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[23:40] Katie Bell had been excited when she first learned that she would be included in her Daddy's trip to Hyrule, having been eager to see these far-off places she only ever read about in books. It was certainly something else to actually see all the landmarks and eat the local food as opposed to just reading about it, that's for sure! Yeah there was boring work she had to help out with, but she ended up having a blast. When it came time to go, she practically had to beg him to be allowed to stay a little longer, and only got his approval after they got assurances from the royals here that it was fine. It had only been a few days since then but Katie still hadn't gotten tired of just picking a random place to visit and spend the day there, absorbing everything she could. Which is where she found herself today, at a local market in the main part of the capital city, mostly to observe everything but also being a bit of a girl and buying some cool looking clothes or trinkets to take back home, which she hoped wouldn't be for a while.
[23:40] Katie Bell: (I take it this is more a medieval setting, right?)
[23:41] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((Yes, it is.~))
But as her bright blue eyes wander over the crowd, she cannot help but to let them rest upon a single young woman. The princess' heart actually skips a bit as she sees the blonde, biting her lip as she is captivated by the young lady's beauty. Her eyes locked upon... Katie, yes, that's her name... the princess eagerly watches the young thing bob around the market. Wait, how did Zelda know that name... oh, yes, the daughter of the diplomat, whom the princess had given permission to remain in the kingdom... well, she seems to be enjoying herself, at least. Deciding that such a distance was too difficult to observe, the princess, blending with the crowd, moves to within earshot of the young woman and the clerk she was currently speaking with....
[00:05] Katie Bell usually tried to keep her fun to absorbing the local culture and keeping notes, mental and physical, but she had to admit a bit of her girly side was showing through today since she always found herself looking through all the neat outfits and accessories on display. She must have stuck out too, since nearly every vendor she passed tried to pull her in. Her clothes were definitely more from her home than hear, so everyone probably just assumed she was a tourist. It showed in the prices they all tried to get her to pay too, but thankfully Katie wasn't a lightweight in negotiating things, which is where she found herself now. "...admit it is lovely, but there's no way I could afford the price you want," she says, again holding the earrings up. "If you were a /bit/ lower I maybe could..." It wasn't too hard to see a few extra eye-flutters shot at the clerk she was talking to, who didn't seem to want to lose a sale. "Ahhh yes, well for such a lovely thing as yourself I could maybe go down to... say, 40 rubies." It was a pretty nice deal by the looks of the earrings, but Katie couldn't help but pushing it a bit. "Ohhh that's still a bit much.... Could you possibly go down to 30?" Again she tried to shoot a few eye-bats his way, pulling out her adorable face she usually used on her Daddy when she wanted something... But it wasn't hard to see her bent over juuust enough where he could get a look down her top if he looked. "Ahh... Ahh yes yes but of course, for such a beautiful thing as yourself," the clerk says, a bit flustered. Katie smiles and gives a little clap, happily handing him the money and giving him her thanks, as well as a little kiss on this cheek. "Thank you so much mister!" she coos before walking away to the next vendor.
[00:10] PrincessZeldaHyrule was lucky enough to have managed to get an angle where she was looking at Katie's front, and was treated to almost the same view, though a bit farther away. The sight of that cleavage, and the way that she used her feminine charms to negotiate.... the princess found that she was rather enthralled by the young maiden. Though she did look clearly out of place in the Hylian market, the princess nonetheless noted that she was truly fitting in. Perhaps... perhaps she could be convinced to stay in the kingdom, at the request of the princess.... but that would have to wait for a while.
At the moment, the princess had another concern. Having been away from the castle for a bit, combined with the rest of her adoring family being away, it had been some time since the princess was able to get release. The sight of Katie's cleavage had set itself deeply in her mind, and her blood was coursing to her fat, throbbing cock. Moving around the crowd, she manages to get to the next vender just before the young woman, and, sliding up right next to Katie, the princess gently touches the woman's left elbow. "I can tell you are new here," she says, her voice lower than normal, just to hide her identity, at least for the moment. "So you probably don't know about the best shop around. Want me to show you?~"
[00:23] Katie Bell didn't always feel the greatest whenever she manipulated things like that, usually trying to be fair about everything, especially in a place that had already been so generous with her. Still, there was a bit of fun playing things like that, something she could have never gotten away with at home. It was a bit exciting. Giggling a bit at herself, Katie didn't even notice the person behind her until there was the gentle touch at her arm. She turns around to excuse herself, but the stranger's words cut her off. It's quickly forgotten, though, at the mention of another shop she hadn't yet seen. "Ohhh really? Well, yes, that would be lovely. Thank you," the girl says with a bright smile, her diplomatic side coming back to her. It didn't really seem like an odd thing to her, as people around here were often quite nice and accepting around here. This must have just been some poor person looking to get a small tip, which Katie certainly had no qualms about giving.
[00:46] PrincessZeldaHyrule was not going to offer Katie junk. Her arms slowly moving to her sides, the princess pulls away her cloak from her lower half. This exposed her regal dress, but other than the embroidery being fancy, it was (hopefully) impossible for the young lady to see that the dress was Zelda's. It did not stay in that place for very long, however, as it was soon grabbed by the sides and lifted. Having expected her needs to control her tonight, the princess had gone without any sort of undergarments, meaning that her huge length, the foot long, three inch thick royal scepter, was out for display. It was already hard and throbbing with need, eagerly pulsing and leaking a bit of pre-cum. "Here it is,~" she says, biting her lip under that hood. "Interested?~"
[00:26] PrincessZeldaHyrule was glad that Katie did not recognize her voice. She was sure that the young woman had heard it during the negotiations with her father, and she did not want to compromise her identity in the crowded market. Just as gently as she had grabbed the woman's elbow, the royal gently steers Katie away from the clothing vender she had been headed towards. Instead, Zelda leads the young lady down a semi-crowded alleyway. Rather than stop, she walks forward with determination, not really saying anything to the woman... she was still worried about being recognized. The princess makes her way through the alley, and then takes turn down another, and another, moving until they were far from the market. Once the two of them were alone, the princess turns around, facing Katie. "Here we are. Would you like to see my wares?~"
[00:38] Katie Bell was all too happy to follow the mystery woman, even as she started leading them a bit further away from the main market area... and then further from there... and then down a few alleys... Katie looked back where they walked from, a bit further than she was expecting but still not wanting to come across as rude by questioning the woman. It was only when they finally stopped that she allowed her confusion (and slight uneasiness) to show through, looking around them for any kind of shop. The surprise on her face when the stranger started to offer to sell something was easily seen on the girl's face, catching her a bit off guard. "O-Ohh... Umm, yes ok, sure..." she says, trying not to be rude but almost expecting this poor person to start offering to sell her junk just to get some rubies..
