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Key: ShadeXe0n
Name: Plum Villari
Name: Levina Seibel
Race: Human
Race: Soul Warrior
Age: 26
Age: 17
Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Applying For: Visored Mask
Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Applying For: Transformation Quirk: Power Mode
Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Previously Applied For: N/A
Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge: Roleplay purposes of character going down a use your 'inner demon' path from her being chosen to receive Hollow energy. Negative emotions after the loss of a close person to her drives her further down this path as she wishes for revenge.
Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge: Providing some sort of buff to use in combat, especially with a tournament coming up every bit of power counts.
The purple haired Human watches as the evolved Hollow struggles in its battle with the Bount, Michael. She looks on with the rest of the group as they clash and trade blows, some kind of spirit being used to keep the white beast at bay. In the end, the hollow, Ralkivoy, was slain just like the rest of them. However, in its dying breath, Ralkivoy looks over to Plum with an evil grin- in that moment, she felt her body freeze and her toes become numb. This numb feeling quickly spreads up her body until the only thing she was able to feel was her head, she did not want to alarm the others so she kept quiet while this weird feeling took over her entire nervous system. Once the Hollow's soul was finally sucked away by the Bount, Plum returned to normal and let out a sigh in relief. It seems that these aggressive Hollows will no longer bug the town, for now- but what was that weird feeling that she was going through? It felt like gravity multiplied and she could no longer feel her body at all. The Human shakes her head and disregards this as she continued to do her best to aid the others and grow stronger.
Not even her Bravery was enough... Levina fell to the hands of the enraged Karou just like everyone else. The Human was the first to get knocked out of the fight which was quite embarrassing, she had all of this fire within to protect others and her bravery did not allow her to back down from a fight that she started- yet she did not have the power to back it up. Tatsumi had something special about him, a power that he could always rely on in combat- his Quirk. While she may also have a 'quirk' that is her 'SOUL', this was mostly based on her emotions and she could not train it to be even better. Perhaps along with her bravery, she could also physically get stronger. With a sigh, the now meditating girl grips onto her gloves with a determined look in her eyes before getting up and getting to work.
"One... Two... Three..." The cycle of punches repeat as the female had her sights focused on the black punching bag infront of her. The tournament that the Lizard person started is in two years of time and she needed to work just as hard as everyone else. While she did shelter a Saiyan, she can't leave Tatsumi to do all of the protecting around the world. Maybe, just maybe, she too could help represent this 'Symbol of Peace'. The punches kept going as she had her sight set upon the bag, picturing it was Karou going berserk once more with her killing intent. A snarl can be heard from the Human as she continues her beatdown on the substitute, feeling her leather-covered fists making impact with each strike. Her blows were good, but they needed to be stronger, her attacks didn't make a dent in the Mobian's defense and she needed to improve in her power.
Anger... Hate... Anguish... Unbridled Rage...
Levina thinks back to everything leading up to this point, how she was outcasted by the King of Monsters but also taken in by Tatsumi and eventually becoming friends with him. She went into hiding but now with dangerous monsters such as Ryloth coming around along with Karou's more chaotic side- she needed to be able to defend others. Now these 'Saiyans' are on the planet and this 'Arcosian' apparently wants to make a game that puts the Earth on the line. The girl feels a tinge of anger begin to swell up inside, why couldn't everything be peaceful? Why do things have to turn out this way?
She was in tears and punching the interior wall of her home, her right fist colored red and bruised from the abuse. Plum lets out a angered scream before repeating the same motion, slamming her fist into the surface once more before letting out a pained grunt. "Kalla... I need you back..." She mumbled under her breath, still mourning the lost of her loved one. Slowly, she collapses and slumps to the ground while breathing heavily and sniffling through the tears. Soon enough, she felt a dormant energy begin to rise within her but she was so troubled at the moment that she didn't care. The energy was feeding off of her negative emotions and it suddenly came to life once again after being dormant for a few years.
"I need... To kill HIM and avenge you." The female states, growing more angry from thinking about the one who brought the killing blow upon her future husband. This thought was more food towards this energy, making it spike and evolve even further. She begins to get the numb feeling in her body once more while kneeling on the floor of her home. "I just have to... KILL!" This was followed by a distorted laughter, her voice changing to a deeper pitch- it wasn't her voice.
Her body instinctively continued punching and she felt her arms begin to heat up. Without even thinking, she put more force behind her punches one-by-one. The punching bag received blow after blow and she couldn't stop herself, her arms felt like they were on fire. Her muscles began to grow, getting bigger- The female grew slightly in side as she got more built, rushing the bag with consecutive punches. "I. Will. Get. Stronger!" Levina shouts before ending the flurry with an uppercut, a snapping sound can be heard as the punching bag is sent off of its restraints and into the air. She pants heavily as it soon makes contact with the ground, looking at her arms to see them bulging with muscles- some sort of muscle enhancement? This was her 'Power Mode' it allowed her to increase the size of her muscles to become stronger than before.
"Michael... I have to kill Michael." Her thoughts were being swayed, Michael wasn't the one who killed Kallabash but it was Escanor. Plum finally realizes that she was saying the wrong name, something was influencing her- her anguish awakened a spirit of vengeance within her. "I didn't say that." She mutters before looking around, a voice in her head replies, "Yes you did... We have to kill HIM right?" This causes her to quickly shake her head. "ESCANOR! Not Michael..." Soon, her vision fades to black.
This is that boost that she was looking for, something to aid her in a fight and help her to defend the Earth in this upcoming tournament. Steam begin to form from the surface of her skin as her muscles start to shrink, the girl getting smaller over time until she returns to her normal frame. Suddenly, an aching sensation can be felt in her muscles which causes her to wince in pain while holding onto her right bicept, "Owowow! I guess I have to get used to the form..." She mutters before letting out a sigh. With this special 'quirk' Levina will try her best to aid in uniting the nations, or maybe she will fall in to the wrong hands? Only the future will tell.