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Hey ______, my name is Kyle, I'm a health insurance advocate that received your request in regards to health insurance quotes. I do have the ability to gather all of your options from both markets, public and private, here in the state so you can see everything & compare to make sure it's going to be the right fit for you _______. You can reach me at my direct at your earliest convenience, that number is going to be area code 321... 312... 2837, and again my name is Kyle. In fact, on the off chance that texting is easier for you, you can text me to that number with any questions you may have or respond to the email I just sent you so I can get the quotes for you. I look forward to chatting with you soon _________ and you have a great day now. Take care, bu-bye
Hey ______, my name is Kyle, I'm a health insurance advocate that received your request in regards to health insurance quotes. My job is basically to gather all of your options from both markets, public and private, here in the state so you can see everything & compare to make sure it's going to be the right fit for you. You can reach me at my direct at your earliest convenience, that number is going to be area code 321... 312... 2837, and again my name is Kyle. In fact ____, on the off chance that texting is easier for you, what I'll is have my assistant shoot you over a quick text and that would be easier for us to get connected. I look forward to chatting with you soon _________ and you have a great day now. Take care, bu-bye.