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Game Knowledge: (X / 10) // 10 being Tens level. 5 being average.
Game Knowledge: (6-7 / 10) // 10 being Tens level. 5 being average.
Average RP Rating: (X / 10) // Based on any prior application results.
Average RP Rating: (??? / 10) // Based on any prior application results.
Character Profile: // General summary of the character you want to make, including any backstory.
RP Application: // Topic: Pride
I intended to make a young character, probably Baby age since i was planning to co-ordinate my Rp with some other people. That being said, i won't be training/blasting/flying, etc. Until training age. (5?) The character i want to grow up to be is flexible, i will either be lawful nuetral-evil or lawful evil, someone who can make friends with people whom they get used to (comrades in arms?) while still generally being Negative or just downright mean to people i've met, or even my 'friends' if they don't meet my standards (in combat or otherwise.) So the idea is to be someone who can be quite a bitch, but also just mellow.
RP Application: // Topic: Pride
"Tomcat flight lead, you are clear for landing, strip one." came over the radio. I responded, "Copy that, what's for dinner today in the mess?" i spoke as i lowered speed, circling as i dropped my altitude. My wingman following in standard formation, fuel a bit low from the extended flight mission. We eventually made it down, rolling our planes expertly into their fueling stations as the flight crews brought us our ladders and hooked up the fuel lines to our jets. Like clockwork each of us opened our hatches and stood up, taking out helmets off as we  climb down the railed staircase on wheels with one hand. "How was your flight, sir?" one of them asks me as i grin, "As flawless as ever for the Tomcats, of course... No problem for three ACE pilots. I emphasized ACE. To strike it home that we were the best. Nobody on this airbase could outfight us in the sky, and we never missed a ground target during a run. We all headed for the mess, this was a mixed base, so we had our army guys and our air guys mixed in. Tough plucks, those army guys... always itching to get into it with us. It's like they think they're BETTER than us. We had our own sections, you see? the pilots and their crews always at on one side, and the army guys on the other side. Today though, as we got our food, and we sat down. Some fresh rookie privates thought they were hot stuff. They came and tried to sit down at our table, so i stood up, "What do you think you're doing? your table's over there private." I said to him. His response was a goofy grin... "Just thought i might sit with the 'great' captain of the tomcats." he said sarcastically... to which i frowned... and promptly punched him square in the jaw, straight on his ass with his tray landing on the floor. All was quiet after that...