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	Name: Sato
	Key: Blisk244
	Rank/Race: Alien/Mutant Alient
	Sato, a Galatic advisor of the New Acornian Empire, zoomed towards his mission area of the day. Galaxy Delta 00, System 4. His task at hand; Classification of Planet 20's Hostility level. Aka- He's fodder they throw at unknown planets to see if they make it back. Glorious, Right? Yea well, it ended up being an important job. If a planet was hostile enough it could result to a complete genocide of their race by the hand of the officer.
	-Opening of Kanye West's Stronger booms out of futuristic speakers-  "Work it. Make it. Do it Makes us harder, better, faster, stronger.." 
	Sato sat snug in his cramped little pod, his head nodding to the seventeen hour soundtrack he'd prepared for the trip. "Daaa...dat that dont kill me..." He sung along, lifting a single eye lid open to check the time. Two more hours. Sato had the typical boring upbringing, a rich family, strong blood, all that good shit. So, naturally he was put on space patrol, or otherwise known as fodder crew. He made the best of it though. 
	Sato sat snug in his cramped little pod, his head nodding to the seventeen hour soundtrack he'd prepared for the trip. "Daaa...dat that dont kill me..." He sung along, lifting a single eye lid open to check the time. Two more hours... 
Sato had the typical boring upbringing, a rich family, strong blood, all that good shit. So, naturally he was put on space patrol, or otherwise known as fodder crew. He made the best of it though. 
	- Planet 20- Delta00S4, Destination approaching.- Echo'd the pod's intercom as it abruptly ended the playing song." Gaah.." Sato mumbled as he lifted himself out of his slouch and reached his arms forward to land the pod. " Here we go i guess..." With expert skill, he'd bring the pod gliding down into the planet's atmosphere and safely into a massive crater on the surface. He'd smoothly exit the vehicle as the door hinged open. 
	- Planet 20- Delta00S4, Destination approaching.- 
	Echo'd the pod's intercom as it abruptly ended the playing song." Gaah.." Sato mumbled as he lifted himself out of his slouch and reached his arms forward to land the pod. " Here we go i guess..." With expert skill, he'd bring the pod gliding down into the planet's atmosphere and safely into a massive crater on the surface. He'd smoothly exit the vehicle as the door hinged open. 
	"Aaaaaa" He let out as he stretched forward and took in a deep breath. "Wha-" He started, his nose twitching as he sniffed the air progressively quicker, " That smell..." He mumbled, a grin curling across the right side of his face as he tracked forward towards the source. In the distance he noticed a fairly small village. Huts crafted of various logs and flat rocks and pasted together with what looked to be a mix of mud and sap. Centered in the village was a massive smoke cloud, spiraling further into the air. Sato, intrigued, marched forward. 
	Thundering booms of homemade drums, and what seemed to be symbols echo'd through Sato's ear's as he closed into the village. There, the source of the massive cloud, was a five foot long gandalf style'd pipe. Seven three foot five masked creatures took turns standing on a mound of rocks and taking massive gulps from the pipe. 
	" H--hollly...Shit."  Sato whispered, quickly dropping to the ground below a nearby wall. His heart was racing, and he couldn't help but grin ear to ear. " Wa....Wa.." Out of breath, he'd shake away the thought. Deciding, for now, it wasn't important. He'd stand, taking in a deep breath before marching forward towards the group of creatures. 
	" Attention, I am Sato, Galatic Advisor badge number Recon23. " He paused, flashing the fancy Acornian made badge. " I'm here to offer an invitation into the New Acornian Empire." With that he'd let out a sigh of relief, flash a smile towards the masked creatures and await a response. 
-Eeeh?- One of the masked creature squeaked, edging closer towards Sato. Moments of silence passed, and just before Sato openned his mouth a second time... The closest creature exhaled a massive cloud of smoke his way. " As i said, I...I...I" He stuttered, " I'm fr-- from...from..." He stopped. He looked down at his feet, the ground seemingly breathing towards him. " I'm...I'mmm.." 
" I'm so high..." 
||Galaxy Delta 00 became the first permanently restricted zone in the Acornian empire. Planet 20's hostility rating being deemed un-curable after losing forty-three agents to the planet without explanation.||