[00:46] PrincessZeldaHyrule was not going to offer Katie junk. Her arms slowly moving to her sides, the princess pulls away her cloak from her lower half. This exposed her regal dress, but other than the embroidery being fancy, it was (hopefully) impossible for the young lady to see that the dress was Zelda's. It did not stay in that place for very long, however, as it was soon grabbed by the sides and lifted. Having expected her needs to control her tonight, the princess had gone without any sort of undergarments, meaning that her huge length, the foot long, three inch thick royal scepter, was out for display. It was already hard and throbbing with need, eagerly pulsing and leaking a bit of pre-cum. "Here it is,~" she says, biting her lip under that hood. "Interested?~"
Katie Bell For a quick second Katie looked very confused when the woman opened her cloak and nothing was inside it, half expecting them to be filled with all kind of odd things. The dress she had under it was oddly nice though, but she only got a very brief look at it before it was lifted away... and a second later Katie gasped and her eyes shot wide open. Throbbing back at her was the biggest cock she had ever seen (granted she hadn't seen many but still!!). It was certainly the last thing she ever expected to see, eyes locked to it unable to look away. Even still, she backed up very quickly and shook her head. "Ohh my... N-No please.. Erm, thank you but I.. erm, I should probably be going now.."
[17:00] PrincessZeldaHyrule was now forced to make a split second decision. Should she immediately chase after the young woman and take what she wants, which might raise the alarm of anyone nearby with the commotion, or should she simply take the calm, seductive approach, and hope the young woman does not flee from her? Unwilling to risk the possible exposure of her identity at this time, the princess merely stands still, letting her erect, pulsing member do all the convincing for her. "Oh, come on... I can tell you want it... the first sample is free...~"
[17:14] Katie Bell stopped in her tracks at the stranger's instance, despite her own desire to leave. Still she kept a fair distance between them, even as her eyes never once left that enormous pulsing cock that was practically throbbing right at her. She could see every drop of pre that leaked from the tip and ran down the base of it, a surprising amount quickly pooling under her. She clearly was at a loss for words, opening and closing her mouth a few times but no words coming from her save for a few gasps and attempts at speaking. She stopped backing away though, and her eyes never left the throbbing fuckpole even once...
[17:20] PrincessZeldaHyrule slowly reaches down, letting her gloved hand gently, teasingly wrap around the base of that fat, throbbing, pre-leaking fuckrod. "Oh, I can see the way you look at it," she says, biting her lip with anticipation, though that action is not visible to KAtie from beneath the princess' hood. "There is nothing wrong with accepting a free sample, right?~ I promise, no tricks, no slight of hand. I'm not armed. Wont you come take a closer look, at least, before you scamper off?" she asks, her fingers gently sliding up and down the latter half of that impressive length.
[17:29] Katie Bell watched the woman start to slowly stroke off her own cock in front of her, a sight that made Katie blush and yet one that her eyes followed. Each stroke, up and down, along that throbbing hard, thick cock. It was almost a hypnotizing motion for the girl, only realizing how long she had been watching that hand move along the cock when the woman spoke again, snapping her out of her mini trance. It was only then that she tore her eyes away to look up at the woman, blushing even more. "I... Ok I suppose... Suppose that's fine," she says, still clearly feeling uncomfortable but she does take a few steps forward, eyes back on the cock and watching that hand move up and down, up and down, again and again.
[17:34] PrincessZeldaHyrule smiles brightly, and in the semi-darkness, the white teeth can be seen rather clearly. With a slow, lustful intent, she continues to stroke the latter half of that foot long, three inch thick member, continually making herself hard as a rock. "See? Nothing to worry about," she says, her voice calm, but with a few little whimpers of pleasure snuck into her enunciations. "I can tell that you like what you see, young miss. You have impeccable taste.~ Have you ever seen a cock like this before?~"
[18:25] Katie Bell finds it odd how almost soothing the woman's words are, timing well with that hand still stroking along the thick beast at the same seed and tempo, up and down back and fourth. The closer she gets, too, the more she can start to smell it, a rather powerful smell the girl is surprised she can smell even from further away. At the question, she just shakes her head. "N-Not this huge," she says, before her face flushes red. "I-I-I mean... erm... N-No I haven't."
[18:28] PrincessZeldaHyrule smiles. "Well, this is something of a... Hylian specialty," she says, letting herself have a little bit of a laugh during this encounter. Of course, as the woman moves closer and closer, not only does the princess' natural musk fill Katie's senses, but the princess' arousal seems to increase as well. "Well, then, the only way to truly appreciate such a thing like this," she coos, unable to stop stroking herself and now letting her hands travel up to the very tip of the massive beast of a dick, "is to get much, much closer, don't you think?~"
[18:45] Katie Bell watches with a bit of amazement at how the enormous cock can continue to produce a seemingly unending stream of pre, leaking from the tip and dribbling down to the ground or running along the base. The musky smell only gets more and more powerful the closer she gets, a shiver running down Katie's spine that goes right between her legs, face flushing a brighter red. And that hand never stops either, eyes fixed watching it stroke that enormous slab of meat again and again. She doesn't say anything, words failing her, but doesn't stop inching just a bit closer, slowly getting closer and closer with each passing moment.
