the scholars, be fair, and not being fooled by wealth, and seriously maintain his religious commitment for himself, his people, and his kingdom. \n \nMay Allah reward you for your merits, O Sultan Muhammad al Fatih…"
	"imgUrl": "",
    "name": "Sword of God: The story of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid",
	"author": "Anonymous",
	"score": "2.13",
	"review": "107.3",
	"view": "2.7",
    "desc": "   Khalid’s first military expedition under the Muslim banner was at Mu’ta (modern-day Jordan). The Muslim army, expecting to engage Byzantine-affiliated Arab tribesmen, instead encountered the Byzantine army proper. Outnumbered and outmaneuvered by the well-trained Roman forces, the Muslim army was on the verge of defeat. One Muslim commander after another was killed. Formations were breaking up. Foot soldiers were beginning to flee. At that point, Khalid assumed command. Grasping the desperation of the situation, he took desperate measures. First, he launched a lightning strike against the Roman flanks, disrupting their charge, and momentarily draining their momentum. Then he ordered his archers, positioned at high ground, to stop the Byzantines from advancing. The strategy was effective as the Romans retreated and camped just outside of the archers’ range for the night. Knowing that he had merely bought some time and that the enemy forces would soon resume their attack, Khalid broke his army into small groups, placed them at different points, and ordered them to arrive at the Muslim camp at different times during the day. This created the illusion that more and more Muslim reinforcements were arriving. This caused the Byzantine army to panic and retreat. \n \n   The 18,000 strong Muslim army met an equally strong Persian army in modern-day Kuwait for the first time where Khalid’s light infantry wore out the heavily armored Persian infantry before launching a decisive attack. This was followed by a quick succession of Muslim victories at Mazar, Walaja, and Ullais which helped the Muslims establish a stronghold in Mesopotamia. Khalid fought his last battle in Mesopotamia at Firaz against 60,000 soldiers of the combined Persian and Roman army. The Persian-Roman army had to cross the Euphrates to get to the Muslim forces and as soon as they did so, Khalid used his light infantry to flank the enemy, capture control of the bridge, and envelop the enemy forces into a pincer movement. The Muslims emerged victorious at Firaz and thus, the conquest of Mesopotamia was complete. \n \n   While legend of Khalid’s military brilliance grew in Mesopotamia, he would not stay there for long as he was ordered by Abu-Bakr, the caliph, to march to Byzantine occupied Syria. According to Islamic historians, Abu Bakr had invaded Syria with four armies with a combined strength of 28,000 men but failed to capture important urban centres because of the large concentration of the Byzantine armies. Khalid took 9,000 men with him to aid the Muslim forces already posted in Syria and on his way defeated the Byzantine forces at Ajnadayn (near modern-day Israel) and Fahl. The remnants of the Byzantine forces retreated to Damascus, where the combined Muslim army laid siege in August 635. Each of the five commanders were put in charge of a gate to the city. As popular narrative dictates, Khalid got news that the Byzantines were celebrating the birth of a nobleman’s son and used this opportunity to breach the Eastern gate and kill the guards. Another Muslim contingent entered through the Western gate after peacefully negotiating a surrender agreement. In September, Damascus surrendered, and the Muslim empire expanded into Syria. Khalid’s greatest victory against the Byzantine empire came at Yarmouk in 636 AD (under the second caliph, Umar). By now Khalid had established himself as the greatest commander in Islamic history and an unrivaled tactician so perhaps it comes as no surprise that the Muslim army under Khalid was able to deflect attacks from a much larger Byzantine host. John Walter Jandora, in his book, Militarism in Arab Society, assesses that the Battle of Yarmouk was one of the most important battles of World History as it led to subsequent Muslim conquests between the Pyrenees and Central Asia. Moreover, Khalid was the first Arabian military leader to meet the Persian and Roman superpowers head-on and be victorious in all conflicts. His conquests served as a blueprint for future conquests by the second caliph, Umar. \n \n   However, in 638, soon after his victory at Yarmouk, Umar relieved Khalid from his position as the supreme commander of the Muslim armies because of his failure to coordinate his actions with the leadership in Madinah. Some sources state that Umar was uneasy with Khalid’s legendary reputation among Muslim armies and feared that they would start looking up to him instead of God for help during battles. Umar’s concerns were not baseless as Khalid was the only one to be given the title of 'Sword of God' by Muhammad himself. It was because of Khalid defying Abu-Bakr’s orders and marching into Iraq that the Persian-Roman stronghold in the East was weakened which resulted in the first expansion of the Islamic state outside of Arabia. Khalid Ibn Al-Walid died in 642 was buried in Homs, Syria, his final resting place commemorating his 50 major victories."
