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PO Developer:
This badge is given out to people who help to program the Pokemon Online simulator or users who made significant programs easing use of the simulator. In order to get this badge, one should have good knowledge of various computer or online programs and should help out in various development related tasks in the Developer Den section of the forums.
This badge is given out to people who have made important scripts for the Pokemon Online server. In order to get this badge one should have knowledge of javascripts and be willing to help out around the Scripts section of the server.
Game Tester:
This badge is given to people who have tested the simulator's battle mechanics against the actual cartridge games. To get this badge, one should be active in the Bugs and Fixes section of the forum and test the in-battle bugs.
Data Tester:
This badge is given to users who have gathered, formatted, or verified the data for the use of the Pokemon Online simulator. In order to get this badge, users should be actively reporting and correcting database error on the server and supplying correct and valid data for the use of the simulator.
This badge is given to users who have made art and graphics for the use of the simulator or sites.. In order to get this badge users should produce very good themes for the Pokemon Online Simulator, or good art for the Site. Users should be active in the Arts and Graphics section of the forum and produce popular themes for the Simulator.
Bug Catcher:
This badge is given to users who have found Bugs in the Pokemon Online Simulator. In order to get this badge, users should report errors in the Bugs and Fixes part of the forum. Confirming Bugs also help to get the badge.
This badge is given to users who have found Bugs in the Pokemon Online Simulator. In order to get this badge, users should report errors in the Bugs and Fixes part of the forum. Confirming Bugs can also help to get the badge.
Project Leader:
This badge is given to major contributors to the Pokemon Online Wiki. This badge is given after major contributions to the wiki, including making major articles, templates, and other items on the wiki. Users should be active on both the PO Wiki section of the forums and the Wiki itself.
This badge is given to the leaders of various aspects of Pokemon Online, whether it be Forum Tournaments, Server Mafia, the PO Wiki, Pokemon Online's Academy, Server Mafia, Pokemon Online's YouTube channel, or Server Tournaments. This means of achieving this badge vary depending on the project, but being a well-respected member on both the server and forums is a requirement. Suggesting new projects is often helpful to this cause.
This badge is given to major contributors and leaders of important Pokemon Online projects. In order to get this badge, users should be active across the forums and contribute to various things around the forum.
Wiki Contributor:
This badge is given to major contributors to the Pokemon Online Wiki. This badge is given after a user major contributions to the wiki, including making multiple major articles, templates, and other items on the wiki. Users should be active on both the PO Wiki section of the forums and the Wiki itself. Generally, these members are also staff on the Wiki.
This badge is given to all Quality Control members. In order to join the QC team, users should be knowledgeable in the Metagame that they plan to Quality Control check. The users should be active in the PO Wiki section of the forums, posting analyses and other articles.
Wiki Editor:
This badge is given to the leaders of Pokemon Online tiers. Tier leaders must be knowledgeable of their respective tiers; they must active on both the server and forum. 
Users who write various analyses, articles, or make helpful and contributing edits are given this badge. Users who wish to get this badge should be active on the wiki, helping out whenever possible, and contributing in the Quality Control section of the forum. Fixing grammar or spelling errors and joining the Grammar Patrol team are also good ways to contribute towards this badge.
This badge is given to the leaders of Pokemon Online tiers. Tier leaders must be knowledgeable of their respective tiers; they must active on both the server and forum. Posting the the respective tiering suspect threads and showing insight and intelligence goes a long way toward becoming a tier leader.
This badge is given to tutors of the Pokemon Online Academy. Tutors are experienced players of the tier in which they choose to tutor. Tutors should be active across the server and forum and must maintain good behavior and respect among the community.
Server Moderator:
Server Staff:
This badge is given to the Moderators of the Pokemon Online Server. Moderators are expected to be active on the server and to be well behaved. Moderator status is given via merit and activity on the server.
This badge is given to the Moderators, Admins, and Owners of the Pokemon Online Server. Moderators are expected to be active on the server and to be well behaved. Moderator status is given via merit and activity on the server.
Server Administrator:
Forum Staff:
This badge is given to Server Administrators. Server Administrators are promoted Moderators who have shown maturity and fairness.
This badge is given to Moderators of the various Sub-forums of Pokemon Online. Forum Moderators are leaders of their forums and are in-charge of maintenance and moderation them. Generally only good and active posters  who are respected across the staff are considered for Moderator status.
Server Owners:
YouTube Staff:
*Someone else should write this since we have almost no guidelines as to what makes an Owner other than Moogle saying yes*
Mafia Staff:
Other Awards are given for winning official Pokemon Online Tournaments. Each month the top three winners of Pokemon Online Server Tournaments (in the #tournaments channel) are given a Gold, Silver, or Bronze medal respectively.
Trivia Staff:
This badge is given to the staff of the Pokemon Online server's trivia. These users are in-charge of reviewing questions for the Trivia channel. Trivia staff are pick via submitting good questions to the trivia channel, and good behavior and interest in the Trivia Channel.
Tournaments Staff:
This badge is given to the staff of the Pokemon Online server Tournaments channel. Theses users are in charge of keeping the tours running, filling the queue, and helping with any issues. These users are picked via activity and good behavior in the Tournaments channel.
Other Awards are given for winning official Pokemon Online Tournaments. Each month the top three winners of Pokemon Online Server Tournaments (in the #tournaments channel) are given a Gold, Silver, or Bronze medal respectively.
All of the Gym leaders and Elite 4 of the Pokemon Online League all have a badge as well.