[18:51] PrincessZeldaHyrule To be fair, it isn't a huge amount of pre. It was constantly leaking from that eager, throbbing prick, yes, but it was not an amount that would leave a noticeable puddle. Of course, it was beside the point, and the princess was focused not on her pre-cum, but on stroking herself to entice the young creature inching closer. She decides not to say a word until young Katie is in range, and, slowly, as to not alarm the young beauty, the princess slips her hand into Katie's blond locks. While continuing to stroke her member from base to tip, panting softly from the pleasure it brings, she guides the woman closer, either bending her over at the waist or guiding Katie to her knees, whichever the woman chose. "That's it... come on... get your free sample of big, Hylian cock up close...~"
[19:24] Katie Bell could only gaze in wonder as she got closer and closer, the cock seeming to get bigger and bigger with each tentative step she took. Seeing the woman suddenly reach for her made her wince just a bit, but the fingers in her hair were oddly soothing and comforting. A little whimper escapes her but she doesn't resist the pulling, bending at the waist as she is pulled closer to the tip. Her eyes get wide being so close, each breath giving her a heavy dose of that intoxicating musk the woman had. It was only when she was a few inches away that Katie found some words inside her, whimpering just a bit. "W-Wait I-mfph!" she is cut off when the tip of that thick cockhead is pressed into her mouth, her unspoken words vibrating along the that thick tip, getting her first taste of the Hylian precum.
[19:36] PrincessZeldaHyrule had not expected to be in the woman's mouth so soon, but it was certainly a happy accident.~ That fat, musky rod pulses against the woman's lips and tongue, the tip alone enough to stretch that mouth wide. But the princess does not force herself on the young woman... not just yet. No, better to let her take the steps herself, and become addicted to the royal cock all on her own. Her fingers simply run through the blonde's hair, gently stroking and cooing. "Mmmnnn... that's nice..." she says, offering encouragement as her pre-cum plasters the young woman's tongue. "Go on... have a good, long taste....~"
[19:49] Katie Bell knows she could probably pull back if she needed to, or felt any strength to be able to, and yet she just stays where she is, bent over and tits hanging under her while unknowingly suckling gently along the tip giving her plenty of precum to sample. Part of her hated how much she loved the taste, the other part of her moaning at just the little sample, not realizing she had started to suckle a bit harder until a few moments had passed of her doing it. She looked up at the woman, humiliation in her eyes and her face a bright red, feeling so weak right now, but she just could't help herself.
[19:54] PrincessZeldaHyrule bites her lip as she lets the pleasure wash over her frame, a gentle shiver dancing up her spine. Her muscles tense up following that shiver, so that her fingers clench in the woman's hair, pressing against that pretty scalp. But they relaxed just as quickly, her fingers returning to the soft, affectionate stroking. Still, only her tip was in the woman's mouth, and though she did not want to physically force the woman to the base of that fuckrod, she realized that some persuasion was necessary. "Oh, y-yes..." she says, panting as she feels the increased suckling, "Y-you sure know your w-way with the tip of a c-cock....~ N-now... how about... unnghhh... a little more?~ I can tell you want it...~"
[20:07] Katie Bell shivered when she felt the fingers on her head tense up for that brief moment before relaxing, an odd sense of pleasure going through the girl knowing that this woman was feeling good because of her. Sure it was a stranger she had just met, but it was still oddly satisfying knowing that the woman was feeling good because of something that she was doing. The mention of knowing her way around the head of a cock made her blush some more, yet at the gentle prodding Katie could feel herself start to move down a bit further along the thick cock. Her jaw was already pretty well stretched out, the tightness obvious as a few more inches sunk into that warm hole.
[20:16] PrincessZeldaHyrule lets out a sharp gasp as the next two inches of her fat pole were slurped inside that hot, wet tunnel, instantly causing the beast to pulse against those pretty lips. "F-fuck....~" she pants, unable to keep her more polite demeanor as she is so pleasured by the woman's mouth. Unf, this is exactly what she needed. How wonderful that she found this slutty little diplomat's daughter in the market today. "That's it... ahhh.. m-more...~" she pants, and this time her grip tightens in that hair and does not relax, asserting a bit of dominance over the girl.
[20:29] Katie Bell felt a shiver run down her spine right between her legs when the powerful grip on her head didn't loosen this time, suddenly feeling a bit small and weak compared to the stranger's strong grip on her hair. Still she did what the woman told her to do, continuing to press forward and slide a few more inches into her mouth, tongue still flicking gently along the tip to keep tasting the precum that was leaking from there. Katie felt like she was in a total haze, completely embarrassed to be bending over and slurping a stranger's cock like this, but the smell was so intoxicating and the taste so good she could hardly control herself, not to mention the woman's words just urged her on.
[20:35] PrincessZeldaHyrule shivers harder and harder, clearly growing more aroused and pleasured by the second. She plants her other hand upon the blonde's head, taking another fistful of hair into her grasp. Making that head a little messy, she nonetheless expresses her appreciation for the service by tugging a little bit, forcing herself deeper into that mouth until her fat tip was pressed against the entrance to Katie's tight throat. She doesn't stuff herself inside just yet, though, even though her flesh is screaming for it. Looking down at the slut, she simply, slowly whispers, "Want more?~"
[20:50] Katie Bell whimpers a bit feeling the second hand go on her head and taking another handful of her hair, face getting even redder if that was even possible. She was so used to acting prim and proper with people, and yet right now she felt completely at the mercy of this stranger, jaw aching at it went in further and further into her mouth. The girl was at least thankful when there finally was a pause at the tip hitting her throat, breathing a few times from her nose to try and catch her breath. The question down at her made her shudder with embarrassment, the option now up to her whether or not she wanted to continue. Even though the girl paused for a moment, she knew there was only one answer she was going to give. Katie gave a little nod of her head, and a muffled 'mmmhmmm', trying to brace herself for what she can only guess will be the cock going into her throat.