	"imgUrl": "",
    "name": "The Story of Abul Basyar (Prophet Noah)",
	"author": "Anonymous",
	"score": "2.13",
	"review": "107.3",
	"view": "2.7",
    "desc": "   The Muslims were left stranded following the death of Prophet Idris. Since, no other man from amongst them was chosen as a Prophet, people began to look to the pious companions of Idris for guidance. They respected and followed these righteous men and consulted them every time they were faced with a problem. Eventually, as time passed by, the pious men also had passed away leaving the Muslims again with no leader for guidance. They feared and were worried that they would stray from the path of Allah. Satan who watched on with shrewd eyes, approached the wailing men and women, disguised as a man, whispered in to their ears: ''If we make statues of these righteous men, it will be more pleasing to us in our worship and will remind us of them.'' The men agreed as they perceived no harm in erecting statues of their most pious men, that would surely help them remember Allah and encourage them to do good. Satan had successfully planted his corrupt seed. He was patient for he knew that getting man to worship another was a slow process. When that generation had passed and the new generation of people had forgotten the intention behind the erecting of statues, Satan whispered into the ears of the men: ''Your forefathers used to worship these idols. These statues brought them goodness.'' Thus, idolatry took root in the hearts of man. \n \n   Centuries passed, and Allah decided to send a Prophet to guide the idolaters back to the truth. The prophet chosen for this sacred task was Nuh (Noah). Allah blessed his loyal disciple with eloquent speech and immense patience so that he may carry out his duty with success. So Prophet Nuh began to preach to his people about the mysteries of the vast universe—he informed them about the night and the day, the stars and the moon, the plants and animals, and the heavens and the earth. He explained to them that man was created by Allah to glorify and worship Him. Nuh then told them about the oneness of Allah—that the mysteries of the world were only proof of the existence of one true God and that is none other than Allah the Most High. He explained to them that Satan had misled them into worshiping idols and warned them of a terrible punishment from Allah if they continued their idol worship. \n \n   The People of Prophet Nuh listened to him with great confusion and patience. The most miserable and desperate amongst Nuh’s people began to find hope and solace in the Prophet’s words and gradually entered into the fold of Islam, whilst the affluent watched on with rage. They said to Nuh: ''We see you but a man like ourselves''. Prophet Nuh explained to them that he was certainly a human being and Allah had specifically chosen a human messenger as the earth was predominantly occupied by humans after all. And if the earth was occupied by angels, Allah would have surely sent an angelic messenger to convey his message. \n \n   One day, the wealthy masters of the city approached Prophet Nuh and said to him: ''Listen Nuh, if you want us to believe in you, then dismiss your believers. They are meek and poor, while we are elite and rich; no faith can include us both.'' Nuh was well-aware of the ignorance of the wealthy men. He knew that he had to remain calm in order to explain to them that materialistic possessions were worthless in the sight of Allah and it was what is within one’s heart that really mattered to Him. Prophet Nuh replied to them: ''O my people! I ask for no wealth for it, my reward is from none but Allah. I am not going to drive away those who have believed. Surely, they are going to meet their Lord, but I see that you are ignorant people. O my people! Who will help me against Allah, if I drove them away? Will you not then give a thought? And I do not say to you that with me are the Treasures of Allah nor that I know the unseen, nor do I say that I am an angel, and I do not say of those whom your eyes look down upon that Allah will not bestow any good on them. Allah knows what is in their inner selves. In that case, I should, indeed be one of the wrongdoers.'' \n \n   The idolaters were furious. They had tolerated Nuh’s incessant preaching and arguments for far too long. They angrily challenged Nuh: ''O Nuh! You have disputed with us and have prolonged the dispute with us, now bring upon us what you threaten us with, if you are of the truthful.'' Nuh replied: ''Only Allah will bring the punishment on you, if He wills, and then you will not be able to escape. And my advice will not profit you, even if I wish to give you counsel, if Allah’s Will is to keep you astray. He is your Lord! And to Him you shall return.'' The disbelievers, who had lost all patience with Nuh, resorted to hurl insults at the Messenger of Allah in