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How many hours have you been on the server? (You must have a minimum of 50 hours)
Value: 87
Value: 110
What is your In-Game Name?
How old are you?
Value: 14
Value: 15
Between 1-5 Rate Your Tekkit Experience (1 being lowest, 5 being highest)
Value: 4
What Is Your Skype?
Following on from the previous question, explain your tekkit experience briefly.
I first started playing tekkit classic before even minecraft 1.3 came out on my brothers computer which was wayy back... 2 Years ago, i recieved my first computer (still using it today) and ever since then ive been playing modded (either usualy tekkit classic or computercraft server packs). Even though ive played it for over 2 years, i have not become bored of it as this modpack is quite fun. As at the moment im making a hv solar factory and its quite fun to do.
3 Years ago, i received my first computer and ever since then i've been playing modded (either usually tekkit classic or computercraft server packs). Even though i've played it for over 2 years, i have not become bored of it as this modpack is quite fun. At the time this was origionally made i was making a HV solar factory and it was quite fun to do :D Unfortunately the server reset before i finished it :I.
How would you reply if a player was being griefed?
If a player was being griefed. If i had the power to do it, i would atleast tempban them for 10 minutes to i can sort up the griefed place (or longer depending). If other staff were on, i would alert them quickly. In any case of grief i would screenshot it. Usualy when a player is griefing a base and a staff approaches them, they would stop as they know if the build more then they would just be providing more evidence. If i was a admin (or someone with permissions to use coreprotect) i would also roll back the area to before it was griefed aswell.
If a player was being griefed. If i had the power to do it, i would at least tempban them for 10 minutes to i can sort up the griefed place (or longer depending). If other staff were on, i would alert them quickly. In any case of grief i would screenshot it. Usually when a player is griefing a base and a staff approaches them, they would stop as they know if the build more then they would just be providing more evidence. If i was a admin (or someone with permissions to use coreprotect) i would also roll back the area to before it was griefed as well.
What would you do if someone was hacking and there where no admins online ?
- If i am a normal player and i noticed theyre hacking
I would screenshot or record then in the process and post a ticket on the fourms and alert the player that i have reported them.
- If i am a staff and i have permissions such as tempban and kick i would
Also as the first one i would screenshot or record it and also tempban (if i have no permission to use /ban) them until another staff can sort it out and even thought they are banned, i would still post a ticket onto the fourm that i have banned them, the reason why and evidence.
Also as the first one i would screenshot or record it and also tempban (if i have no permission to use /ban) them until another staff can sort it out and even thought they are banned, i would still post a ticket onto the forum that i have banned them, the reason why and evidence.
How would you respond if a player asked for "free" items?
It depends. If its op things such as like rm furnaces and hard to obtain or engame items then i would reject it. However if its just simple things like some food, a pickaxe (not like redmatter, maybe a iron one max) then i would donate some items.
Why are you applying for staff here and why should we pick you?
Firstly when i am usualy on, not many staff are on and if they are they are most probrably afk or busy. I have actualy come across as i was online and Dankindom (tom). The player asked that if tom could help him with setting up something (i believe it was a reactor). Tom didnt know much about reactors but he knew i could as i was in his town and i setup some reactors for the town. He told the player that i am good with reactors and i could help, however the player responded with "I dont trust him". Even thought tom said he can, he still denied. Also some players when asking for items may be busy with other things and could not help. However if you could me i could help out and i have quite alot of experience with the mods.
Thank you for reading this :D