[20:54] PrincessZeldaHyrule was ecstatic! Oh, the joy coursing through her mind and body as she sees the young girl give in to the desire of the free fuckrod stuffed into her lips. Yes, another slut for the royal to call her own. Gripping that hair tighter for a moment, a clear sign of lustful appreciation for the tight lips suckling her fat, musky dick, the princess slowly reels her hips back. With the crown of her circumcised prick pressing against Katie's teeth, the royal slowly begins to push forward. Her fat dong inches down that wet, warm tunnel, only as her tip presses to that throat, it does not stop. It gradually pushes forward, already bulging that neck with only the tip pushed inside.~
[21:16] Katie Bell Try as she might, Katie couldn't have prepared herself for such an incredibly thick thing suddenly pushing into her throat! Out of instinct she tried to pull her head back a bit, but only met the powerful hands on her head as resistance, not letting her budge an inch. She was forced to just crane her jaw open even more as the cock started to curve down her throat, the girl gagging and coughing just a bit, drool coming from both sides of her mouth, desperately tying to breathe through her nose while her mouth was just used as a fuckhole.
PrincessZeldaHyrule was definitely taking it easy on the poor little girl. After all, the little slut did just stumble upon what was most likely the largest cock she had ever seen, and the princess was already stuffing the monster into that throat. As she feels that tunnel roughly clamp down around her turgid length, with such depraved sounds dancing across the royal's sensitive pointed ears, the princess lets out a low, rumbling growl of pleasure. Her legs, arms, and fingers tense, further cementing her grip in young Katie's blonde locks, as it the strands of hair were little more than handles for her amusement and pleasure. "Y-yes.... that's it...~" she pants, staring down at the little cock-stuffed mouth, biting her lip as a wet whimper of pleasure pushes from her mouth. "MMmnnnn....f-fuck... take it... take it all... yes... ohhh Goddess... you are such a whore...~"
[15:09] Katie Bell felt her face flush even redder in humiliation from those insulting words the woman said down to her, though it was hard to argue with it at this point, head locked in place bent down and slurping around a huge cock as it forced it's way deeper and deeper into her gullet. The gags and choking noises only got louder the further it went in, a lewd bulge in the girl's throat starting to show as the cock curved down the back of her throat, trying so hard to get any kind of breath in her, feeling drool leaking onto the cock to lube it up even more.
[15:15] PrincessZeldaHyrule notices that, at any time, the young woman could have raised her hands and protested this action, but she continues to take that dick down her throat with lewd, depraved gags and slurps. "Oh, fuck,~" she pants, halting with only a two inches left, her pelvis dominating the woman's vision, "You.... guh... really like this, d-don't you?~" Of course, the princess wasn't expecting to hear an answer from the throat stuffed whore as is, so, very slowly, she pulls back, letting the throat-slime-covered prick pop wetly from those lips. Keeping one hand in the girl's hair, she tugs Katie's head to the side, but only so that she can use her other hand to grab and smack the girl's face with that drenched dick. As that cock splatters spit and pre-cum all over the girl's adorable face, the royal speaks once more. "Yeah, I can tell you love this, don't you? You want more, don't you? You want me to fuck that little throat, right?~"
[15:34] Katie Bell is so thankful when she feels the huge cock finally start to pull back, letting her breathe more and, when it's finally out, she falls onto her knees in front of the woman and gasps for air, coughing up all the drool and dickslime that was in her throat, lungs getting some much needed oxygen. She only looks up when her hair is grabbed again, looking up in time to see that messy cock slap across her face, making the girl wince and whimper at the surprising strength and weight it had to it. A bit of drool from before was still leaking down her chin onto her large chest as she stared up at the woman, who was partially obstructed from view thanks to the throbbing cock handling over Katie's face. She feels her eyes lock onto it again, each breath inhaling that intoxicating musk more and more. It might have just been that smell affecting her brain and making her head feel woozy, but when Katie hears that question asked down to her, she can already feel her head nodding ever so slightly in reply. "Y-Y-Yess," she squeaks out ever so silently, face flushing with humiliation.
[15:40] PrincessZeldaHyrule grins. Yes, just the answer she wanted to hear. Of course, even if the little slut had said no, the princess would simply have called her a liar and shoved her thick length back down that throat until she was satisfied. As it was, the royal now had a different avenue of control to take. Oh, how the little girl looks so desperate for that fat length... so adorable.~ "Oh, I can tell," she says, hefting that dick up in the air once more, letting it fall against Katie's face over and over, making a right mess of that visage. Good thing no one is around.... for the moment. "I can see it in your eyes. You want my Hylian fuckmeat down your gullet and a tasty meal of my seed, don't you?~ Well, I can't just give something like that to you, now can I?" With a grin flashing across her face, her white teeth visible in the dark, she continues. "You are going to have to pay for it. So, what have you got to pay me with?~"
20:22] PrincessZeldaHyrule: Well then, let's get Katie broken down.~ So... plot that we skip: When asked for something to pay for, Zelda refuses actual money, demanding that Katie pay with sexual service instead. She then reveals herself as Zelda and tells Katie that if she does not show up tomorrow morning at the castle, she will have her diplomatic status removed and thrown in prison for treason. That should be threat enough.~
[20:24] Katie Bell: Heh so you demand payment for fucking Katie's throat? :P
[20:25] PrincessZeldaHyrule: Well, Katie did say she still wanted Zelda's cock after getting her free sample, so yes, payment was demanded.~
[20:25] Katie Bell: Ahh heh love it XD
[20:25] Katie Bell: Ok so Katie blushing and shuffling her way to wherever she was told to meet since she doesnt want to leave at all, got it
[20:26] PrincessZeldaHyrule: Uh huh. And she was told to meet the princess in the throne room. In public.~
[20:26] Katie Bell: Hehehehe lovely XD
[20:27] Katie Bell: Can already feel your devious wheels turning
[20:30] PrincessZeldaHyrule: Who, me? Devious? Never. :P
[20:30] PrincessZeldaHyrule: Go ahead and post, my darling daughter, so I can manipulate you into my family properly. <3
[20:31] Katie Bell: Yes Mommy~
[20:34] Katie Bell To say she was nervous would have been an incredible understatement. The blonde was a mix of emotions as she ever so slowly made her way to the large throne room, contemplating if she should even show up at all. Katie was still trying to come to terms with the face that the freaking Princess of the lands had fucked her throat just a day ago... and Katie had urged her on. Just the memory of it made her entire face flush with humiliation. Still, she didn't want to leave these lands, or suddenly run off since she was still technically an ambassador's daughter and there could very well be implications if she disappeared. So Katie had swallowed her pride (like a few other things the day earlier) and managed to take a deep breath before opening the doors to the immense throne room, walking in as commanded. The huge room made her feel small, undoubtedly something done on purpose, as well as to enhance the presence of the one sitting on the throne... which it no doubt was also doing.
