- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | -- config | |
2 | local dataCorrection = 2.5 -- value to divide IM data by. | |
3 | - | local displayMinMax = true -- set to false to hide the "MIN" and "MAX" text. |
3 | + | local displayMinMax = false-- set to false to hide the "MIN" and "MAX" text. |
4 | local screenRefreshRate = 1 -- how often to display new data in seconds. | |
5 | local unitFormatCaps = true -- true = X.X KRF. false = X.XkRF | |
6 | local showTooltips = true -- suggests adding providers when input/output is maxed. | |
7 | local alarmPercent = 5 -- what % to output a redstone signal. 0 to 100 to enable. -1 to disable. | |
8 | ||
9 | --Setup | |
10 | mon = peripheral.find("monitor") | |
11 | mat = peripheral.find("inductionPort") | |
12 | term.clear() | |
13 | term.setCursorPos(1,1) | |
14 | ||
15 | --Draw Function | |
16 | function draw(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, c) | |
17 | mon.setBackgroundColor(c) | |
18 | mon.setCursorPos(xmin, ymin) | |
19 | if xmax ~= 1 then | |
20 | for i = 1, xmax, 1 do | |
21 | mon.write(" ") | |
22 | mon.setCursorPos(xmin+i, ymin) | |
23 | end | |
24 | end | |
25 | if ymax ~= 1 then | |
26 | for k = 1, ymax, 1 do | |
27 | mon.write(" ") | |
28 | mon.setCursorPos(xmin, ymin+k) | |
29 | end | |
30 | end | |
31 | mon.setBackgroundColor(32768) | |
32 | end | |
33 | ||
34 | --DrawBar Function | |
35 | function drawBar(xmin, xmax, y, r, c) | |
36 | for i=1, r, 1 do | |
37 | draw(xmin, xmax, y+i-1, 1, c) | |
38 | end | |
39 | end | |
40 | ||
41 | -- error screen | |
42 | function displayError(index) | |
43 | local x, y = mon.getSize() | |
44 | if x ~= 50 or y ~= 19 then return end | |
45 | ||
46 | local errorText = "ERROR" | |
47 | local errors = { | |
48 | "The Induction Matrix has been tampered with.", | |
49 | "Induction Port not connected.", | |
50 | "The Induction Matrix is incomplete." | |
51 | } | |
52 | ||
53 | mon.clear() | |
54 | -- error | |
55 | mon.setTextColour(16384) | |
56 | mon.setCursorPos((x/2) - (string.len(errorText)/2), (y/2)-1) | |
57 | mon.write(errorText) | |
58 | -- msg | |
59 | mon.setTextColour(1) | |
60 | mon.setCursorPos((x/2) - (string.len(errors[index])/2), y/2) | |
61 | mon.write(errors[index]) | |
62 | printError("ERROR: " .. errors[index]) | |
63 | ||
64 | local timer = 10 | |
65 | while timer > -1 do | |
66 | local countdownStr = "Next attempt in " .. timer | |
67 | ||
68 | mon.setTextColour(1) | |
69 | mon.setCursorPos((x/2) - (string.len(countdownStr)/2), (y/2)+2) | |
70 | draw((x/2) - (string.len(countdownStr)/2), string.len(countdownStr) + 1, (y/2)+2, 1, 32768) | |
71 | mon.setCursorPos((x/2) - (string.len(countdownStr)/2), (y/2)+2) | |
72 | mon.write(countdownStr) | |
73 | print(countdownStr) | |
74 | ||
75 | timer = timer -1 | |
76 | os.sleep(1) | |
77 | end | |
78 | ||
79 | os.reboot() | |
80 | end | |
81 | ||
82 | --Round Function | |
83 | function round(float) | |
84 | local int, part = math.modf(float) | |
85 | if float == math.abs(float) and part >= .5 then return int+1 | |
86 | elseif part <= -.5 then return int-1 | |
87 | end | |
88 | return int | |
89 | end | |
90 | ||
91 | --Round with 2 Decimals Function | |
92 | function roundD(exact, quantum) | |
93 | local quant,frac = math.modf(exact/quantum) | |
94 | return quantum * (quant + (frac > 0.5 and 1 or 0)) | |
95 | end | |
96 | ||
97 | -- format time | |
98 | local timeUnits = { | |
99 | {threshold = 8553600, unit = "99+ days"}, | |
