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Pokemon Stadium 1 FAQ:
Pokemon Stadium 1 GLC R2 FAQ:
Q: Why are you using <pokemon>? Why not <other pokemon>?
A: Because the restrictions in running this game involve only using rental Pokemon (as otherwise it would be incredibly easy and not at all challenging). In Stadium 1 a fair few evolved Pokes have good moves (Legendary Birds and Jolteon get a lot of useage, for example), but sometimes a lesser Pokemon is used for a better movepool (Eg Abra is used for highest special Psychic, which Kadabra/Alakazam do not have)
A: Because the restrictions in running this game involve only using rental Pokemon (as otherwise it would be incredibly easy and not at all challenging). In Stadium 1 a fair few evolved Pokes have good moves (Legendary Birds and Jolteon get a lot of useage, for example), but sometimes a lesser Pokemon is used for a better movepool (Eg Kadabra has better moves than Alakazam)
Q: What is this category?
A: This is the Gym Leader Castle, specifically Round 1. So basically beat everyone in there. They can be done in any order (so long as Elite Four is last), so I start with some of the better fights to get out of the way early. (GLC R1 stands for Gym Leader Castle, Round 1)
A: This is the Gym Leader Castle, specifically Round 2. So basically beat everyone in there. They can be done in any order (so long as Elite Four is last), so I start with some of the better fights to get out of the way early. (GLC R2 stands for Gym Leader Castle, Round 1)
Q: Why is the order scrambled like that?
A: It's allowed because doing it from a fresh file would be really annoying to reset the save data for (given you'd have to remake the teams every reset as well), so it's stupid to not allow play on a completed save. And since that's allowed, no reason to restrict order either. Elite Four still must be done last because timing ends during the cutscene after that battle (would be slower to not do him last because of that anyway). 
As such, I fight the gyms in reverse order, as they are progressively difficult, so I get the harder ones out of the way this way.
I do Giovanni first, more for his trainers than him. But they are a big chance to lose to, so take them out first. Then head off backwards through the gyms, but skip Erika and Koga (as Surge and Misty are harder gyms, I rather take them out earlier)
Q: Why does that gym leader have a Pokemon that isn't of their type??
A: Because if every leader had only their type, all these fights would be easy. Though some of them actually do do that because Round 1 in Stadium 1 is actually fairly easy, and there are less Pokemon to choose between.
A: Because if every leader had only their type, all these fights would be easy. There aren't too many Pokemon to choose from in Gen 1, so a lot of them might have pokes that don't make a whole lot of sense, mainly just for coverage
Q: Why is that Pokemon coloured differently?
A: Giving Pokemon nicknames in the Stadium games changes their colouration, so you can see some cool and different looking Pokes. 
Q: What is the record?
A: | Note: Imax actually has a 1:39:07 which is better than all the times here, but took his time down from the leaderboard, so that's actually the best time.
A: (Everyone else too pansy to do round 2)
Q: So what's your goal?
A: Probably to get top time on src, so beat Zewing's 1:41:22
A: Atm, just a deathless run. This will be sub 3, easily (I died for 50 minutes at Giovanni in my PB, and it was done on PAL, so slower speed too) | I edited my splits to add 2 minutes to just about every split so the time save is more spread out now.
Q: Is this game easier than Stadium 2? Or harder?
A: Round 1 is certainly easier. They use easier teams to beat in Round 1 in general (ie a lot of the same type), the Rentals you get to work with are a lot more powerhouse-y (Good birds, Jolteon, Nidoking, Jynx), and there are less complexities without held items and such. However, you do rely on moves that can miss a fair bit, especially Thunder, which is used a lot in the run, so getting a good time has a lot to do with hitting them. As this is Gen 1 as well, criticals are a lot more common, as instead of the chance of a critcal being 1/16, it is the BaseSpeed/512 of Pokemon using it (eg for Jolteon 130/512 which is ~25.4%)
A: Round 2 is probably slightly easier in Stad 1, only for the lack of held items. In Stad 2, you have to deal with so many brightpowder/quick claw/focus band scenarios, that you're bound to get duped at some point. In Stad 1, you just have to deal with the fact that their Pokemon have much higher stats than your.
The rentals you get to work with are a lot more powerhouse-y too (Good birds, Jolteon, Nidoking, Jynx), and there are less complexities without held items and such. However, you do rely on moves that can miss a fair bit, especially Thunder, which is used a lot in the run, so getting a good time has a lot to do with hitting them. As this is Gen 1 as well, criticals are a lot more common, which becomes a larger possibility to lose, as well as make up time.
A: Yes, it does. Stadium changed a few mechanics from the handheld Gen 1 games (for example, switching after Wrap/Fire Spin means the other Pokemon won't attack, so you don't get stuck forever), but this still is a gen 1 game and holds most of it's mechanics, such as the 1/256 miss.
Q: Does this game have the Gen 1 1/256 miss?
A: Yes, it does. Stadium changed a few mechanics from the handheld Gen 1 games (for example, switching after Wrap/Fire Spin means the other Pokemon won't attack, so you don't get stuck forever), but this still is a gen 1 game and holds most of it's mechanics, such as the 1/256
Crit mechanics are slightly different. See this spreadsheet for specifics:
Q: What does "Round 2" or "Round 1" mean in this game?
A: This game repeats itself over, after you beat Round 1 of the game you unlock Round 2. Round 2 gives the opponent different pokes, with different moves, and better stats. It is in general, much much harder.
Q: Are you gonna go back to that really long run that was like over 20 hours now that you have an NTSC cart? Stadium 2 as well?
A: I have carts for both Stadium games now. And yes, after I do some rerouting, and have the time, I plan to go back to both of those runs.