[20:38] Katie Bell: (gah, getting called down for dinner. brb in a few)
[20:39] PrincessZeldaHyrule The princess [] was sitting thusly upon her throne, her entire presence the complete opposite of what it was the day before. The change of apparel had an astounding affect on her presence, and, with the added addition of a raised golden throne and the light coming through the high, painted glass windows above, she looked practically god-like. As Katie enters and begins to make her way towards the throne, the royal, flanked by guards in full plate mail, gently raises her right hand, her bright blue eyes shining directly at the young lady. Even her eyes were different; they no longer shine with lust and need, but are gentle, and extremely inviting. Her hand is meant to halt Katie's forward progress at a certain distance, as was dictated by Hyrulian custom. "Welcome, Miss Bell. To what do I owe this pleasure?"
[20:39] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((Okay, no worries.~))
[21:05] Katie Bell had been in the throne room before when her Daddy was still here, on the first day when they were formally introduced. It was pretty much customary, but seeing the seat of a nation's power always managed to take Katie's breath away as the rooms were usually decorated and elaborately done up. If she were walking through the large hall under any other circumstances, the side of her that appreciated and marveled at these things would be in full effect, but right now all she felt was her nerves making each step towards the throne much heavier. She swallowed when she saw the Princess lift her hand, legs instantly stopping her, and quickly moving onto one knee. Even if they both knew why she was here, she never could forget her manners. "Y-You... erm... You had summoned me to be here at this time..... Your Highness," she quickly adds after a small pause, looking up at the magnificently decorated and beautiful royal sitting over her, the power and beauty she had was practically radiating from the throne.
[21:09] PrincessZeldaHyrule tilts her head to the side, feigning, rather convincingly, confusion at the young woman's statement. Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, she still does not lose that sense of kindness and warmth currently displayed upon her features. Her guards at either side are unmoving, a... commanding presence, to be sure, but they don't give off the feeling of danger or threat. "I'm terribly sorry, Miss Bell," the princess says, somehow managing to make her voice sound completely sincere in her denial, "but I do not recall summoning you. In fact, we have not spoken since the day I granted your diplomatic leave, correct?" Oh, the trap begins.~
[21:15] Katie Bell looks up at the Princess with clear confusion written all over her face. She had little doubt the woman in the alley that she *ahem* sucked off was indeed the Princess, as she made very clear to Katie at the time, but it just made the girl wonder why the royal would not suddenly seem surprised at this. Her voice is so genuine that for a split second Katie even wonders if she had just gone crazy thinking she sucked off a royal in an alley, but she knew for sure it was her! The girl just looks up at the Princess, words failing her for a moment, before she manages to finally speak. "I..." her eyes flick quickly to the side to the guards standing next to her, then back up at the royal. "Y-Your Highness I... I don't understand. You had told me to be here after we-" another pause followed by a blush.. "...after we met in the market area yesterday."
[21:23] PrincessZeldaHyrule lets out a little bit of a giggle at that remark, shaking her head back and forth. Giving off the feeling that she was laughing at this circumstance rather than at the young woman kneeling before her, the princess slowly nods her head. "Oh, my goodness, yes!" she replies, nodding her head up and down. Waving her hands to either side, she dismisses her guards, her attention focused on the young blonde as the plate mail clanks with their leaving steps. "How forgetful of me. Forgive me, Miss Bell, but that encounter slipped my mind entirely. Please, approach the throne so we may discuss more easily.~"
[21:28] Katie Bell looked both at her left and right when the guards suddenly turned around to leave with the simple wave of the Princess' hand. She didn't know if that was just to show off her authority or, whatever, but in this current moment Katie couldn't help but once again feel very powerless. It was hard to tell if the Princess was up to something or just genuinely forgot the experience, though the girl would have bet the royal was trying to plan something, she just had no idea. Unable to speak, the blonde just nods and gets up from her knee and slowly walks a bit closer to the large throne that the Princess was sitting on. Despite herself, it was hard to shake the feeling that she was in the presence of someone much more powerful than her, the way the throne just radiated power and the light from the windows seemed to give the Princess a glow.
[21:33] PrincessZeldaHyrule Katie was, indeed, in the presence of someone significantly more powerful. Not only had she demonstrated her physical superiority last night, but her mental prowess as well, given how easily she was verbally manipulating the young woman. Lastly, there was the kind of power that was intangible, the kind that goes behind personal wealth of biological advantages. The royal had the power of true authority, the power to rule an entire kingdom. The moment the guards are gone from the room entirely, and the doors shut, the princess' kind, gentle visage changes. Her brows furrow as she stares into Katie's young face, those bright eyes alight with anger. "You stupid little whore," she says, her voice losing all of the care and concern it once held, "I cannot believe you are too stupid to come up with a convincing lie. How fucking hard would it have been to come up with an excuse for a diplomat's daughter to visit the ruler of a nation? So useless."
[21:36] Katie Bell: (is it bad I have my fingers crossed for a Cei cameo XD)
[21:36] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((If she gets online, deary, it will be more than a cameo.~))
[21:36] Katie Bell: (Haha you know what I mean XD)
[21:39] Katie Bell had no idea what she was going to expect from the Princess, though why she was expecting anything other than what happened should have been the real surprise. The blonde stops dead in her tracks when the royal's facial expressions change in an instant, her voice changing from caring and warm to hard and angry... and yet still carrying the same kind of power from before. The girl feels rooted in place, a heavy blush on her face. "I-I..." she stutters for a bit, before looking away with a heavy blush, unable to meet those powerful eyes. "I had a lot of things going through my mind," she finally manages to squeak out, the sudden shift in tone making her feel even smaller than before.
