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1 | variables: | |
2 | {los} = false | |
3 | {kod} = 00000 | |
4 | options: | |
5 | nagroda: 5 diamond #nagroda | |
6 | czas: 5 #czas co jaki ma być odnawiany kod w minutach | |
7 | every {@czas} minutes: | |
8 | set {los} to true | |
9 | set {_a} to random integer between 1 and 9 | |
10 | set {_b} to random integer between 1 and 9 | |
11 | set {_c} to random integer between 1 and 9 | |
12 | set {_d} to random integer between 1 and 9 | |
13 | set {_e} to random integer between 1 and 9 | |
14 | set {kod} to "%{_a}%%{_b}%%{_c}%%{_d}%%{_e}%" | |
15 | wait 1 second | |
16 | broadcast "&a[ &9&lINFO&a ] &bPierwsza osoba, ktora przepisze ten kod: &2&l/kod %{kod}% &r&bdostanie nagrode!" | |
17 | command /kod [<text>]: | |
18 | trigger: | |
19 | if {los} is true: | |
20 | if arg is {kod}: | |
21 | set {los} to false | |
22 | give {@nagroda} to the player | |
23 | broadcast "&a[ &9&lINFO&a ] &bJako pierwszy, kod przepisal &l%player%&r&b, nowy kod zostanie wygenerowany za 5 minut!" | |
24 | stop | |
25 | else: | |
26 | send "&b&lPrzepisales niepoprawnie kod" | |
27 | else: | |
28 | send "&c&lKod juz wygasl, sprobuj za 5 minut" |