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Key: Daquann1
Character: Wushei
Skill(or transformation): Sharingan T6
Skill(or transformation): Sharingan T7?!?
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): Well
Moment App/Defend Control Point
Moment app/ Final Battle
What is the moment:
Wushei and S.S.F are attempting to defend the control point back from Nirvana; it's the same group of people that killed Ajaxx and advanced on their home. He didn't plan on living empty handed, and considered this to be a grudge match; he'd be fighting against an odd witch who appeared to be a statue, and grew wings.
After saving Chla's life from Kushala; the special swordsmen was out for blood and approached Wushei looking to claim a body weather it be Chla's or Wushei. As Wushei prepared to engage in a lethal battle with him; he was whisked away to assist Chla with yet another major threat due to thier actions or better yet the actions of Chla.
He had been pushing himself to keep up with those around him, and push forward the goals of S.S.F though they couldn't advance without their control point. He let the hatred he felt from Ajaxx being maundered full of his desire to conquer and evict Nirvana from their land; this is the last time they'd attempt to oppose S.S.F
Tathagata came to there base of operations looking to kill them all, and with Kushala likely on his way it makes the threat of the situation much higher. They are likely fighting on a time limit, and if they manage to bring down Tathagata they'd end Nirvana  right here and now and retake their land from them.
The last time he faced off against Versoa he lost, but this was his time to make a comeback in the defense of the CP. The battle ended with Wushei being tossed around, and missing some of his best attacks, but it was do or die at this moment. 
Should they fail the S.S.F would likely be wiped out in one full swoop leaving the only survivor being Chla given his vampiric nature, but Wushei couldn't fully predict the outcome from the battle just yet..