[21:44] PrincessZeldaHyrule lets her eyes grow a bit more intense, never leaving the visage of the poor, blushing slut now standing dead in her tracks. "Oh, is that so?" she says, slowly, gently placing each of her hands upon one of the golden armrests of the throne. "And is there any reason, you dumb little cocksucker, that you decided to stop walking towards me without my command do to so?" This was the first step. Oh, the nonstop fucking would come soon, no doubt... but first she had to train Katie. Whore though the girl may be, she was not yet the proper slave she must be.
[21:54] Katie Bell Being called such a degrading thing by someone of such high important stung the girl, making her look back up with shock written all over her face. Yet even the surprise of being verbally degraded by someone she had looked up to so much couldn't break her manners, a light whimper escaping her (despite her efforts to hold it down) and said a quick "S-Sorry..." and continued to shuffle forward as commanded.
[21:57] PrincessZeldaHyrule was not going to let the young woman get off so easily, especially when she had unknowingly made another mistake. Well, rather, she had made the mistake not once, but twice, of speaking to the princess without following that statement with the proper honorific. Gripping each arm of the throne tightly, she pushes herself up, standing tall, proud, and commandingly before the woman. Her eyes alight with the fury of an angry god, the princess steps down from her throne, each long stride clicking her heels against the marble floor as she closes the gap. Once directly in front of Katie, she raises her right hand, slapping Katie rather roughly across the face. "How DARE you speak to me without honoring me, you stupid bitch. Do you WANT to go to prison?"
[22:11] Katie Bell knew she was in trouble the second the Princess stood up, the fire in her eyes sending a jolt of fear through the young girl. A loud squeal escaped her when the Princess actually slapped her, the girl whimpering pitifully and bringing a hand up to hold her cheek. It actually hurt quite a bit, though she managed to not let it throw her off balance. The threat of prison sent even more fear into the girl, eyes going wide and quickly looking back up at the royal. "N-N-No! No please! I-I'm sorry, Your Highness!! F-Forgive me, Your Highness," the young girl quickly blurts out.
[22:11] Katie Bell: (so glad you caught that XD)
[22:12] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((Oh, I read carefully.~))
[22:14] Katie Bell: (hehe glad! and to my earlier point, I was simply saying I would have found it fun if she just called the little elf girl into the room to give katie a glimpse of what her life will be like XD)
[22:15] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((Hmmm... maybe if you are a good girl. ;P))
[22:16] Katie Bell: (hehe oh dont pretend like im the only one who would like that XD)
[22:16] Katie Bell: (oh, or even if she just posed as a serving girl for the public eye for now XD)
[22:16] Katie Bell: (sorry i'll be quiet now Mommy XD)
[22:18] PrincessZeldaHyrule uses her other hand to reach out to the stammering, loudly apologizing young woman. Sinking her gloved fingers roughly into the woman's hair, she presses her fingers rightly into the girl's scalp, surely giving her a familiar feeling to the night before. However, she was much, much more brutal this evening, and immediately used her grip to force young Katie down on her knees, none to softly thudding the girl into the marble floor of the throne room. "Oh, you are sorry, are you?" she asks, rolling her eyes as her visage displays nothing but contempt. "Is that supposed to make it all better, Miss Bell? Are your apologies magic, or are you actually going to make good on your words with some sort of action?"
[22:18] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((Hehe. I'll think about it, cutie. <3))
[22:31] Katie Bell gasps when the hand shoots to the back of her head, immediately reminding her of the other day, knees already feeling weak even before the royal used her surprising strength to force the girl to her knees. Those nails dug against her skull, the blonde whimpering and trying to lean into the hand holding her, hoping it would lessen the pain just a little bit. "Y-Yes Your Highness! I'll make it up to you, promise!" she squeals, not really sure if she should be agreeing to something like that right now, but with the pain in her head and just how weak and controlled she felt by the Princess right now, Katie probably would have agreed to anything.
[22:38] PrincessZeldaHyrule smiles as she hears that proclamation, and, rather intrigued by Katie's promise, the royal lets go of the woman's hair. Leaving it rather messy, she turns on her heel, walks back to her throne, and sits down upon it. The anger has faded from her features, though, as her eyes stare at Katie's face, it is clear that it has not entirely vanished. "You promise, do you?" she says, sitting back and crossing her legs, somehow appearing more intimidating than a moment earlier. "Disrobe."
[22:49] PrincessZeldaHyrule smiles as she hears that proclamation, and, rather intrigued by Katie's promise, the royal lets go of the woman's hair. Leaving it rather messy, she turns on her heel, walks back to her throne, and sits down upon it. The anger has faded from her features, though, as her eyes stare at Katie's face, it is clear that it has not entirely vanished. "You promise, do you?" she says, sitting back and crossing her legs, somehow appearing more intimidating than a moment earlier. "Disrobe."
[22:50] Katie Bell: (oh hey you're back! sorry didn't see you get on again)
[22:50] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((No worries. I was just resending cause I didn't know if it sent before I got kicked. :P ))
[22:55] Katie Bell felt a sense of relief when her head was let go of and the pain stopped for a moment, reaching her own hand up to rub her temple some as she remained on her knees while the Princess went back to her throne, once again assuming the position of pure authority and power. The repeat of her promise did worry the girl though, knowing she would be in for something even before the command was given. She knew she should have just obeyed, that she should have simply done what she was told to get it over with, and yet the blonde couldn't help but stare up at the Princess with humiliation on her face and squeak out a small, "D-D-Disrobe... Your Highness?"
