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So uhhh....I guess since I'm living in this...whatever place I'm in I should start taking notes on stuff I see!
I met a talking rubber duck today, he called himself Dukkon, Propogator of Bubbles. It's the first time i've talked to someone outside of questions in a while so it was quite a breather talking to him. They confiscated him after I filled up the sink and put him in it. I was sad for a moment but he reappeared in my sink soon afterwards. He told me to grab him from underwater and when I did it made the water turn all bubbly like in a bubble bath or something. Anyways this is my first entry so I might as well stop here till something else happens.
I met a talking rubber duck today, he called himself Dukkon, Propagator of Bubbles. It's the first time i've talked to someone outside of questions in a while so it was quite a breather talking to him. They confiscated him after I filled up the sink and put him in it. I was sad for a moment but he reappeared in my sink soon afterwards. He told me to grab him from underwater and when I did it made the water turn all bubbly like in a bubble bath or something. Anyways this is my first entry so I might as well stop here till something else happens.