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Part 1
A teenager is recruited by a woman (Macy) who appears to be a police officer yet wholly partakes in both Chem 1 and Chem 2. She is much older, but they decide to date. He feels not like a lover but like one of her kids. She introduces him to Chem 1 and he experiences hallucinations, delusions, and thoughtful inspirations about the nature of death. 
During a training exercise at the casino, Adam (the teenager,) completely intoxicated on Chem 1, manages to perform the task assigned to him: intimidate Roger Ethan, the drug lord who shot one of Macy's captain. He starts hearing voices and goes straight to the cops at the casino when the mission appears to be over--and sees Macy in a police car, riding away. He goes back to her house, and later she arrives. She doesn't blame him--he didn't rat her out, after all--and Adam goes to bed.
Frightened and confused, he spends less time with Macy. Soon, he learns from one of the Captains that Macy intends for him to achieve some purpose as an "archetype." The captain, on Chem 2, explains that he's going to be famous. When Adam uncomfortably leaves his house, he is struck by a vehicle and sustains a brain injury.
Adam gets a new job and is finally away from Chem 1 and Macy. However, he's still having psychological problems and a psychiatrist prescribes him an antipsychotic, debian. After just a few days, he reunites with Macy and can't control his desire to date her.
Part 2