[22:59] PrincessZeldaHyrule decides that the approach of rushing the young bitch every time she disobeys might give the princess a trend of... predictability. It was something she wanted to avoid, especially at this stage in young Katie's training. No, instead she simply raises an eyebrow, as if her request was an ordinary one, and Katie's hesitation was the strange thing. "Miss Bell, I take great care when I speak," she says, her voice slowly growing colder with every word. "I do not stutter, nor do I mumble. My words are clearly enunciated. I will have no more of this questioning, you bitch. Now, disrobe."
[23:07] Katie Bell had been expecting another brutal slap or grab at her hair, or another horrible insult... but it was almost more of a slap in the face when the Princess instead started using her royal sounding tone again, somehow being refereed to as 'Miss Bell' in that voice humiliating her all that much more. Still, the cold voice sent shivers down her spine and made her eyes go a bit wide, the heart-sinking sensation enough to kick her into gear. "Y-Y-Yes Your Highness," she squeals softly then quickly moves to obey. It felt even more humiliating given that the Princess was up on her throne, as if this was some kind of thing she was doing as the daughter of an ambassador, yet she tried not to think too much about it as she quickly tore off her clothes, only taking half a minute or so before she was standing completely naked in front of the Princess, face a bright red and unable to meet her gaze.
[23:08] Katie Bell: (time to go walk the dog, brb)
[23:10] PrincessZeldaHyrule smiles more than she most likely should. Her delight at the obedience of her new fuckpig was something that she could not suppress, but luckily Katie was far too embarrassed to be looking at the royal's face. Suppressing her joy to once again put out her impressive royal demeanor, the princess once again begins to speak. "And tell me, Miss Bell," she says, leaning forward slightly upon her throne, "Exactly how am I supposed to examine your flesh when you insist on being so far away? Come, you simply must get closer. Present yourself for inspection."
[23:11] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((Uh huh. "walk" the dog. Whatever you say.~))
[23:25] Katie Bell: (heh you wish it was more than that :P)
[23:28] Katie Bell was normally very proud and happy to show off her body when she wasn't in foreign lands, her usual wardrobe back home doing plenty to show her assets. Even here, she wore clothes that hugged her nicely and didn't leave much to the imagination. She never made it a secret she worked on her looks since she knew full well it could help her if she ever became like her Daddy and became an Ambassador; hell it was something she even too advantage of here a few times in the market. Now, however, she felt embarrassed and unsure of herself standing in-front of the amazingly beautiful Princess, who once again looked great with the light from all around her giving her a glow. The command made her flush even more, but she didn't dare argue. "Y-Yes Your Highness," she whimpers out softly, taking a few steps closer to the throne until she was told to stop, the word 'inspection' making her feel even lower, despite the face she very well had a body that anyone would drool over.
[23:33] PrincessZeldaHyrule: ((So do you.~))
[23:37] PrincessZeldaHyrule would certainly be drooling over every inch of the young woman's body, had she not possessed the impressive strength of will that a ruler must have. Still, her delight at the closing of the young lady was not something she could hide, her enjoyment of the sight showing on her facial features. Her lips were curled into a lustful grin, and her eyes were looking everywhere save for Katie's face... and she made no attempt to hide her lust. Raising a hand, she snaps her fingers, lowing her hand back to the arm of the throne. As her length begins to bulge her bright, luxurious gown, a small, dark skinned, white haired young woman enters the room.
Clearly no older than Katie, nor any younger, the tiny little moon elf, scantily clad in a maid outfit showing off every little naughty, private bit she possesses, runs over to the pile of clothes on the floor. She gathers up all of Katie's belongings, and, with a bow, she eagerly runs off, carrying them to another part of the castle.
The princess' eyes flare as the young woman moves about, as if daring Katie to protest this action.
[23:38] Katie Bell: (<3)
[23:48] Katie Bell tried to take deep breaths to calm herself down, to do anything she could to get herself under control and stop feeling like such a powerless little thing. Just when she might think she was calming down enough, she hears the finger-snap and, a moment later, little footsteps approaching. Turning around, she sees a little elf-girl dressed in a rather ridiculous looking maid outfit that left nothing to the imagination as to why she was wearing it, making the blonde girl blush. She had no time to question why no one thought it was odd to see the girl wearing something like that when she saw what the elf-girl started to do, though, made her gasp. "Ahh, h-hey those are my-" she is immediately cut off when she looks back to the Princess, the icy glare in her eyes instantly shutting her up and making her avert her eyes. She felt even more naked somehow, now that her clothes were nowhere to be found.
[23:55] PrincessZeldaHyrule slowly lets her lips slide back into that lustful grin. "Yes, those were your clothes, Miss Bell," she coos, once more putting on that formal, condescending tone to her voice. "No longer. They are now the property of the Empire of Hyrule... and you will get them back only when I deem you fit to wear them." Smirking, her eyes once again openly wander along Katie's exposed flesh, eagerly latching onto those full, plump tits for much longer than would seem appropriate. "Do you understand what that means, Miss Bell? Your clothes belong to me." she pauses a moment, winking. "You belong to me."
[00:05] Katie Bell stands there with, once again, confusion written all over her face. She tried to look back over her shoulder to see if the elf-girl was still there, but somehow she had slipped out of the room without making a noise. That or Katie just missed her doing it. Either way she tries to listen to what the Princess was telling her, but it was clear she wasn't understanding it very well. "I.... I don't understand..... Your Highness," she says, quickly adding in the title before she forgot again.
[00:09] PrincessZeldaHyrule shakes her head, slowly reaching outwards. Her gloved right hand gently cups under Katie's left breast, lifting it upwards. Tilting her head, she turns it side to side, examining, gently, every inch of that titflesh with a lewd look of delight upon her features. "Oh, you poor, stupid little girl," she says, letting that breast fall back to the girl's chest, rather enjoying the way it jiggles. "I'll make this easy for you. You are my new sex slave. You will do what I say, whenever I say it, or you will spend the rest of your life in prison for defiling the eyes of the sovereign ruler of Hyrule with your nude flesh. Understand?~"
[00:26] Katie Bell listened for any kind of explanation she could get, though it was a bit difficult to focus when the royal simply reached up to squeeze and toy with one of her large tits. A little gasping moan escapes her before she can control herself, making her face go even redder at moaning lewdly in front of the Princess. She tries to listen closely though for an explanation, but the one she gets makes her eyes go wide with shock. "W-What?!" she squeals out, heart sinking into her feet. "I-I.... B-But I was only doing what you told me to do... Your Highness," she adds in again, not wanting another slap. "I-I cant... My Daddy is still expecting me to come home!"
