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	Battle Hall FAQ:
	Battle Arcade FAQ:
Basic Definition: The Battle Hall is the stage facility. In it, all Battles are 1v1, and the streak is only kept if you use the same Pokemon all the way through.
Basic Definition: The Battle Arcade is the game facility. You can not bring your own held items into the facility.
Before each fight, a game board will appear with 16 different possible 'events', and one is chosen to occur before that fight begins.
Before each battle you requested to pick one of the 17 types, and after doing so, you will fight with a Pokemon that has this type.
Each type has a "Rank" starting at 1, and after each battle you win after choosing that type, it will advance by 1. You will not be allowed to choose the type again after clearing Rank 10 until you win the Gold Print, meaning that you have to clear every type to Rank 10 to win the Gold Print, given it takes 170 battles.
They are broken into 3 categories - Those that affect you are in Blue, those that affect your opponent are in Red, and those that are overall impacts are in Grey.
Examples of the first 2 are Paralysing the whole team, or reducing the HP remaining by -20% of each Pokemon. Note that because you are healed after each fight these all only last for a single battle, but an exception to this is if you manage to get an Item for your team it will last for the whole set until it is lost.
As the Rank advances, so does the level of the Pokemon you face. They initially start much lower level than you, but eventually end up being the same as your level. However, their level also increases as you go through sets, so even a Rank 10 Pokemon will not meet your level in early sets.
Example of overall impacts include setting weather for the next fight, or increasing the speed the game board runs at. There is also a rare tile that shows up in later sets that allows you to skip the fight entirely.
Pokemon are broken up into 3 Groups in the Battle Hall, and are different from the ones seen in other facilities.
In Rank 1-2 you'll see only Group 1 Pokemon, in Rank 3-4 you can see Group 1 or 2 Pokemon, in Rank 5-6 only Group 2, in Rank 7-8, Group 2 or Group 3, and then in Rank 9-10 only Group 3 Pokemon.
Difficulty: 3rd of 5 (Medium). 
Note: Making an extra note here to say that while the difficulty of the fights is the 3rd hardest, in terms of execution the Arcade is definitely the hardest. This is because stopping the game board is purely execution, and missing the correct choice can mean an instant run over.
Difficulty: 5th of 5 (Easiest). 
Manipulation: All Pokemon and Trainers, along with the events that appears on the game board are determined by calls to the Primary RNG. Almost all of the events do not call the Primary RNG and therefore have no impact, but there is one exception - Sleep.