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**Item #:** SCP-%
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:** Full containment of SCP-% will consist of completely erasing SCP-% from popular memory. All forms of media and communications that feature SCP-% must be identified and confiscated or destroyed. At least 99.5% of civilians with knowledge of SCP-% must be located and amnesticized.
SCP-% is currently uncontained. Full containment is projected to occur in 15-20 years.
**Description:** SCP-% is the fictional character "Donkey Kong", originally developed by Nintendo Co. for the 1981 arcade game //Donkey Kong//. SCP-% is depicted as an anthropomorphic gorilla with a peaked hairstyle and red necktie labeled "DK". Prior to its development of anomalous properties, SCP-% was featured in dozens of video games, which collectively sold over 200 million copies, as well as several animated cartoons and a wide variety of fan-created content.
All visual depictions of SCP-% show it as a corpse. This applies to both pre-existing depictions and ones created after SCP-% became anomalous. In every case, SCP-% will appear lifeless and unmoving, with no apparent injuries or signs of decay. Attempts to communicate with or reanimate SCP-% using in-universe mechanics (such as mediumship or necromancy) will also fail.
All visual depictions of SCP-% show it as a corpse. This applies to both pre-existing depictions and ones created after SCP-% became anomalous. In every case, SCP-% will appear lifeless and unmoving, with no apparent injuries or signs of decay. Attempts to communicate with or reanimate SCP-% using in-universe methods (such as ghosts or necromancy) will also fail, with SCP-% either nonresponsive, unable to be reanimated, or remaining inanimate even as a ghost.
Media featuring SCP-% will remain largely unchanged. The plot and other characters will proceed as though SCP-% were still alive, even if this would introduce plot holes or otherwise impossible events. If these events would disturb SCP-%'s corpse, it will respond in a realistic fashion.[[footnote]]For example, if a story begins with SCP-% hanging from a tree, its corpse will fall to the ground below.[[/footnote]]
Interactive media featuring SCP-% are often inoperable, as SCP-% does not respond to player inputs. Games in which SCP-% is a non-player character may experience glitches when SCP-% fails to act properly. SCP-% is commonly treated as a defeated enemy when encountered, which can result in the corpse being thrown off-screen and/or the player receiving a standard reward.
**History:** SCP-% first began developing anomalous properties on April 13, 2020, when Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players noted that SCP-% had acquired a new idle animation wherein it loosened its necktie. As news of this development spread online, players of other Donkey Kong games reported similar behavior.
The Foundation became aware of SCP-%'s new anomalous properties the following day, and attempted to work with Nintendo to investigate the phenomenon; however, Nintendo refused to cooperate with the Foundation in any investigations and made no public statements regarding SCP-%'s behavior.
Beginning April 21st, all mobile depictions of SCP-% (including games, animation, etc.) began to exhibit similar tie-loosening behavior, as well as slightly decreased strength, speed, aiming ability, and speech capacity. SCP-% would attempt to loosen its necktie as much as once every three seconds, though it would return to its default state immediately afterward. SCP-% otherwise acted normally, and neither it nor other characters openly acknowledged these changes, even as they worsened in severity.
On April 24th, mainstream news outlets began to report on SCP-%'s unusual behavior, which had previously been scrutinized primarily on social media and in games journalism outlets. All Nintendo representatives declined to comment on SCP-%, and ceased posting on social media accounts associated with the company.
On April 27th, at 8:45 AM UST, SCP-% began to appear agitated, clawing at its necktie in an attempt to remove or destroy the garment. It would attempt to get the attention of other characters, who universally ignored its unusual behavior; notably, it produced no vocalizations during this timeframe. At 8:49 AM, SCP-% collapsed, and died within twenty minutes. Past this point, SCP-% displayed all anomalous properties mentioned in the Description.
On April 28th, Nintendo of America tweeted "Donkey Kong has died of natural causes." The company has offered no other public or private commentary on SCP-% except to reiterate this statement.