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Alisa Bosconovitch
Up+B: Boot - Alisa looks upwards, leans back, and her thrusters sprout from her back. They fire, launching her upwards a set distance, and leaving a puff of bright blue fire where she was when the move started. The fire puff lingers for several seconds, and will deal minor damage and flinch enemies who touch it. Alisa has good horizontal control while moving upwards during this move, and gains good height. Causes helplessness.
Up+B: Boot - Alisa looks upwards, leans back, and her thrusters sprout from her back. They fire, launching her upwards a set distance, and leaving a small puff of bright blue fire where she was when the move started. The fire puff lingers for several seconds, and will deal minor damage and flinch enemies who touch it. Alisa has good horizontal control while moving upwards during this move, and gains good height. Causes helplessness.
Up+B (during Boot): Dual Boot - Alisa fires her thrusters again, creating another puff of blue flame wherever she is, and gaining the same amount of height as in Boot. She also engages a small thruster under one of her ankles to do a rising axe kick, while spinning. This has low range, but deals good knockback and hits all around her. Alisa has little horizontal control while moving upwards during this move. Causes helplessness.
 Up+B (during Boot): Dual Boot - Alisa fires her thrusters again, creating another puff of blue flame wherever she is, and gaining the 
Neutral B: Clockwork - 
 same amount of height as in Boot. She also engages a small thruster under one of her ankles to do a rising axe kick, while spinning. 
Side+B: Hertz Blade - Alisa braces her upper arms against her torso, and thrusts her forearms forward. A chainsaw emerges from each wrist, and she'll hold her arms in this position for a moment, dealing damage and flinch to enemies touching the saws. These saws will remain active until Alisa either dies, or deactivates them with Clock Setting or Spam Bomb. While active, all of Alisa's punching attacks deal extra knockback and have extra reach, but are slower and damage is split among multiple hits, making it harder to rack up lots of %.
 This has low range, but deals good knockback and hits all around her. Alisa has little horizontal control while moving upwards during 
Side+B (during Hertz Blade): Thruster Drill - Alisa dives forward, spinning, with both saws pointing forward. The saws deal good damage across multiple hits, and pull enemies with Alisa. The move ends with her pushing her arms out to either side, which does a final hit that has solid knockback.
 this move. Causes helplessness.
Side+B (while saws are active): Clock Setting - Alisa waves her arms and her saws retract.
Neutral B: Clockwork - Alisa raises her hands so they face backwards over her head, and does a rising axe kick with her rear leg, catching the foot with her hands. The axe kick has good reach, does modest damage and low knockback. From this pose, she transitions into a catchfoot camel spin (google it, it's a figure skating thing), and she will maintain that spin for several seconds, during which she can move left and right, and her air descent will be slowed. This can be canceled by pressing jump or shield.
 Up+B (while spinning): Clockwork Spring - Alisa raises her other foot into the hands over her hand, so that she is hovering in the 
Down+B (during Spam Bomb): Logic Bomb - Alisa will drop her head downwards, and kick it forwards like a soccer ball once it reaches her feet. The head acts as a pretty standard projectile, goes forward at a fast pace, and will explode upon hitting anything. This deals the same damage as Spam Bomb, and the same strength of knockback, but instead of upwards, knocks the enemy away. This move cannot be done once Alisa has entered the 'putting head back on' animation of Spam Bomb. Note that the moment this move starts, the head loses its counterattack properties from Spam Bomb.
 air, and spins faster for a moment. This holds her in place (even making her immune to gravity the first time it's used in a given 
 jump) and turns her entire body into a hitbox that does weak multiple attacks, and comes out very quickly. After this ends, she'll return to a standing or falling 
 Neutral/Side/Down+B (while spinning): Clockwork Dropkick - Alisa turns her entire body so that she is parallel to the ground, and 
 maintains the momentum from her spin. She does two rotations like this, dealing modest damage and good knockback to any enemy who 
 touches either side of her. Alisa can be moved left or right a set distance between the two rotations. She will then return to a standing/falling position.
