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Life was good as far as Starlight Glimmer was concerned. She had just gotten done with a soothing shower after coming back to their beachside hut after a nice romantic dinner. The night couldn’t have gone any better. 
“Oh Gliiiiim.” Came an all too familiar and alluring voice. Peaking her head out the bathroom door, Glimmer had expected to see one of many things, except what she got. Her wife, The Great and Powerful Trixie as most knew her, was sprawled out on their king-size bed, as bare as the day she was born. But it wasn’t her chest that had Starlight captivated, in fact she couldn’t even see it. No, the center of her attention was her wife’s enormous blue belly.
11 months ago, the two of them had decided it was time to try and have kids. Trixie elected to be the one to bear their children while Starlight Glimmer would be the one to put them in there. One gender-bender spell later and a night of passion that’d make even the gods jealous, the groundwork was set. Not long after, Trixie confirmed she was pregnant, but slowly they began to realize something was off. Only a few months in and the magician look almost half way due with one foal. A trip to the doctor and the truth was revealed. Trixie was pregnant, not with one, two, or even three foals, but seven. Stralight was nothing short of shocked, but Trixie meanwhile, was absolutely beaming. Her womb had managed to achieve that high a baby count without the assistance of any fertility magic or potion, something she was quick to rub in the face of her “friendly rival” Twilight Sparkle. 
Dipping back into her more showboat-y days, she’d insist people call her the “Great and Fertile Trixie.” Wearing clothes just a bit too small so they’d be nice a snug over her growing middle. She was going to enjoy every waking minute of her pregnancy and the world was going to see it! She tried her best to continue her magic show, but towards the end of her pregnancy, having seven healthy sized foals dogpiled inside her began to take their toll. And so Glimmer made a suggestion, a vacation! The two could enjoy the last few weeks of her pregnancy in the comfort of a beachside house. The last few days had gone without a hitch. But Trixie was sure to make sure she got the full experience while she was here.
“Eager to call it a night soooo soon?” Trixie fake whined, sticking out her lower lip.
“You haven’t tended to your physical goddess tonight!” She declared beckoning her lover over. She was right, and Glimmer was going to fix that post haste! Discarding her towel, she pounced, landing between Trixie’s spread legs, nose almost touching her bare nethers.
“You are huge!” She declared, looked at her. That blue underbelly was almost towering before her! The azure skin visible through the fur stretched thin, slowly rising and falling with each breath. Slowly raising her hands, they came to rest on the grand orb, prompting a jiggle as Trixie giggled on the other side. With little to no give, it was almost a solid mass moving as one, warm dome of life! Life they had made, together. There no doubt, Trixie was due sometime soon. So, they were going to have to savor this night!  With reckless abandon she raised up and clasped the side of that great blue dome, nuzzling her wife’s underbelly with her face. 
“That’s more like it!” Trixie giggled, sprawling out on her back, closing her eyes, and soaking up all the attention. Glimmer was busy exploring her belly with her face, her cheek occasionally brushing over a bump or two caused by the foals within. Slowly she started kissing the glorious swell, light pecks across the sides. She stopped for a moment however, when she saw a small bulge ripple across the side of Trixie’s belly before settling, though still prominent. With a smile, she leaned in and kissed the spot, her sleeping foal within. That kiss was just enough stimulation to wake her sleeping progeny proper, whose first reaction was to stretch their limbs, the outline of its arm and leg visible for a moment through the blue skin. But in a belly filled to the brim with seven healthy sized foals, it was impossible for one to move inside without bumping one or more of its siblings. Another awoke, reflexively kicking, which in turn woke another! Soon, Trixie’s belly was alive with bulges and ripples as her unborn herd thrashing in an attempt to resettle themselves.
“You sneaking thing! You woke them up!” Trixie accused! 
