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Hello guildmates!
As it pains me to say this but I'll be away for a month at most because of work. I can't be bringing my desktop so sad to say the accounts SorakaNii, Decrower, and Miachedmund (Freya and CrisLoc) won't be able to join the event. My phone doesn't support the game so whoever get's the Guild Leader title, please return it after. It is also fine to leave or stay in the guild, it was created for that 5 people in the first place. So anyway good luck guildmates! I pray we meet again.
As it pains me to say this but I'll be away for a month at most because of work. I can't be bringing my desktop so sad to say the accounts SorakaNii, Decrower, and Miachedmund (Freya and CrisLoc) won't be able to join the event. My phone doesn't support the game so whoever get's the Guild Leader title, please return it after (You can use it as you please btw [except kicking the members mentioned above]). It is also fine to leave or stay in the guild, it was created for that 5 people in the first place. So anyway good luck guildmates! I pray we meet again.