100 | {threshold = 86400, unit = "days", divisor = 86400}, | |
101 | {threshold = 3600, unit = "hours", divisor = 3600}, | |
102 | {threshold = 60, unit = "min", divisor = 60}, | |
103 | {threshold = 1, unit = "sec", divisor = 1} | |
104 | } | |
105 | ||
106 | function adjustTime(time) | |
107 | for _, unitData in ipairs(timeUnits) do | |
108 | if time >= unitData.threshold then | |
109 | local adjustedTime | |
110 | if unitData.divisor and unitData.divisor ~= 1 then | |
111 | adjustedTime = string.format("%.1f", time / unitData.divisor) | |
112 | elseif unitData.divisor then | |
113 | adjustedTime = math.floor(time / unitData.divisor) | |
114 | else | |
115 | adjustedTime = "" | |
116 | end | |
117 | return string.format("%s %s", adjustedTime, unitData.unit) | |
118 | end | |
119 | end | |
120 | return "0 sec." -- fallback, if time is 0 or negative | |
121 | end | |
122 | ||
123 | --Conversion Function | |
124 | function conversion(exact, text, addPlus, afterDecimalPoint) | |
125 | afterDecimalPoint = afterDecimalPoint or 0.1 | |
126 | addPlus = addPlus or false | |
127 | ||
128 | local units = unitFormatCaps and {"", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"} or {"", "k", "m", "g", "t", "p", "e", "z", "y"} | |
129 | local pot = 1 | |
130 | local absExact = math.abs(exact) | |
131 | ||
132 | while absExact >= (1000^pot) do | |
133 | pot = pot + 1 | |
134 | end | |
135 | ||
136 | local value = roundD(exact / (1000^(pot - 1)), afterDecimalPoint) | |
137 | local out = tostring(value) | |
138 | ||
139 | if addPlus and value > 0 then out = "+" .. out end | |
140 | if text then out = out .. (unitFormatCaps and " " .. units[pot] or units[pot]) end | |
141 | ||
142 | return out | |
143 | end | |
144 | ||
145 | -- draw static elements (runs once) | |
146 | function drawStatic() | |
147 | --Frame Induction Matrix | |
148 | draw(2, 2, 2, 1, 128) | |
149 | draw(22, 13, 2, 1, 128) | |
150 | draw(2, 1, 2, 17, 128) | |
151 | draw(2, 33, 18, 1, 128) | |
152 | draw(34, 1, 2, 17, 128) | |
153 | draw(2, 33, 8, 1, 128) | |
154 | mon.setCursorPos(5,2) | |
155 | mon.write("Induction Matrix") | |
156 | ||
157 | --Status | |
158 | draw(36, 2, 2, 1, 128) | |
159 | draw(36, 1, 2, 9, 128) | |
160 | draw(49, 1, 2, 9, 128) | |
161 | draw(36, 13, 10, 1, 128) | |
162 | draw(46, 4, 2, 1, 128) | |
163 | mon.setCursorPos(39,2) | |
164 | mon.write("Status") | |
165 | mon.setCursorPos(38,7) | |
166 | mon.write("Flow:") | |
167 | ||
168 | --Frame Stats | |
169 | draw(36, 1, 12, 7, 128) | |
170 | draw(49, 1, 12, 7, 128) | |
171 | draw(36, 13, 18, 1, 128) | |
172 | draw(36, 2, 12, 1, 128) | |
173 | draw(45, 4, 12, 1, 128) | |
174 | mon.setCursorPos(39,12) | |
175 | mon.write("Stats") | |
176 | ||
177 | --energyBar | |
178 | drawBar(4, 29, 4, 3, 256) | |
179 | ||
180 | --inputBar | |
181 | drawBar(4, 29, 11, 2, 256) | |
182 | mon.setCursorPos(4,10) | |
183 | mon.write("Input:") | |
184 | if displayMinMax then | |
185 | mon.setTextColour(128) | |
186 | mon.setCursorPos(4,13) | |
187 | - | mon.write(" ") |
187 | + | mon.write("min") |
188 | mon.setCursorPos(30,13) | |
189 | - | mon.write("1.67G") |
189 | + | mon.write("max") |
190 | mon.setTextColour(1) | |
191 | end | |
192 | ||
193 | --outputBar | |
194 | drawBar(4, 29, 15, 2, 256) | |
195 | mon.setCursorPos(4,14) | |
196 | mon.write("Output:") | |
197 | if displayMinMax then | |
198 | mon.setTextColour(128) | |
199 | mon.setCursorPos(4,17) | |
200 | - | mon.write(" ") |
