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One day, I felt uncomfortable.
Something is touching me. Something clings to me and never goes away. I can feel its breath here, in a space that should not have anything but myself.
There’s no pulse — and yet, it pulsates.
It doesn’t make a sound — and yet, it is certainly touching me.
Disgusting. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting.
He just wanted to be alone. It was his only wish, and so he kept madly desiring it and only it
An explosive deadly poison would not activate if there’s no impact from the outside. From the moment of his birth, from the moment when this insane craving was formed, he was tormented by this discomfort from something touching him.
If put into words, it would be: “Do not defile my solitude [tranquility].”
This wish, endlessly egoistic compared even to a child, from this irritation, slowly started to rise.
This wish, endlessly egoistic compared even to a child's, from this irritation, he slowly started to rise.
Touching me. What? Who? I have to crush you, so you would never stick to me again.
The existence that never actually stood on its own legs starts acting to get rid of that discomfort. Something is touching me, so I have to stand up — to get rid of this trash.
Someone is touching me, someone mad [kind] enough to connect with another person.
— It’s her…
Someone, huge and sacred [annoying], embraces [surrounds] me.
— She’s the one who is touching me…
— She’s the one who has been touching me…
Finally, I’ve found her.
— If only she hadn't existed… 
This existence was in the mysterious depths underground, however, I was able to find it right away.
Pushing forward, tearing away the irritating twilight [thin curtain] enveloping me, in an instant I arrived at the Throne.
Here I’ve met the being that lived there — bright, blinding goddess [garbage].
At this moment, the man for the first time acknowledged another person besides himself. Despite being somewhat inferior to his own extremely huge weight, for the first time he has seen an existence that he could compare himself to.
At this moment, the man acknowledged another person besides himself for the first time. Despite being somewhat inferior to his own extremely huge weight, for the first time he has seen an existence that he could compare himself to.
I want to embrace. So, I beg of you, please be happy.
Being by his side forever, the proof of an ultimate kindness. Stretched out to embrace with the divine love hands of a smiling goddess…
— Metsujin Messou!
With vulgar nonsense of a beast-like being, her compassion was crushed.
The way of Hadou gods coexisting made by her was destroyed. The feeling of something other than himself existing, became even stronger.
The way of Hadou gods coexisting made by her was destroyed. The feeling of something other than himself existing became even stronger.
He who was loved and embraced by this trash[another person], felt strange, dirty, and disgusting.
As long as that thing is there, I cannot be alone forever.
And in this instant, with that moment’s wish, the man’s narcissism violently exploded.
And in that instant, with that momentarily's wish, the man’s narcissism violently exploded.
Out-flowing from this body, narcissism, narcissism, narcissism’s pollution. In the blink of an eye, leaving the singularity behind where the goddess resided, everything was painted with the jet black darkness.
In the moment before twilight was split by the black craving, three gods came rushing in. All of them surrendered the Throne to Twilight, acknowledging her reign, now stood there, overcome with anger. 
In the moment before twilight was split by the black craving, three gods came rushing in. All of them surrendered the Throne to Twilight, acknowledging her reign; they now stood there, overcome with anger. 
Snake of Foreknowledge [Someone I don’t know].
Shining Golden Beast [Who cares].
Eternal Moment [You’re in the way].
Trash, trash, trash… Trash.
— A-ah, just disappear, you garbage. In this universe [here], just me alone is enough.
The conflict of the holy beings had begun.
Those three, unlike how it would be in a normal battle, were overcome by one from the very beginning. There was a simple difference in strength, but also it was because of what this man did before.
Only because of the Twilight Goddess’ Hadou embracing them were they allowed to coexist.
And when it was crushed, those three gods started eating away at each other while fighting the invader.
Snake, Ashura, and Moment, struggled while hindering one another, trying to fight the single enemy.
Despite not being able to use all of their strength, those three still possessed very strong cravings, and even with that, they still weren’t able to achieve anything, because the strength of their enemy was just too big.
It wasn’t because this god possessed some sort of special or unusual power.
It was an absolutely not complicated, extremely simple, mathematical reason — he just possessed a power infinitely bigger than all the previous Throne generations, absolutely pure power.
Not affected by the regression, easily trampling down the Beast’s undead legion, just tearing off the time stop.
