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Key: Daquann1
Character: Wushei
Skill(or transformation): Sharingan (Re-apply)
Skill(or transformation): Sharingan T6
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): Well
 He's a lost soul at the moment; despite how he attempts to understand what's taking place or attempt to assist he seems to miss his mark. He's been left out of the loop for quite sometime now, and his offers of helping have been accepted, but never fell through. Wushei felt like a free spirit not bound to any one place, and able to travel and see what everyone's aiming for perhaps he'd continue on like this.
Death is a construct of reality, and Wushei finally began to understand that; after  a few significant battles with some of the strongest. The world around him continued to change and yet he couldn't fully grasp what was happening, people achieved different feats, while others held that lifeless hungry gaze. A person made an attempt on his life, and wanted to stop his progression while another person sought him out as a weapon. Finally someone who acknowledged his desire to grow, and seek the truth of the world in his own way -yet- he only felt empty and left with more questions than answers. Whatever the reason, death was making its presence known in Wushei's life yet never making an attempt to claim him... it wasn't his time, but he was lurking around the corner. 
Now with a little more experience under his belt; he felt confident at least that the people in the faction knew about him. With a history of being late he manage to make it to the huge brawl on time, and offer whatever little assistance he could to the others. 
Scene 1: With an attempt on Chla life the scene was almost laughable. Every person wanted to take him out despite this Wushei saw this as an opportunity to face off against Umbra. One of the most feared among the land, and despite her weakened state she still came out on top in their battle. This was a battle of understanding, and yet he managed to keep Chla alive and earned the respect of a fellow warrior who seeks to grow from battle. So long as he doesn't live his life as a puppet there is no limit to his growth and potential.
Wushei offered his assistance several times, but they never fell through; he decided that Theo didn't truly need his help, and being bound to a single ground might not be the best idea. He wasn't sure where he'd go or what he'd do, but it gave me time to travel around and learn from the others.
Scene 2: It's like the reaper himself had been knocking on the door. Sanja came to claim the life of Chla once again, but despite Wushei not being present to stop her she decided to kill him where he stood. She snatched the contract from Chla and ordered the command seal to kill Wushei -yet- Chla defied death and finally put an end to her madness, but in the process it showed her true colors.
During his travels he might encounter an accepting group that would require his assistance, but as it stands he felt like a free spirit who's allowed to do whatever, and go wherever he please. Though being a nomad would fit him better by not being tied down to one place or tied to a single person it would allow him to do more.
Despite the times he allowed her to live, and tried to avoid contact with her; she felt the need to remove him from the picture and stop his growth and progression. If a person like her could harbor so much hate for a man that seeks understanding perhaps the people of the world don't deserve his understanding. Perhaps they desire suffering and pain and wish to inflict despair upon those around them.
Perhaps he could partake in different tasks from each place to better himself without being labeled as an enemy to anyone; this seemed like a good plan he'd follow through on.
Wushei finally managed to join a faction after traveling around; he didn't expect Theo to fully invite him to join Verkaris which was highly unexpected. Now part of a new faction; he felt the need to assist them a bit more when it comes down to their battles, and Wushei attempted to fend off an attacker trying to remove the limb of another Verkaris member.
Scene 3: Finally he was being punished for sins he didn't commit, and yet in a situation where he'd likely died to a parasite he fought against them. A crazy man who seeks to understand why things are, and why people choose these paths for themselves; he felt like a weapon ready to be used at anyone's call. He couldn't keep up with the powerful creature, and invisible shackles were placed around him with death being the result of them being removed. Is this what slavery felt like? Is this what the Saiyan's spent the early weeks experiencing?
Sadly he was overpowered, but that didn't stop them from moving forward; he fought against a huge creature in armor which plucked him off quite easily. While they gave him the opportunity to join; he's been losing quite a bit lately to these stronger fighters, but to Wushei it's only temporary.
Yet he didn't know what to label himself as; perhaps he was an idiot who thrived off battle and tried to understand himself. He didn't know anymore, but he couldn't turn back now. He was brought to fight Golden soul, and yet he seems more and more like a weapon.