[00:30] PrincessZeldaHyrule reaches out with her other hand, making a move for Katie's right breast this time. Though instead of the nice, gentle fondling she had given the young woman moments before, she instead latches her forefinger and thumb around that pink nipple. Gripping it tightly, she twists her hand roughly, nearly going ninety degrees in a single motion, her eyes full of a rage that dares Katie to react, in any way, to her abuse. "I don't remember telling you to protest this decision, Miss Bell," she says, her voice cold, cruel, and commanding as she keeps the pressure on that nipple. "I asked you if you understood. It is not a matter of debate. It is a yes or no question, and you will answer it as such. Got it?"
[00:42] Katie Bell is cut off almost instantly at the incredibly harsh twist to one of her nipples, her words quickly turning into a high-pitched squeal of pain coursing through it. It was so unexpected and so hard that it brought the girl to her knees once again, kneeling in front of the Princess and trying to twist her body as a way to follow the harsh pinching. Her eyes tear up from the pain and she quickly nods her head in answer to the question shot down at her. "Y-Yes! Yes!! Yes Your Highness!" she all but screams out.
[00:44] PrincessZeldaHyrule instantly lets go of the woman's nipple the moment she hears that screaming, pleading cry of assent. "See? That wasn't very difficult, was it, Miss Bell?" she says, rolling her eyes to increase her condescension of the poor young woman. Oh, how Katie was little more than putty in the woman's hands. "Now, as for your father... you will tell him that you want to stay here forever, and that I have graciously given you asylum. He will be forced to honor the legality of it, and you will be mine forever. How does that sound to you, Miss Bell?"
[14:54] Katie Bell gasped with relief when the twisting hand let go of her nipple, reaching up to cover herself a bit and bend over slightly from the pain shooting through her, breathing a bit heavier and eyes tearing up. She had no idea what was happening, why this was happening, or why her of all people! She looked up at the Princess, fear in the girl's eyes while the royal woman looked like a god in front of her, the picture of what beauty and power would look like. It made the girl feel so weak, so insignificant despite her status. She didn't respond to the remarks asked to her for a bit, unable to look up at the Princess. Still, she knew what would happen if she didn't agree, that she was pretty much at this Princess' mercy right now, and even if she tried to run she probably wouldn't even make it halfway through the throne room. Eventually, the girl whimpers out a quiet, "Yes Your Highness..."
[15:01] PrincessZeldaHyrule slowly uncrosses her legs, her bright, shining eyes focused on the girl's whimpering face. Placing her hands at the edge of each armrest on that large, golden throne, she bends at the waist, leaning closer and closer until she is mere inches from Katie's pretty, teary-eyed face. "My question," she says, her voice cold, calm, and definitely condescending, "Was not one with a "yes" or "no" response, Ms. Bell. I am not pleased by your innate inability to properly listen. My... patience... is wearing thin." Her eyebrows twitch at that last word, as if to convey her restraint was failing. "I asked you how that sounded, Ms. Bell. You will respond properly. How does it sound to become mine forever?"
[15:11] Katie Bell felt a cold shiver run down her spine just listening to the Princess speak, a bit of actual fear gripping her for the first time. Normally she tried to keep herself composed and such, but this woman just had a way of breaking those defenses down without seemingly any effort. She managed to meet the royal's gaze again, almost recoiling instantly seeing the icy glare being shot at her. The girl gulped, nodding her head before managing to stammer out "I-It... It sounds wonderful Your Highness.... L-Like a d-dream come true." She tries her best to sound absolutely not terrified, but doesn't do well.
[15:17] PrincessZeldaHyrule grins as she hears the woman's consent to her plan. Of course, the princess had carefully manipulated the situation so that young Katie did not really have any choice in the matter, but nonetheless, the Hylian was extremely pleased to hear those words spoken regardless of the terrified tone in which they were uttered. Slowly leaning back, the princess nods her head, her tone losing all of the coldness in it. It sounds almost joyful as she speaks, yet that unflinching undertone of authority is clearly present. "Well, I'm so very, very glad you like that plan, Ms. Bell.~ Now, I think it is time that you showed me just how much you enjoy the prospect of your new life. Masturbate for me."
[15:31] Katie Bell was almost relieved when the Princess started speaking again and that icy tone that made her want to curl up in a corner was gone, a small smile tugging onto her lips even as she stood there completely naked in front of royalty. That smile quickly faded away though when she was ordered to masturbate right in front of the Princess, the girl's eyes going wide with surprise. "But-" she started but cut herself off, already seeing in her mind that cold stare coming back and it instantly shut her up. Instead she just whimpers a bit while spreading her legs a bit and reaching a hand down, a small gasp coming from her while her fingers lightly move over her pussy. "Y-Yes... Your Highness," she whimpers out pitifully.
[15:35] PrincessZeldaHyrule grins. Oh, how like putty the young woman was in her grip. How pitiful and pathetic Katie was, doing whatever the princess commands with such little persuasion. It was making the royal hard, and with every little touch of those fingers against that twat, and each whimper, moan, and expression of pleasure, Zelda finds her fat member throbbing upwards. Within only a few seconds, a large bulge can be seen in her gown, only growing larger as it strains against her undergarments. She keeps let legs spread wide, making sure that Katie would be able to see it. "Ahhh... that's a good girl," she coos, keeping that tone gentle and kind, at least for the moment. "Such a filthy little whore, sucking me off in an alley, and now getting wet and fingering yourself just because you think I'm beautiful. That is the case, isn't it?~"