Power, just power. Power, power, power whose nature was disgusting to look at. The weight of the idea of discomfort was just terrifying beyond belief.
There is nothing special in his craving, but it doesn’t matter. Even while not using all of their power, the three gods were not weak. Each of them had enough power to easily destroy the universe. 
But, to describe that god, it could be simply said that the numbers are different. Eyes would split just by looking at it, that’s how absolute this strength is.
Billion, trillion, ten quadrillion, hundred quintillion… What are those? For this god’s Muryoutaisu of Manji Mandala, even the whole strength of the Twilight’s guardians would be nothing.
Yet those three gods still haven't been erased, probably because their pride wouldn't allow them to be defeated by a single invader.
Encouraging each other, protecting each other, the way those defenders of the goddess struggled in a fight, could be for sure called heroic, but…
— Those are…
— I wonder if they will cry when I destroy everything?
Trash, garbage, they are worthless for sure. Treating others as equals, they must be insane. Disgusting. That’s how this evil god felt, from the bottom of his heart. Because he knew nothing.
He didn't know a single thing, and never wanted to. Truth, meaning of Taikyoku, and all of this struggle — he had never seen it as something significant. And this is why his worthless beastly Taikyoku created such a strong Law.
Do not defile Twilight, I would protect her until the very end, you are unworthy of this place… Pride, oath, weight of the Throne’s meaning, he never understood all of that, considering it nonsense.
What is this? Those idiots, they only love themselves, and yet they try to hide it behind words. Why are they doing it? Honestly, I do not understand.
Even now, they are fighting while their laws are clashing, they are fighting between themselves while looking like a union, why would they do this? I do not understand. This is narcissism. Narcissism, isn’t it? How it is any different from my wish?
If you, even while being broken, still display such insanity… fine. Your whole existence — I do not understand it.
— First, I will break the closest ones. 
If they cry when the others are broken, I’ll break the extra ones first.
Crying as they please, moving and making a sound as they please — I will crush you underfoot beautifully and cleanly. If I’ll crush it without leaving anything behind, it will completely disappear.
That’s how the narcissistic Taikyoku was thinking.
Walking over something with the wish of being faster than anything without even noticing it, crushing something that breaks everything it hits, ignoring the scorching flames, destroying countless other things that this trash spat out.
First, I tore to pieces the Shining Golden Beast [just trash].
Crushing the whole body, and trampling underfoot the light that left afterwards. After the first one disappeared, I felt a faint delight.
In that moment, the dark celestial body created by the noise [scream] from the lamenting Snake clashed onto me… but narcissism wasn’t shaken.
Sadly, it wasn’t able to leave the slightest wound. In comparison with Muryoutaisu, something equal to a trillion is just trash.
Noise, noise noise noise noise noise noise [You worthless bastard, who do you think you’re stepping on?].
He was somewhat annoying, so I crushed him.
I destroyed one half, and threw aside the other one.
His ruined soul didn't even notice its own disappearance, scattering across the singularity in a single strike.
If only, somehow this god was the last one to stand out of the three...
If only, somehow this god was the last one to stand, out of the three...
If only he, while spitting blood, endured the humiliation of his Apoptosis, the act of defiling his friend... 
Even with Twilight destroyed, it was still possible to aim at the possibility of taking back the Throne and return everything the beginning once again. It might be possible to hold the Sixth Heaven back, catch his true nature, and just for one instant return the Throne to its predecessor to unleash his Atziluth.
Even with Twilight destroyed, it was still possible to aim at the possibility of taking back the Throne and return everything to the beginning once again. It might've been possible to hold the Sixth Heaven back, catch his true nature, and just for one instant return the Throne to its predecessor to unleash his Atziluth.
He was the only existence able to reach such a possibility. His Atziluth was the only one that could go beyond the chains of cause and result.
And then, from the very start, this event, this cruelty that happened to the goddess, the birth of that worst and lowest god, it might be possible to erase every possibility of it happening.
And then, from the very start, this event, this cruelty that happened to the goddess, the birth of that worst and lowest god, it might've been possible to erase every possibility of it happening.
But now, this is the result. Forgetting himself in the single moment because of his friendship, this being was easily crushed in a single moment.
What irony. In an event that has never happened when he was at the Throne, Snake of Eternal Recurrence ceased to exist with a feeling of regret.
