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Re;Birth 2 Event Rules:
-No mercenaries may be paid down if this fight is chosen. Not via money, not via abilities, not via passives, not via asking the admins very nicely to allow it just this once, nada. Form Switchers are acceptable, so long as they remain within the constraints of Low Tier upkeep limits and do not go higher (AKA, no 4/weeks and up).
-The challenging player may select battle mercenaries from their group's unbought pool until they have eight rosterable mercenaries, if they so choose. They are not obligated to select mercenaries until they have reached that number.
<b>Gilgamesh</b> is as he appears in Final Fantasy 14 during the Battle in the Big Keep trial and Final Fantasy 13-2's Clash on the Big Bridge Coliseum content. He has access to all of his weapons, techniques, abilities and showings seen therein, including, yes, his guns and rocket launchers, except for turning enemies into chickens and all attacks interacting with that. He will be accompanied by Enkidu for this fight.
<b>Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!(Trigger):</b> If any female mercenaries are rostered against Gilgamesh, there is a 50% chance they will arrive to battle crossdressing as men.
Neutral Male Otherworldly
Upkeep: 5/week
Minimum bid: 70 GP
<i>The Big Bridge - The bridge leading to Castle Exdeath and site of the first battle with Gilgamesh. It provides little cover aside from the periodic enclosed checkpoints unless you're willing to dive into the raging water underneath. Access to the rest of the world is banned and no enemies are present. Attackers will on the far end, with defenders starting by the exit leading to Castle Exdeath.</b>
<b>Gilgamesh</b> is as he appears in Final Fantasy 14 during the Battle in the Big Keep trial and Final Fantasy 13-2's Clash on the Big Bridge Coliseum content. He has access to all of his weapons, techniques, abilities and showings seen therein, including, yes, his guns and rocket launchers, except for turning enemies into chickens and all attacks interacting with that. He will be accompanied by Enkidu for this fight. <b>Clash on the Big Bridge will play loudly all over the terrain once he engages in battle.</b>
<b>Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!(Trigger):</b> If any female mercenaries are rostered against Gilgamesh, there is a 50% chance they will arrive to battle crossdressing as men. Regardless of whether female mercenaries are rostered or not, Clash on the Big Bridge will play loudly all over the terrain once he engages in battle.
<i>The Big Bridge - The bridge leading to Castle Exdeath and site of the first battle with Gilgamesh. It provides little cover aside from the periodic enclosed checkpoints unless you're willing to dive into the raging river underneath. Access to the rest of the world is banned and no enemies are present. Attackers will on the far end, with defenders starting by the exit leading to Castle Exdeath.</b>