Side+B: Hertz Blade - Alisa braces her upper arms against her torso, and thrusts her forearms forward. A chainsaw emerges from each wrist, and she'll hold her arms in this position for a moment, dealing damage and flinch to enemies touching the saws. These saws will remain active until Alisa either dies, or deactivates them with Clock Setting or Spam Bomb. While active, all of Alisa's punching attacks deal extra knockback and have extra reach, but are slower and damage is split among multiple hits, making it harder to rack up lots of %. Picking up an item or using a grab will retract the saws.
 Side+B (during Hertz Blade): Thruster Drill - Alisa dives forward, spinning, with both saws pointing forward. The saws deal good 
 damage across multiple hits, and pull enemies with Alisa. The move ends with her pushing her arms out to either side, which does a 
 final hit that has solid knockback.
 Side+B (while saws are active): Clock Setting - Alisa waves her arms and her saws retract.
Down+B: Spam Bomb - Alisa removes her head and holds it out in front of her, smiling warmly. If she is attacked from the front while the head is out, she'll take no damage, and the head will explode, dealing a small amount of damage to the enemy, and popping them up. If the head touches an enemy who is shielding, they will find themselves holding it, and panic for a moment, before it explodes, dealing the same damage and knockback as above. This move has quick start-up, but if it misses, Alisa has to screw her head back on, which leaves her vulnerable for a short moment. Enemies who are holding Alisa's head cannot move or take any action, but are invincible until it explodes; Alisa can move and act freely while this is happening. If Alisa's head explodes, a silhouette in the shape of her head, made of team-color light, will appear on her neck, and a new head will miraculously be there a second later. Note that unlike most counters, Spam Bomb is not affected by the strength of the attack that hits it. This move retracts Alisa's saws if they are active.
 Down+B (during Spam Bomb): Logic Bomb - Alisa will drop her head downwards, and kick it forwards like a soccer ball once it reaches 
 her feet. The head acts as a pretty standard projectile, goes forward at a fast pace, and will explode upon hitting anything. This 
 deals the same damage as Spam Bomb, and the same strength of knockback, but instead of upwards, knocks the enemy away. This move 
 cannot be done once Alisa has entered the 'putting head back on' animation of Spam Bomb. Note that the moment this move starts, the 
 head loses its counterattack properties from Spam Bomb.
Final Smash: Factory Reset - Alisa's thrusters emerge from her back, and her chainsaws emerge from her hands. She boosts forward a set distance, throwing a series of punches as she goes. If this hits anyone, the action stops, and at the end of her distance, she'll do a flip kick upwards (which moves her upwards above the enemy), before firing both arms - saws still out - downwards like rockets. Alisa will then hover in place as the arms beneath her fly all around, attacking the effected enemies from numerous angles, before taking opposite positions on the left and right, and flying into each other at a high speed, exploding. This does good damage and flings the enemies in the direction Alisa was facing when she started the move. Her arms reappear in the same way her head does after using Logic or Spam Bomb.
Alisa is a poking and punishing character who is nimble and hard to approach, but can have a hard time getting the enemy off her once the distance is closed. A well played Alisa forces her opponents to play the game at the speed and distance she desires, while a poorly played one will quickly get overwhelmed at melee range, or out-zoned by someone with better projectiles. Her big weaknesses are that most of her attacks have narrow hitboxes, and she has to play reactively to be most effective. Boot is designed as an escape move, but can also be used to control space with the lingering fire attacks; Dual Boot does the same while deterring approach. Clockwork can be helpful for her recovery, but is really focused on altering her hurtbox and shutting down reckless approaches - plus the initial backwards attack deters flanking. Her saws allow her to focus even more on poking and out-ranging enemies, but also increases the risks and penalties she faces for whiffing an attack. Finally, Spam Bomb, when used well, forces enemies who successfully get close to not attack her the same way they would any other long or mid-range character - and even comes with a projectile for enemies who try to bait the counter by waiting just outside of melee range; of course, when used poorly, either move will do little more than leave Alisa a sitting duck.
Alisa's unique system of stances and sub-attacks is based on how things work in her home series, Tekken. In Tekken, virtually every character has multiple stances they can enter, and long movesets, so you can do wildly different attacks by, as examples, pressing a button at different points during a jump, or by pressing a direction and a button vs *holding* that same direction and that same button, among other things. Specials-in-specials is how I've chosen to represent that idea in Smash Bros.