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Mik'a cracks their knuckles looking over at the nearby computer, it was time for the last piece. They measured the area of the planet, knew its density, by comparing its size to Earth, and figuring out how much gravity would be needed to make a planet of this  size fivetimes the size of Earth's. A combination of being bigger and denser. Mik'a had figured out how deep the lalva flowed on planet Vegeta at its peaks, finding the peaks in the most North area, South, and on the opposite sides of the planet.
So, now it was time to figure out how far deep the core was from ground level in order to make an assessment on how far the lava would need to go. [Common] "This planet will likely suffer from a total implosion, with how hollow it is. I believe the drilling from the planet had caused the core minerals, lava and such to pour out, thus creating a denser outside and a really hollow center..."
So, refilling it was a thing that Mik'a had been working on. Using a combination of their calculations, and Aurelias' smarts and technology, and now a more connected lab, that was closer to the center. So, Mik'a had began using the computer to figure out just how hollow it was, and how big the core used to be. After recording the information, Mik'a had sent the results to a computer on the other side of the planet.
[Common] "Thanks, though I reccomend you prepare yourself for what I'lll be doing, there may be Earthquakes and the such, and depending on the waves made, some lava may pour on this area. Okay?"*