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	Battle Castle FAQ:
	Battle Tower FAQ:
Basic Definition: The Battle Castle is the management facility. Unlike other facilities, your Pokemon are not fully healed after each fight (though if they died, they are brought back to 1HP). You can not bring your own held items into the facility.
Basic Definition: The Battle Tower is the general battle facility. You simply battle 7 trainers 3v3 to win a set, and nothing more.
Instead, you are given Castle Points at the start of each set, and after every battle, to you to manage your battles. While the amount at the start of each set is always 10, the amount after each battle varies depending on how you performed in that battle. The amount you receive is based on the following:
Difficulty: 1st of 5 (Hardest)
Used 5 or less total PP used in battle: 8CP
If over 5, then used 10 or less total PP used in battle: 6CP
Manipulation: The Battle Tower is the only of the 5 facilities that does NOT call on the Primary RNG to determine the trainers and Pokemon you fight. Instead, it uses the the same function that determines Swarms and changes to the Lottery ID (it doesn't really have a name, but I've been calling it the LID Frame because it's the easiest way to keep track of it).
If over 10, then used 15 or less total PP used in battle: 4CP
What this basically means is that so long as the Lottery ID doesn't change, neither will the Pokemon order that appear at the Battle Tower. While this makes it incredibly easy to get predictable results, it makes it incredibly different to actually manipulate good results, as the only way to advance the LID is to have the clock strike midnight. And that only advances the LID Frame by 1, meaning you can't advance it by more than 1 every minute.
For each Pokemon that has not fainted: 3CP
This is why the Battle Tower is the hardest facility to clear in terms of battles, because the fights themselves aren't nearly as desirable.