attempt to frighten him from preaching the religion of Islam. They said: ''Verily, we see you in plain error''. Nuh patiently replied: ''O my people! There is no error in me, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds! I convey unto you the Messages of my Lord and give sincere advice to you. And I know from Allah what you know not.'' \n \n   Despite the continuous mockery and rejection, Prophet Nuh was persistent in calling his people to Islam for nine hundred and fifty years. But every generation that came to existence rejected Nuh as their fathers did. Each child that reached an age of understanding was clearly warned against the teachings of Prophet Nuh. Whenever the Prophet approached them they ran away from him. They found every excuse to escape from the presence of Nuh. Before long, Prophet Nuh realized that the number of disbelievers were rapidly on the rise, whilst the number of believers remained unchanged. He was very upset for his people and feared a terrible predicament for them, but he was left with no choice. \n \n   So Prophet Nuh prayed to Allah: ''My Lord! They have disobeyed me, and followed one whose wealth and children give them no increase but only loss. They have plotted a mighty plot. They have said: ''you shall not leave your gods, nor shall you leave Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth, Ya’uq, nor Nasr (names of the idols)''. Indeed they have led many astray. O Allah! Grant no increase to the disbelievers.'' \n \n   Allah soon revealed to Prophet Nuh that no other man from his people would enter Islam thereafter. Sad and frustrated, Prophet Nuh replied to Allah: ''My Lord! Leave not one of the disbelievers on the earth. If you leave them, they will mislead Your slaves and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers.'' Prophet Nuh’s prayer was accepted by his Lord. He instructed Prophet Nuh: ''And construct the ark under Our Eyes and with Our Inspiration and address Me not on behalf of those who did wrong.'' Outside the city limits, away from the sea, Prophet Nuh began to build the ark through day and night with the support and guidance of the Angels. The construction of the ark continued amidst the constant mockery of the people. They jeered at Prophet Nuh saying: ''O Nuh! Does carpentry appeal to you more than prophethood? Why are you building an ark so far from the sea? Are you going to drag it to the water or is the wind going to carry it for you?'' Prophet Nuh answered: ''You will come to know who will be put to shame and suffering.'' \n \n   Allah then instructed to Nuh that when the oven at his home begins to gush forth water, collect the believers and board the ark for it was the first sign of the beginning of the floods that would destroy the disbelievers. Not long after, the terrible day dawned as water began gushing forth from the oven at Prophet Nuh’s house. Nuh knew it was time to board the ark. Along with the believers, Nuh also took with him pairs of animals, birds and insects. The people who witnessed Nuh’s peculiar behaviour laughed at him again saying: ''Nuh must have gone out of his head! What is he going to do with the animals?'' Soon after, heavy rains began to pour down from the angry skies and water began to rise through every crack on earth. The water levels gradually began to rise and the oceans conquered the land. The once dry land was now completely submerged in water for the first time. Prophet Nuh witnessed the terrible calamity that had befallen his people. He knew the disbelievers had no escape from the wrath of Allah. Amongst the disbelievers was Prophet Nuh’s wife and son who refused to board his ark. Nuh desperately called out to his son: ''O my son! Embark with us and be not among the disbelievers.'' The ignorant son of Nuh replied, ''I will get to the mountain; it will save me from the water.'' Nuh answered: ''This day there is no saviour from the Decree of Allah except him on whom He has mercy.'' Before long, Nuh’s son was engulfed by angry waves never to be seen again. \n \n   When every single disbeliever had perished, Allah ordered the skies and the earth: ''O Earth! Swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold your rain.''  The skies immediately cleared and the sun shone brightly on the land. Meanwhile, Nuh’s ark peacefully landed on Mount Judi. Allah instructed His Prophet: ''O Nuh! Come down (from the ship) with peace from Us and blessings on you and on the people who are with you.'' As instructed, Prophet Nuh along with the believers got off the ark, releasing the rescued animals, birds and insects across the green land. Prophet Nuh, placed his forehead on the ground, prostrated to his Lord and thanked Him immensely for His mercy and blessings. The believers were grateful to Allah for safeguarding them from the terrible ordeal and observed a day of fasting as an act of gratitude to Allah."
