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~FIGHT!~ The Boss, Yu Narukami and Shirou Emiya vs. Ashley Winchester, Terra Branford and Nova
<b>The Boss, Shirou Emiya and Yu Narukami</b> have challenged <b>Nova, Ashley Winchester and Terra Branford</b> to a fight! Location of the fight: <i><Narshe - A snowy mountain city noted for its industry. The mines are accessible, whilst no residents are present. Attackers will start at the entrance to the city, while defenders will start within the mines, where the frozen esper Valigarmanda is first found.</i>.  Which side will win?
- The fight will occur in real-time (like an FMV sequence). Gameplay mechanics are less important than how the characters would function in a real-time environment.
- The members of each team are ideal teammates capable of a pre-selected plan of battle.
- "Broken" refers to a lot of things, including insta-death, auto-effects, a variety of status effects (e.g., Imp, Silence, Stop, *not* Poison), and revival. Unless stated otherwise, nobody has them, though do use your own discretion.
- <b>There may be SPOILERS from all of the games the characters are from.</b>
Rules for Voting
- <b>Bold your votes (using bold HTML tags).</b>
- You do not need to require justification for your vote, though the admins reserve the right to disqualify votes in the advent of obvious alt voting and other similar scenarios.
- Leaders cannot vote for their own teams (and players from the same pool may not vote as well), but they are free to argue their case.
- If you want to switch your votes simply bold the change; there's no need to delete your post, though you may if you wish.
- This match will end in 24 hours.
- The following conventions are in use for match topics: 
<b>Yu Narukami (MC)</b> is as he appears in Persona 4. He has the persona Izanagi-no-Okami available, with all default skills from P4 learned in addition to all the moves from Persona 4 Arena, with the exception of his mortal blow or gameplay mechanics (invincibility frames, etc). He also can freely switch to his persona Odin, who only has their natural non-passive skills and elemental affinities. Yu has gained the abilities of Shadow Yu, as seen in P4A:Ultimax, including the ability to access Shadow Fury mode. <b>He has been transformed into a Death Knight, granting them World of Warcraft's three Death Knight specializations of Blood, Unholy and Frost as well as a Deathcharger mount. In addition, his weapon and armor have been inscribed with runes by the Lich King, granting his equipment the powers of a Death Knight's runescribed gear.</b>
<b>Shirou Emiya</b> is as he appears in Fate/Stay Night, in the Unlimited Blade Works route. He does not have access to his Reality Marble. He has access to his rapid self-healing, due to his contract with Saber and Avalon. Shirou can trace Kansho & Bakuya, Yamato from Devil May Cry 4, Z-Saber from Megaman Zero 2 and Jack Baker's chainsaw-shears from Resident Evil 7, with Shirou being able to use the weapons with the same skill as their owners. <b>He has been fully infested by E-001 to the extent of Jack Baker in Resident Evil 7, significantly improving his regenerative abilities, strength and durability. He may only regenerate from a lethal attack (to the brain or the heart) three times before he becomes vulnerable. He becomes aware of this upon the third death.</b>
<b>The Boss</b> is as seen in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. She is armed with her Patriot machine gun with infinite ammo. <b>The Boss has been injected with and reanimated by the Prototype T-Virus, providing her with an immense boost to her strength, agility and durability as well as red slitted eyes, with no additional mutations or negative side effects.</b>
<b>The Boss</b> is as seen in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. She is armed with her Patriot machine gun with infinite ammo. <b>The Boss has been injected with and reanimated by the Prototype Virus, providing her with an immense boost to her strength, agility and durability as well as red slitted eyes, with no additional mutations or negative side effects.</b>
<b>Nova Terra</b> is as she appears in Nova: Covert Ops, equipped with all weapons seen therein as well as Ghost Visor, Tactical Stealth Suit, Ionic Forcefield, Flashbang Grenades and Holo Decoy. She may also use the Precision Strike and Crippling Shot abilities, as seen in Heroes of the Storm.
<b>Ashley Winchester</b> is as seen in the endgame of Wild ARMs 2 just before Argetlahm is pulled from him, equipped with the Shootn Star, Nine Lives and Texas No, and has access to all of his ARMs, fully upgraded, as well as all of his tools and the Zephyr medium. He has access to Accelerator and Full Clip, <b>as well as Access, and will begin the battle in his Over Knight Blazer form, with access to all of Knight Blazer's Force Powers, though Banisher and Last Burst will knock him out of Knight Blazer form until he gains enough Force Power to reactivate it.</b>
<b>Terra</b> is as she appears in Dissidia and at the end of FF6A, equipped with full Genji armour, Apocalypse, a Hero Ring, and a Gold Hairpin. She has all her natural magic, as well as those gained from Unicorn and Bahamut, including Raise. She does not, however, have Arise, Teleport, Break, Graviga, or Meltdown. She can enter Trance form at any time for 30 seconds (which also grants her access to EX mode), although it will go on cooldown for 2 minutes upon ending.