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The Princess is a skeletal serpentine, jointed and sharp figure. She stands Gold with her bones glowing like the sun wrought of precious metals wearing a A dress & shawl of minute, clustered gemstones that glitter endlessly in the light. Ineradicable safety for all under her rule, without choice or division and can only be permanently killed By striking the left heel or palm. She signals her authority with By striking the left heel or palm as she travels On a carried in a howdah on the back of an enormous crippled, cancerous giant. The princess holds court with A coven of prophetic witches, marked by Their crowns of flame.
The princess is a skeleton, her bones glowing like the sun and glittering with prismatic text that burn like forge fires. She stands Gold with bones of solid gold and gemstones & crystals growing out from her body like tumours while wearing armor of slick dark insect carapaces, leaking molten gold at the joints. The purpose of her rule is to extend ineradicable safety to all those under her domnion, without choice or division and can only be permanently killed by striking the left heel or palm. She signals her authority with her burning & radioactive presence as she travels carried in a howdah on the back of an enormous crippled, cancerous giant. The princess holds court with a coven of prophetic witches, marked by their lips coated in salt.
The Topaz Babylon of Monday
Radiant Bisedia of Monday
The Princesses are a pair of conjoined, many-limbed, jointed and sharp figures. They stand White with teeth that are jagged, eternal icicles and a deathly paleness with no blood in their body while wearing a white silk robe, matching hood & a veil of diamond beads glittering like dewdrops on a spider's web. They desire to preserve eternally their works and can only be permanently killed when their heart has been extracted and consumed. They signal their authority with their human and incomprehensible lineage as they travel mounted on a landshark pitted & scarred from countless battles. The Princesses hold court with squires & pages recruited from the brightest, most promising nobility, marked by their crowns of flame.
The Princess is an angelic figure, tall and proud with singed eagle's wings. She stands Blue with A permanent static charge crackling dangerously around her, her hair standing on end while wearing A long coat of kaleidoscopic reptile scales that change color by the minute, second, and hour. She desires Battle & bloody dominion and can only be permanently killed By fear, frost & fire all in conjunction. She signals her authority with A sacred sword, now broken, with a terrible destiny awaiting it as she travels Walking on the backs of a tide of hooded, mutilated fanatics. The princess holds court with Young, delinquent vampires looking for kicks, marked by Their wicked depravity & endless cruelty.
The Ivory Hera of Tuesday
Cobalt Princess Seero of Tuesday
The Princess is an angelic figure, tall and proud with singed eagle's wings. She stands Blue with a permanent static charge crackling dangerously around her, her hair standing on end while wearing a long coat of kaleidoscopic reptile scales that change color by the minute, second, and hour. She desires to bring low the powerful & devour their flesh and can only be permanently killed by a blood relative. She signals her authority with a sacred sword, now broken, with a terrible destiny awaiting it as she travels walking on the backs of a tide of hooded, mutilated fanatics. The princess holds court with scribbling notaries recording her living biography, marked by The one eye they share between them all.
The Princess is a many-limbed, jointed and sharp figure. She stands White with eyes of clear, chipped ice while wearing A white silk robe, matching hood & a veil of diamond beads glittering like dewdrops on a spider's web. She desires Victory in intrigue & with matched wits and can only be permanently killed By dragonfire. Those parts of her which were removed & have been replaced by marvellous artifices as she travels Sitting in a palanquin carried by her trusted retinue. The princess holds court with A host of slithering, gurgling abberations, marked by Their unshakeable, worshipful loyalty.
Seero the Glaucous of Wednesday
Pale Urseem of Wednesday
The Princess is a truly massive figure, as tall as a castle and of powerful build. She stands Silver with skin of marble, cracks spiderwebbing from her joints while wearing a stone carapace, engraved with the many faces of her subjects. The purpose of her rule is to outdo all the previous conquerors of history and can only be permanently killed when her heart is pierced through with iron & with ivory. She signals her authority with the wealth of a fallen empire which she wears as jewelry as she travels sailing a bloody iron juggernaut, with screaming captives hanging from hooks on its battlements. The princess holds court with Drowned dead soldiers strewn with mosses and lichins, marked by their hidden faces which are never seen.