“What’s the matter, my Great and Fertile Trixie? I thought you wanted attention!” Starlight said coyly, rubbing a bump that rose by her hand
“Mm, yes! But Trixie wasn’t expecting this!” She whined, pinned under her own quivering belly. She was completely at her wife’s mercy. Glimmer’s head went back down and found the start of the line that went up the middle of Trixie’s belly. Sticking out her tongue, the pink pony let it touch the base of the blue belly. Slowly, that tongue began to slowly ascend that blue lumpy sphere with the darkened line as its guide. Trixie’s breath hitched in her throat, grasping the sheets, and arching her back, and by extension her belly a few inches off the bed. Soon her tongue was closing in on Trixie’s navel, a blue beacon against the strained skin. 
“W-wait! Wait! Not there! I’m too sensitive there!” Trixie almost cried, her whole belly quivering in anticipation.
“Sensitive huh?” Glimmer asked, her eyes peaking over the big blue dome to look at her wife. Those big violet eyes looked on, almost worriedly as Glimmer looked down at the jutting nub in question. In a brief test to see just how sensitive it really was, Starlight blew some air on it. Trixie immediately let out a squeal, her entire body and belly quaking a second before settling again.
“See!?” Trixie cried.
“Alright alright, I’ll leave it be.” Trixie said. For now anyway, she thought.
“In that case, I’ll have to move on to the next best thing!” Glimmer said, resting her chin on the top of the blue pony’s belly, the giant belly’s pressure so high it barely indented from the added weight resting on top of it.
“What would that be?” Trixie asked tilting her head.
“These!” And with that declaration, Glimmer’s hands shot around jumbo belly, and cupped Trixie’s breasts. Ever since the start of the pregnancy, they had slowly gone from a generous size to swollen balloons. Now overly engorged, the slight pressure Glimmer placed on them was enough to cause them to begin leaking.
“So much milk! Our children won’t go hungry.” She declared, aiming on of the nipples down and giving it a squeeze, prompting another squeal from Trixie. A stream of milk shot out with the force of a spray bottle and landed right in Starlight’s mouth. There was a pause as she stopped to assess the taste. Thick and sweet.
“Yep, definitely won’t go hungry.” Trixie meanwhile was going into hysterics.
“Sore! Sore! Sore!” She squealed.
“Well in that case, if that’s too much…” Glimmer started, leaning off the big blue ball of babies
“I just have to settle for this!” And with that, Starlight took a finger and gingerly started tickling the top of Trixie belly button. The reaction was near instant as Trixie tried to shoot up, but once again was pinned under the combination of her overcrowded belly and her wife on top of her. She was at Glimmer’s mercy, and the once Great and Powerful wasn’t above begging.
“Stopstopstopstop!” She whined, flailing her arms and legs like a flipped over turtle.
“Sorry, can’t.” Glimmer said with fake solemnness before her grin betrayed her. “My Goddess said she needed tending to, and I’m going to make sure she gets it!” She said before full on nuzzling the jutting nub. Who knew a thing like this could be so much fun to toy with she thought. Well, for her anyway, Trixie was still trying to escape her own self-induced restraint, though accomplishing little more than shaking her belly beneath and further rousing their children who proceeded to voice their displeasure by delivering kicks and nudges across the great blue expanse. 
“Now, if just touching it causes this kinda reaction, let’s see what happens when I take it a step further!” 
“Glimmy!” Trixie pleaded. “Nonono-AAAAH!” She cried as Starlight suddenly licked the blue clump. Once again, Trixie arched her back hard, sending her belly into Glimmer’s face. But she was ready for it as she suddenly encompassed her entire mouth over it, sucking on it. With her back locked by the sensory shock she was receiving, all Trixie could do was put a deathgrip on the sheets as she let out a medley of grunts and moans. And now for the finishing move, Glimmer thought. She latched on Trixie’s navel, teeth lightly grazing it. The blue pony’s cries suddenly became screams as her body was being thrown into a sensory overload. In that moment, a few things happened all at once. Trixie suddenly arched her back, slamming her belly into Glimmer’s face as it twitched and undulated before she finally collapsed back on the bed. But not before something damp hit Glimmer’s knee.
“Wait, what? Oh no! Was that your water!?” Starlight said, starting to go into a panic. Trixie groggily looked up and her behind her belly.
