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Scott Vs Aquatro, Scyunid, Renown, Equardian, Loonigen, Elemental Dragon Of Earth, Elemental Dragon Of Wind, Elemental Dragon Of Fire, Elemental Dragon Of Water, SuperSonicGX Dragon Forme, Javelanz, Ultra Charizard, Princess Hypnotica, Necricore
Scott Vs Gyuratem, Zekitina, Lugiram, Zekyuram, Giraroark, Nidiortran, Genoarctwo, Naturus, Xermeark, Oroshibu, Mega Deogon Z, Haloshriek, Drazues, Draidon, Drades, Dragaia, Golesystral, Chimero Dragon, Pinkiedash434, PokeSpriter69s Uber Form, Spectravolt, Creator0077 Uber Form, FusionKnight Uber Form, MegaDeanomite Uber Form, ZadronSpriting Uber Form, SuperSilverNRG Uber Form, OmegaCrafter17 2.0 Uber Form, SonictheCrafter Uber Form, 
Winner: Scott