200 | + | mon.write("min") |
201 | mon.setCursorPos(30,17) | |
202 | - | mon.write("1.67G") |
202 | + | mon.write("max") |
203 | mon.setTextColour(1) | |
204 | end | |
205 | end | |
206 | ||
207 | -- draw charts (runs every refresh) | |
208 | function drawCharts() | |
209 | local percent = tostring(round((energy/dataCorrection)/(maxEnergy/dataCorrection)*100) .. "%") | |
210 | local percentPos = (29/2) - (string.len(percent)/2) + 4 | |
211 | mon.setBackgroundColor(256) | |
212 | mon.setCursorPos(percentPos, 5) | |
213 | mon.write(percent) | |
214 | ||
215 | -- output meter | |
216 | drawBar(4, 29, 15, 2, 256) | |
217 | drawBar(4, round((lastOutput/transferCap)*29), 15, 2, 16384) | |
218 | if showTooltips and lastOutput == transferCap then | |
219 | mon.setBackgroundColor(16384) | |
220 | mon.setCursorPos(4, 16) | |
221 | mon.write("Maxed. Add/upgrade providers") | |
222 | end | |
223 | ||
224 | -- input meter | |
225 | drawBar(4, 29, 11, 2, 256) | |
226 | drawBar(4, round((lastInput/transferCap)*29), 11, 2, 32) | |
227 | if showTooltips and lastInput == transferCap then | |
228 | mon.setBackgroundColor(32) | |
229 | mon.setCursorPos(4, 12) | |
230 | mon.write("Maxed. Add/upgrade providers") | |
231 | end | |
232 | ||
233 | -- stored energy | |
234 | drawBar(4, 29, 4, 3, 256) | |
235 | drawBar(4, round(filledPercentage*29), 4, 3, 8) | |
236 | ||
237 | mon.setBackgroundColor(256) | |
238 | mon.setCursorPos(percentPos, 5) | |
239 | mon.write(percent) | |
240 | ||
241 | mon.setBackgroundColor(32768) -- reset to black | |
242 | end | |
243 | ||
244 | -- draw stats (runs every refresh) | |
245 | function drawStats() | |
246 | local capacity = maxEnergy/dataCorrection | |
247 | local input = lastInput/dataCorrection | |
248 | local output = lastOutput/dataCorrection | |
249 | local stored = energy/dataCorrection | |
250 | local flow = input - output | |
251 | local maxTransfer = transferCap/dataCorrection | |
252 | ||
253 | ||
254 | -- STATS | |
255 | mon.setBackgroundColor(32768) | |
256 | ||
257 | mon.setCursorPos(38,14) | |
258 | mon.write("Cells: " .. installedCells) | |
259 | ||
260 | mon.setCursorPos(38,15) | |
261 | - | mon.write("Prov: " .. installedProviders) |
261 | + | mon.write("I/O: " .. conversion(maxTransfer, true) .. "") |
262 | ||
263 | mon.setCursorPos(38,16) | |
264 | mon.write("Cap: " .. conversion(capacity, false)) | |
265 | ||
266 | -- stored energy | |
267 | draw(23, 11, 2, 1, 32768) | |
268 | mon.setCursorPos(24,2) | |
269 | mon.write(conversion(stored, true) .. "RF") | |
270 | ||
271 | -- input | |
272 | draw(10, 23, 10, 1, 32768) | |
273 | mon.setCursorPos(11,10) | |
274 | mon.write(conversion(input, true, true) .. "RF/t") | |
275 | ||
276 | -- output | |
277 | draw(11, 22, 14, 1, 32768) | |
278 | mon.setCursorPos(12,14) | |
279 | mon.write(conversion(output*-1, true) .. "RF/t") | |
280 | ||
281 | -- status | |
282 | local chargeStatus = "Charging" | |
283 | local timeStatus = "Full In:" | |
284 | local statusColour = 8192 -- green | |
285 | if (flow < 0) then | |
286 | statusColour = 16384 -- red | |
287 | chargeStatus = "Depleting" | |
288 | timeStatus = "Empty In:" | |
289 | elseif flow == 0 then | |
290 | statusColour = 16 -- red | |
291 | chargeStatus = "Idle" | |
292 | end | |
293 | ||
294 | -- Full/Empty In | |
295 | draw(38, 10, 5, 1, 32768) | |
296 | mon.setCursorPos(38,5) | |
297 | mon.write(timeStatus) | |
298 | ||
299 | mon.setTextColour(statusColour) | |
