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Coelea Acanth is a tall, buxom violet-blood. She lets her slightly oversized fins show by keeping her thick, curly hair short. She wears a V-necked top, showing off a bit of her cleavage (but not much of it), as well as her belly button. Over this, she wears a blazer with her symbol, a lavender trident, with lavender embroidery on the cuffs. She wears a boating hat, and a pair of rather nice slacks, with lavender embroidery matching the embroidery on her cuffs. Her shoes are a pair of boating shoes, with which she wears no socks.
Coelea Acanth is a tall, buxom violet-blood. She lets her slightly oversized fins show by keeping her thick, curly hair short. She wears a V-necked top, showing off a bit of her cleavage (but not much of it), as well as her belly button. Over this, she wears a blazer with her symbol, a lavender trident, with lavender embroidery on the cuffs. She wears a boating hat, and a pair of rather nice slacks, with lavender embroidery matching the embroidery on her cuffs. Her shoes are a pair of boating shoes, with which she wears no socks. Her horns move back, like a greaser's hair, but they're mostly hidden under her hat.