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Hola! It's SUNDAY NIGHT 11/11/2012 
Here is another opportunity to win 1 BITCION:
PROTIP: relate it to bitcoin to confuse the teacher 
Length: 1 page length = 1 bitcoin (sources on seperate page)
Your asignment is to post a mystery. You can present your mystery any way you wish.  You can describe the mystery.  You can provide different theories which explain the mystery.  You can provide the explanation you believe is best.  I have posted two examples in the blog.  Here is a secret, you can make what you are interested in into a mystery - everything that involves human creativity and ingenuity is a mystery.
Tip:  I learned the hard way that it can be difficult to edit a blog after it is posted.  Create, edit, and save your blog as a "draft."  Do not click the "post" button until you have it in its final form and you have proofread it.  Proofreading is important because it can mean as much as a 10 point difference in a score.
Be sure to cite (name) the sources of your information at the end of your presentation.