	"imgUrl": "",
    "name": "Uwais Al-Qarni: A Simple Man Honored By The Prophet",
	"author": "Anonymous",
	"score": "2.13",
	"review": "107.3",
	"view": "2.7",
    "desc": "   During the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, a man named Uwais al-Qarni was living in Yemen. He embraced Islam at the hands of some of Prophet Muhammad’s companions. However, he is not considered to be a companion, rather, he is considered to be among the next generation, or those who came after. The companions of Prophet Muhammad and those who came after him are known as the best generations. They are the Muslims who learned their Islam at the feet of Prophet Muhammad or his companions. In a well-known tradition, Prophet Muhammad said, ''The best of my nation is my generation, then those who follow them, and then those who follow them.'' We know a great deal about the companions, we read their biographies, ponder their devotion and religious zeal, and marvel at their exploits, but with a few exceptions we learn very little about the tabi’een. Their stories are often just as enthralling even though some of them, like Uwais al-Qarni, never met, listened to, or saw Prophet Muhammad. Uwais al-Qarni proves to us that even if someone is not from the companions of Prophet Muhammad, yet he or she can have immense love for God and His Prophet. \n \n   Uwais earned the praise of Prophet Muhammad and one of the greatest companions, Umar ibn al-Khattab. Prophet Muhammad once said there are some people from this nation who are disheveled, lack money, and social status, but if they take an oath by God, God will surely honor that oath. There are many fables and unsubstantiated tales linked to Uwais al-Qarni, however, there are also some authenticated stories that boost our faith and make us want to behave more like this simple man of relatively low social status. Uwais grew up in Yemen, and when he was very young his father died. He therefore had to take care of his mother. He also had leprosy. Uwais with a devoted heart and sincere supplications asked God to cure him. God healed him and left just a coin-sized piece of disfigured skin on his shoulder. Every time Uwais looked at this small patch, he was reminded of God’s favor to him. Uwais continued to look after his mother, and unfortunately, she went blind, becoming even more dependent on her son. At the time the Muslims came to Yemen, Uwais was taught a very important lesson. One very dark night Uwais and his mother did not have any lights in the house, and it was difficult for them to do their evening chores. Uwais could not see but his mother, being used to the dark, helped her son to get around the house. Soon after, Uwais met the ambassadors from Prophet Muhammad and listened to them reciting the Quran. The verse that touched his heart was from the chapter The Light. \n \n   Uwais accepted Islam there and then. Uwais and the Prophet never met because Uwais stayed in Yemen taking care of his mother. Despite this, Prophet Muhammad mentioned Uwais to a group of his companions. Prophet Muhammad told his companions that there is man who will come to you from Yemen. He comes from Murad and the tribe of Qaran. The Prophet went on to tell them about the leprosy and finished the description of Uwais saying, ''and he has a mother, he treats her extremely well, and is obedient to her.''  He then said, if Uwais al-Qarni takes an oath by God, God will surely honor that oath. If you meet him, ask him to seek forgiveness for you. Umar ibn al-Khattab never forgot this advice, and when he became the leader of the Muslims, every year he would go out to meet those coming from Yemen for the pilgrimage. \n \nUmar would ask, ''Is Uwais al-Qarni among you?'' This continued for ten years. Finally, the people from Yemen said yes and pointed him out to Umar. Umar went straight to Uwais to determine if he was the man Prophet Muhammad described. \n \nHe asked, ''Are you Uwais al-Qarni?'' \n \nHe said, ''Yes.'' \n \nUmar continued, ''From Murad and the tribe of Qaran?'' \n \nHe said, ''Yes.'' \n \nUmar then asked, ''Were you once afflicted with leprosy and your skin healed except for an area on your shoulder the size of a coin?'' \n \nUwais said, ''Yes.'' \n \nUmar finally asked, ''Do you have a mother that you respect, honor, and take