“Wha? Oh, no. That was…a bit of an orgasm.” She said sheepishly 
“Orgasm?” Glimmer parroted, slack jawed. She knew Trixie was sensitive there, but she didn’t think it was THAT sensitive. 
“You...served your goddess.” Trixie panted. “Now she needs some…sleep.” She said before slumping back on her pillow. Starlight just shook her head as she switched off the lights and crawled under the sheets beside her already snoring wife. And before long, she was out too. But if she had been up just a few seconds longer, she might have noticed an errant twitch across the expanse of Trixie’s belly…
The next day was shaping up to be a nice day on the beach. The sun was out, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. And just to add icing on the cake, she was sipping her favorite mixed drink (non-alcoholic of course) while Starlight rubbed sunscreen into her belly. 
The next day was shaping up to be a nice day on the beach. The sun was out, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. And just to add icing on the cake, she was sipping her favorite mixed drink (non-alcoholic of course) while Starlight rubbed sunscreen into her belly.
“Annnnd, done!” Glimmer declared, taking her hands off Trixie’s big belly. “Anything else I can get you?”
“Hmm…” Trixie pondered, starting to take another of her drink before noticing that it was empty already.
“Can I get a refill?”
“Already? You’ve gone through five of those.”
“Pwease?” Trixie said, sporting her best puppy face
“Fine, fine. Gotta make a fresh batch so it might take a minute.” She said, taking the glass.
“It’s all good.” Trixie said as she folded arms behind her head and shut her eyes. If she was gonna wait, might as well take a nap. Yep, life was good. Well, minus the occasional cramp, damn gas…
She wasn’t sure how long she had been out, maybe a few minutes, maybe half an hour; she couldn’t tell for sure. Regardless, she was jolted awake by a sensation from her tummy. Someone must have kicked hard to wake her like that, she was still sore for a moment even after a bit. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she noted a distinct change that wasn’t there earlier. Her bikini top was damp. But it wasn’t water. Occasionally a bubble or two would bleed through the fabric. It was milk! It was no mystery that she was full term, but this made it official. 
She wasn’t sure how long she had been out, maybe a few minutes, maybe half an hour; she couldn’t tell for sure. Regardless, she was jolted awake by a sensation from her tummy. Someone must have kicked hard to wake her like that, she was still sore for a moment even after a bit. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she noted a distinct change that wasn’t there earlier. Her bikini top was damp. But it wasn’t water. Occasionally a bubble or two would bleed through the fabric. It was milk! It was no mystery that she was full term, but this made it official.
“Guess we might be meeting you guys sooner than I thought.” She said happily, rubbing the side of her belly. And then, her belly clenched, hard. Her already encumbering belly felt like it had just turned into a rock! Trixie gasped for air. That wasn’t a kick earlier, and that wasn’t gas she was feeling all day. It was a contraction! She had been in labor all day and she hadn’t even realized it!
“Ok, don’t panic!” she muttered to herself. “I still have time! Just gotta get back to the beachhouse!” she tried to reassure herself as she clumsily dragged herself out of her chair and onto her feet. She waddled as fast as she could for the beachhouse. In reality it wasn’t far, but in her state it felt like it was a mile away. Finally, she saw the rear walkway
“Almost there, almost-HNG!” She stopped and clutched her engorged abdomen as an even stronger contraction hit her. Then, her eyes shot open as something wet splashed the inside of her legs. Looking down only confirmed her fears. Her water had broken. She was running out of time. Whimpering, she continued up the sandy way. And then, her heart rose a bit when she saw Startlight coming down the walkway with a pitcher in her hand.
“Oh hey!” Glimmer called out. “I got the- are you alright?” She said as her tone turned to concern
Glimmer was on her in an instant, dropping the already forgotten pitcher and helping her laboring wife up the steps. In no time they were inside the comfort of their beach house, but they babies weren’t going to wait as another contraction struck just as they stepped inside. Poor Trixie had to brace herself against the wall to keep from falling over. She could feel something pressing hard against the passage between her legs. 
Glimmer was on her in an instant, dropping the already forgotten pitcher and helping her laboring wife up the steps. In no time they were inside the comfort of their beach house, but they babies weren’t going to wait as another contraction struck just as they stepped inside. Poor Trixie had to brace herself against the wall to keep from falling over. She could feel something pressing hard against the passage between her legs.