What irony. In an event that has never happened when he was at the Throne, the Snake of Eternal Recurrence ceases to exist with a feeling of regret.
With that, time rewind disappears.The Golden Beast would not revive, and the cycle ends. With the two gods never returning again, the situation worsens dramatically.
The remaining one, Eternal Moment, still stands, worthy of admiration. In fact, this one was the biggest obstacle.
Ironically, his Hadou was the one most obstructed by the two others who had disappeared. With his craving shining at full power, the domain of his soul is unprecedentedly big.
His time stop-like protection of Twilight, was now stronger than ever, but...
So, the evil god thought: I will leave this one for last, now, I will crush the closest, easiest ones.
First, I need to break Twilight [garbage] that makes me want to vomit. Then, this one will cry for sure.
“I’m with you, I believe that you will not lose, you will win for sure”, the world of this worthlessly crying trash, I will paint with my narcissistic Hadou
— You stink, trash.
The pressure of his craving increases. Just from looking at the sky a hole appears, and the world begins to crack under the new Taikyoku.
Instead of Twilight, through the singularity in the outer world Tengu Dou begins to outflow. Normally impossible changes occurs, the goddess’ Hadou little by little becomes evil.
Instead of Twilight, Tengu Dou begins to outflow through the singularity into the outer world. A normally impossible change occurs, and the goddess’ Hadou little by little becomes evil.
As expected, Eternal Moment’s screams explodes like a falling meteor…
As expected, Eternal Moment’s screams explode like a falling meteor…
— Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! You’re in the way.
Like a pebble on the roadside, shoved away by one hand.
Shoved away by one hand, like a pebble on the roadside
From that slight impact, Mugen Dai Guren Jigoku Taikyoku starts flowing out into the singularity. With his body completely broken, dying with maddening resentment, Eternal Moment is thrown away. With that, the drama of a Throne contest ends.
From that slight impact, Mugen Dai Guren Jigoku Taikyoku starts flowing out into the singularity. With his body completely broken, dying with maddening resentment, Eternal Moment is thrown away. With that, the drama of the Throne contest ends.
To think about it, he disappeared, and died. Well, this is fine too, not like I care.
And so, oppressed with the narcissistic desire, the Twilight Goddess was…
Crushed under feet.
Crushed under feet.
Crushed under feet. Crushed under feet. Crushed under feet.
Face, arm, leg, belly, chest, crushed, crushed, crushed, crushed. Stinks, filthy, disgusting, this trash — do not touch me, leave me alone. Absolutely, never again, do not touch me, die.
Until this annoying crying stops, until this irritating craving disappears.
Not a single part of it should remain, absolutely, certainly, crushing that existence itself under feet.
Finally, it’s all gone.
The usurpator finally felt relief and delight... No, now it’s Sixth Heaven. Finally in silence, the highest Throne’s Taikyoku was glad when everyone disappeared.
But still, something clings to me?
At that moment, Sixth Heaven noticed the other being aside from the goddess who wanted to embrace was touching him.
In that moment, Sixth Heaven noticed that the other beings aside from the goddess who wanted to embrace was touching him.
This universe [body] is full of trash[souls].
This is the phenomenon of the Throne’s succession, the transfer of the world’s souls. This new god who just wanted to tear everyone away from him, ended up with the complete opposite, inheriting the possession of the goddess.
And of course, experiencing such an unexpected thing, this evil god had an abnormal reaction to it.
You’re in the way. You’re in the way. This trash that gathers up in my body — I don’t need it.
With the Throne taking the Sixth Heaven’s Hadou, it planted egoistic karma into everyone’s souls. A world where every person is absolutely egoistic. This is how the law of Metsujin Messou, the law erasing everyone until there’s nothing left, was born.
When someone dies, they disappear. Sixth Heaven’s trash cells under his Hadou destroyed each other, blinded by narcissism and having nothing of their own.
Eternal Moment, who was thrown out in the outside world — now named Yato, if he hadn't stopped time in kannadzuki, the whole world would go extinct in mutual destruction at that moment.
Eternal Moment, who was thrown out in the outside world — now named Yato — if he hadn't stopped time in kannadzuki, the whole world would go extinct in mutual destruction at that moment.
The whole creation is just garbage.
Salvation, compassion, the next era — nothing like that exists there.
This is the worst and the most evil Heaven in history.