The Princess is a truly massive figure, ass tall as a castle and of powerful build. She stands Grey with Skin of marble, cracks spiderwebbing from her joints while wearing A stone carapace, engraved with the many faces of her subjects. She desires to To outdo all the previous conquerors of history and can only be permanently killed When her heart is pierced through with iron & with ivory. She signals her authority with The wealth of a fallen empire which she wears as jewellery as she travels Sailing a bloody iron juggernaut, with screaming captives hanging from hooks on its battlements. The princess holds court with Squires & pages recruited from the brightest, most promising nobility, marked by Their hidden faces which are never seen.
Argent Khost of Thursday
Grostnahadoon the Drab of Thursday
The princess is an unnaturally pale, graceful, still and predatory figure. She stands Black with the complexion of a drowned corpse, her stomach sunken by starvation while wearing a knightly suit of blackened steel armor sporting a large gorget, it is decorated with scenes of suffering. With great delicacy she dissects the mind, the body and the soul of such creatures as she finds interesting and can only be permanently killed if, once her body is broken, her spirit is barred from all other hosts for 13 days. She signals her authority with her natural crown, which rises in ten intertwined spurs of bone from the skull as she travels on a floating island sculpted into a skeletal citadel. The princess holds court with the disfigured ghosts of her ancestors, marked by the smell of incense & rot that precedes them.
The Princess is a relatively normal figure, human in all appearances. She stands Black with The complexion of a drowned corpse, her stomach sunken by starvation while wearing a knightly suit of blackened steel armor sporting a large gorget, it is decorated with scenes of suffering. She desires to dissect the mind, body & Soul and can only be permanently killed If, once her body is broken, her spirit is barred from all other hosts for 13 days. She signals her authority with Her natural crown, which rises in ten intertwined spurs of bone from the skull as she travels On a floating island sculpted into a skeletal citadel. The princess holds court with The disfigured ghosts of her ancestors, marked by The smell of incense & rot that precedes them.
The princess is a petite, wiry, ravenous and excited figure. She stands Green sharp thorns growing out from weaving vines visible under her skin while wearing garlands of fresh flowers & a crude, wooden, many-faced mask. She desires to let no dissenting voice be heard and can only be permanently killed at the witching hour. She signals her authority with the pacts she has made with demons & other things deep beneath the earth as she travels standing on an gigantic wheeled chest packed full of feral goblins. The princess holds court with forgotten monsters & their fearful tamers, marked by the screaming slaves they drive before them.
Verdigriscent Theen of Saturday
The princess is a petite, wiry, ravenous and excited figure. She stands Red with Eyes continually weeping blood while wearing A suit of lacquered crimson plate. She desires The enslavement or genocide of all other species and can only be permanently killed When the body has been torn to pieces & the pieces buried far from each other for 1 year & 1 day. She signals her authority with The visions from the gods she receives in ecstatic, weeping fits as she travels Mounted on a landshark pitted & scarred from countless battles. The princess holds court with Servile crocodilian mutants, marked by The exotic steeds they ride.
Drine the Vermillion of Saturday
The princess is a muscular, deformed and ugly grey skinned figure. She stands Red with eyes continually weeping blood while wearing a suit of lacquered crimson plate. The purpose of her rule is the enslavement or genocide of all other species and can only be permanently killed when her body has been torn to pieces and the pieces buried far from each other for a year and a day. She signals her authority with the visions from the gods she receives in ecstatic, weeping fits as she travels in the massive siege engine which serves as her castle.. The princess holds court with servile crocodilian mutants, marked by the oversized & bloody blades they carry.
Eden the Vermillion of Sunday