“Can you make it to the bedroom?” Startlight asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Trixie could only shake her head no.
“They’re-they’re not waiting. They’re-“ She cried out again, grabbing her belly as she squatted down onto the floor. 
“They’re-they’re not waiting. They’re-“ She cried out again, grabbing her belly as she squatted down onto the floor.
“Hang on! Let me get a towel!” Glimmer said as she raced into the master bathroom and rushed back with the named fabric in hand. Setting it on the floor, she was back at Trixie’s side. 
“Hang on! Let me get a towel!” Glimmer said as she raced into the master bathroom and rushed back with the named fabric in hand. Setting it on the floor, she was back at Trixie’s side.
“You’re going to need to take your panties off.” Glimmer said flatly. Giving a tentative nod, Trixie grabbed the purple bikini bottom and pulled it down as low as she could before her belly blocked her at which point, she wiggled her legs until they dropped to her feet.
“Take my hands.” She said as she carefully helped her wife back onto her feet. However, they had only managed to step on top of the towel for a few moments before Trixie screamed right in her poor wife’s ears. The poor blue pony grabbed onto her for dear life and buried her head into Starlight’s shoulder, her belly hardening up to the point even Glimmer could feel it.
“It hurts!” Trixie sobbed. “It hurts so much!” 
“It hurts!” Trixie sobbed. “It hurts so much!”
“I know, sweetie. Just breathe and hold onto me. When you feel the urge to push, do it.”
Trixie’s eyes were glued shut, but she still gave a weak nod. She panted hard for a few minutes, her belly rising and falling against Starlight’s own. Then after a brief moment of peace, Trixie dug her hands into Glimmer’s shoulders and started to whimper.
“Push, sweetie! Push!” Starlight coached. Trixie’s legs bent a bit as she started to push. Slowly but surely, something was making its descent. With an unladly like grunt, her entrance bulged as a head began to bear down against the other side. Her leg muscles tensed as she doubled her efforts. The lips parted for a moment. Neither could see down there, but Trixie could feel it.
“It’s…It’s coming!” She cried out, prompting Glimmer to shoot her hands down under her wife’s heaving belly. And there it was, their child’s head. For a brief moment, Starlight was dumbstruck as her fingers slowly traced over her child’s face. She was snapped back to reality however when her wife cried out as the child began to make its exit.
And with a splash, everything went quiet. Glimmer carefully brought her hands up from under the belly, and held up a squirming, wailing foal.
“It’s a girl!”
With shaking hands, Trixie took her newborn daughter in her hands and help her to her bosom. Her legs slowly gave as she slumped against the wall and onto the floor
“H-hello, you beautiful thing” she whispered to the lilac filly. 
“H-hello, you beautiful thing” she whispered to the lilac filly.
For a few minutes, mother and child silently bonded while Starlight looked on beaming. Until, Trixie winced as her belly visibly clenched beneath her. She looked up at Glimmer
“One down” She started
“Six more to go.” Startlight finished as she carefully took their daughter. Their mother was going to be busy a while longer.
An hour passed. Trixie, with a now deflated stomach was still sprawled out on the living room floor. Right across from her was Glimmer, setting their fourth and last daughter along with her other six siblings in the crib she had dragged in. In total, the Great and Fertile Trixie had managed to deliver three boy and four girls, all healthy despite having to share a rather cramped womb. With the last one placed, Glimmer was back at her wife’s side. 
An hour passed. Trixie, with a now deflated stomach was still sprawled out on the living room floor. Right across from her was Glimmer, setting their fourth and last daughter along with her other six siblings in the crib she had dragged in. In total, the Great and Fertile Trixie had managed to deliver three boy and four girls, all healthy despite having to share a rather cramped womb. With the last one placed, Glimmer was back at her wife’s side.
“How are you feeling?”
“Tried, thirsty, feels like my pelvis got split in half….” She wearily looked up, spotting the crib with her slumbering children, and smiled
“And I couldn’t be happier right now.”