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Mew GX: Psychic Basic 170 HP
Ability: Versatility: This pokemon can use the attacks of all other pokemon on the field.
Memories of Dawn: [P]: Search your deck for a Basic Pokemon. This Pokemon is now your active pokemon instead of Mew GX. Keep all energy attached to Mew GX attached to the new active pokemon, but remove all damage counters. Shuffle Mew GX back into your deck
Genesis Supernova GX: 150+: If you have used a supporter card this turn, this attack does 100 more damage, and discard the top 3 cards of your deck. This attack is not affected by Weakness or Resistance.
Genesis Supernova GX: 150+: [P] [C] [C]: If you have used a supporter card this turn, this attack does 100 more damage, and discard the top 3 cards of your deck. This attack is not affected by Weakness or Resistance.
Weakness: Psychic Resistance: None. Retreat cost [C]