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WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgame$! FAQ 
WarioWare: Twisted! FAQ 
Q: What are you playing on, it is emulator?
Q: What are you playing on?
A: No, I play on a Gamecube through a Gameboy Player using a Gameboy SP as a controller.
A: I'm playing with DS Capture. Since this game uses gyro controls, using Gameboy Player would be difficult, so opt for DS in this instance
Q: What is with all the resetting?
A: The resetting is the save time in the menus by skipping cutscenes. Basically every time you beat a boss, you reset to go back to the menu faster. Then enter the game, and reset again the skip the "loading" cutscene where it updates that you just beat a boss. Enter a new level, then reset again to skip the cutscene that level has, then go back in and actually start the level.
A: The resetting is the save time in the menus by skipping cutscenes. Basically every time you beat a boss, you reset to go back to the menu faster. Then enter a new level, then reset again to skip the cutscene that level has, then go back in and actually start the level.
Q: So how do you go fast in this game?
Q: So how do you go fast in this game? Do you need to go fast in the mini-games?
A: As mentioned above, menuing plays a part. In terms of the actual gameplay, the minigames don't have an effect whether you win or lose, you still have to wait for the timer to run out. However the bosses all have some element of execution to them, and a fair few have RNG elements to them as well. So going fast on them is key.
A: Unlike in the first Warioware, there are 2 stages in this one where how fast you go in the mini-games themselves counts a lot, as there is no timer on these mini-games, so it ends when you clear them. Those are, Wario and WarioWatch, so those two levels are the ones with the most variance, and where you have to play well.
There's also another element of luck that plays a part in the Jimmy 3 stage, as his secondary stages are mashup stages of the stages before them, so what minigames you get can determine how fast they finish. Orbulon minigames take way, way longer than any other stage, so getting a lesser amount of those on Jimmy 3 saves a lot of time
As mentioned above, menuing plays a part. In terms of the actual gameplay, bosses also don't have a fixed timer, so most have some element of execution to them, and a fair few have RNG elements to them as well. So going fast on them is also key.
Q: What's the luck on the bosses?
Another important element in going fast is to make sure the game doesn't "calibrate" after doing a reset. In order to do this you must keep the console -incredibly- still, even the slightest movement will cause it to calibrate. It's actually very hard to get no calibrations throughout the run, even when trying to be as still as possible
A: For all 3 Jimmy bosses, how long the pause is before he throws another punch is random (These are the biggest ones). For 9-Volt, whether you get fast or slow pitches is random. For Orbulon, whether you get answers that have no cursor movement or not is random. For Wario, where you get the boulders to attack is random.
Q: What is WR?
Q: What is WR? And why does any% end before the final split?
A: | See: Splits
Basically, the category "All Stages" involves doing everything in any% and the 4 stages after it (Easy, Thrilling, Hard, All Bosses). It's far less optimised/competitive though, I just figure I may as well do runs for that whenever I finish an any% run.
Q: What is your goal time?
A: To improve at all.
The any% one is the one I'm really going for, need another 2 seconds which may not seem like a lot, but it'll take a very good run to get those 2 seconds. 
I've already got the best All Stages time, but I want a deathless run of that, which would be under 41 minutes.
Q: What's with the white flashes?
A: That's my cable coming loose. Given I have to move the DS itself a lot in the run, it's likely that at times the cable will come loose. This is most likely to happen obviously at times where I'm moving it quite violently, the most notable being on Jimmy's Boss where I literally throw the DS (seriously)
Q: What is with those split icons? What does A and C mean?
Q: What is with those split icons? What does A and B mean?
A: This is a grading system for all of my splits. I'm sure you are familiar with grades, A+ being the best then going down from there. So the idea is, if the split has an A+ next to it, my time there was really good and would be very difficult to beat. If it's a C though for example, it was quite poor, and I should be able to save time there pretty easily.
This way, everyone watching has more accurate information on where I can save time, and where I should be making up time. Also that all time loss is not equal, as losing time vs an A+ split isn't really that bad, whereas losing time vs a C split is really bad. It'll probably take a while for a lot of people watching to pick up the meaning so I will appreciate everyone who explains how this works (correctly) in chat to new people.