care of?'' \n \nHe said, ''Yes.'' \n \n   Umar then explained that Prophet Muhammad advised him to ask Uwais to seek forgiveness from God for him (Umar). Uwais was taken aback; he pointed out to Umar that he was a companion of the Prophet and the leader of the Muslims. You should ask God to forgive me, Uwais insisted. However, Umar was not deterred, and Uwais supplicated that God forgive the sins of Umar ibn al-Khattab. Umar was pleased and wanted to help Uwais in some way. After the pilgrimage, Uwais was traveling to Kufa in Iraq. Umar offered to write an introduction letter to the governor of Iraq, but Uwais refused his offer preferring to remain anonymous among the believers. He was a simple man with simple needs. He did though have a request for Umar. He asked Umar not to tell people about his unique link to Prophet Muhammad in case they might disrupt his pilgrimage. There are many traditions and stories about Uwais; many have not been authenticated, but all of them highlight his humbleness and simple living."
	"imgUrl": "",
    "name": "Nashih Al-Hadits : Imam Asy - Syafi'i",
	"author": "Anonymous",
	"score": "2.13",
	"review": "107.3",
	"view": "2.7",
    "desc": "   Imam al-Shafi'i, full name Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i, was a prominent Islamic scholar and the founder of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence. He was born in Gaza, Palestine, in the year 767 CE (150 AH). His upbringing was marked by a strong emphasis on education and the memorization of the Quran. At a young age, he displayed remarkable intelligence and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. From a young age, al-Shafi'i displayed an exceptional aptitude for learning and memorization. He quickly gained proficiency in the recitation of the Quran and absorbed knowledge from his surroundings. Recognizing his potential, his family supported his education and sent him to study under scholars in his hometown. \n \n   In pursuit of higher learning, al-Shafi'i embarked on a journey to Mecca, the heart of Islamic scholarship. It was in Mecca that he had the privilege of studying under the guidance of the renowned scholar Imam Malik ibn Anas, the founder of the Maliki school of jurisprudence. Under Imam Malik's mentorship, al-Shafi'i delved deeply into the study of Islamic jurisprudence and other disciplines. He engaged in rigorous debates and discussions with his fellow students, honing his critical thinking and analytical skills. During this time, al-Shafi'i became greatly influenced by Imam Malik's methodology, which emphasized the importance of the Hadith as a primary source of legal guidance. As al-Shafi'i continued his studies and reflections, he began to formulate his own unique approach to Islamic jurisprudence. His methodology focused on integrating the Quran and the Hadith as the primary sources for deriving legal rulings. He also introduced the concept of ''Qiyas'', which involves reasoning by analogy to address contemporary issues in the absence of specific textual guidance. After completing his studies in Mecca, al-Shafi'i embarked on a series of travels across the Islamic world to further enrich his understanding and disseminate his ideas. His journeys took him to various regions, including Egypt, Iraq, and Yemen. During his travels, he engaged in scholarly debates with other prominent scholars, refining his legal methodology and clarifying his positions. Al-Shafi'i's reputation as a brilliant scholar and jurist grew as he taught and shared his ideas with students and scholars alike. He wrote extensively on Islamic jurisprudence, producing works like ''al-Risala'' and ''Kitab al-Umm'', which became foundational texts for the Shafi'i school of thought. His teachings and methodology attracted a substantial following, leading to the establishment and spread of the Shafi'i school. \n \n   Imam al-Shafi'i's educational travels were instrumental in shaping the landscape of Islamic jurisprudence. His emphasis on the Quran, the Hadith, and rational deduction left an indelible mark on the methodology of deriving legal rulings. The Shafi'i school, with its structured approach and emphasis on balancing textual sources and analogical reasoning, continues to influence the understanding and practice of Islamic law to this day."