300 | draw(38, 10, 4, 1, 32768) | |
301 | mon.setCursorPos(38,4) | |
302 | mon.write(chargeStatus) | |
303 | ||
304 | -- time remaining | |
305 | local time = "Inf." | |
306 | if output < input then | |
307 | time = adjustTime((capacity - stored) / (input - output) / 20) | |
308 | elseif output > input then | |
309 | time = adjustTime(stored / (output - input) / 20) | |
310 | end | |
311 | ||
312 | draw(38, 10, 6, 1, 32768) | |
313 | mon.setCursorPos(38,6) | |
314 | mon.write(time) | |
315 | ||
316 | -- flow | |
317 | draw(38, 10, 8, 1, 32768) | |
318 | mon.setCursorPos(38,8) | |
319 | mon.write(conversion(flow, true, true, 1) .. "RF/t") | |
320 | mon.setTextColour(1) -- reset | |
321 | ||
322 | end | |
323 | ||
324 | -- protective call | |
325 | function protCall(func, errIndex) | |
326 | local success, result = pcall(func) | |
327 | if success and result then | |
328 | -- Function executed successfully, process the result | |
329 | return result | |
330 | else | |
331 | -- Function encountered an error | |
332 | displayError(errIndex) | |
333 | end | |
334 | end | |
335 | ||
336 | -- monitor check | |
337 | if mon ~= nil then | |
338 | local x, y = mon.getSize() | |
339 | if x ~= 50 or y ~= 19 then | |
340 | print("ERROR: Incorrect monitor size. Monitor should be 5 wide and 3 tall.") | |
341 | return | |
342 | end | |
343 | ||
344 | mon.setBackgroundColor(32768) | |
345 | mon.clear() | |
346 | mon.setTextColour(1) | |
347 | else | |
348 | print("No monitor found.") | |
349 | return | |
350 | end | |
351 | -- matrix check | |
352 | while not mat or not mat.isFormed() do | |
353 | if not mat then | |
354 | displayError(2) | |
355 | elseif not mat.isFormed() then | |
356 | displayError(3) | |
357 | end | |
358 | end | |
359 | ||
360 | function lowBatAlarm() | |
361 | -- check the below line | |
362 | lowBatAlarmEnabled = (alarmPercent >= 0 and alarmPercent <= 100) and (round((energy/dataCorrection)/(maxEnergy/dataCorrection)*100) <= alarmPercent) -- and (lastInput/dataCorrection) - (lastOutput/dataCorrection) <= 0) | |
363 | if lowBatAlarmEnabled and not rs.getOutput("top") then | |
364 | setAlarm(true) | |
365 | elseif not lowBatAlarmEnabled and rs.getOutput("top") then | |
366 | setAlarm(false) | |
367 | end | |
368 | end | |
369 | ||
370 | function setAlarm(state) | |
371 | for _, side in pairs(rs.getSides()) do | |
372 | rs.setOutput(side, state) | |
373 | end | |
374 | end | |
375 | ||
376 | -- runs once | |
377 | print("Induction Matrix monitor successfully loaded.") | |
378 | print("Script by Ordiance & Broadbent") | |
379 | energy, maxEnergy, installedCells, installedProviders, lastInput, lastOutput, filledPercentage, transferCap, lowBatAlarmEnabled = nil | |
380 | mon.clear() | |
381 | mon.setBackgroundColor(16384) | |
382 | drawStatic() | |
383 | ||
384 | -- runs every refresh | |
385 | while true do | |
386 | energy = protCall(mat.getEnergy, 1) | |
387 | maxEnergy = protCall(mat.getMaxEnergy, 1) | |
388 | installedCells = protCall(mat.getInstalledCells, 1) | |
389 | installedProviders = protCall(mat.getInstalledProviders, 1) | |
390 | lastInput = protCall(mat.getLastInput, 1) | |
391 | lastOutput = protCall(mat.getLastOutput, 1) | |
392 | filledPercentage = protCall(mat.getEnergyFilledPercentage, 1) | |
393 | transferCap = protCall(mat.getTransferCap, 1) | |
394 | ||
395 | drawCharts() | |
396 | drawStats() | |
397 | lowBatAlarm() | |
398 | os.sleep(screenRefreshRate) | |
399 | end | |
400 |