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The facts: 
(1) Detroit had always had two seats on their water board for representatives of Flint prior to becoming an independant authority 
(2) Those seats continuously remained vacant for years 
(3) a Federal judge separated DWSD from the City of Detroit and therefore a new board was being created. 
(4) The City of Flint water rates are high because of inter-fund borrowing to cover General fund activities such as Police, Fire, HR/LR, and the EFM/Mayoral offices including the Legal Department. 
Those offices do not generate sufficient revenue to stand on their own. The sewer fund paid for those garbage trucks that were just recently sold to Republic Waste Services. So how can you sell an asset that technically has a lien (Sanitation owes Sewer since 2009 for them)? 
Also, our ordinance states along with State Law that the water and sewer rates are to be set according to the operating costs. Both funds have seen their employees reduced by at least 30% in the last 10 years. In addition, with the concessions forced by the imposed contracts of Locals 1799 and 1600, compensation/fringe costs for those funds have decreased by at least 30% effective 4/26/2012. BTW, exempts never experienced "Shared Sacrifice". 
Review the facts. Our water rates (I do reside in the city of Flint) are not due to the Detroit water rates. They are due to our leaders intentional misuse of water and sewer funds. Part of the DWSD deal the City of Flint becomes sole owner of part of the pipeline which currently supplies us water. Walling is ready for this because #KWA board seats are PAID POSITIONS. 
Another thing, all the owners of the land along pipeline route will be paid for their property, for every tree cut, and reseeding. So who owns those parcels? Don't believe for a minute that those plans have not been leaked. 
If our Drain Commissioner and Mr Curtis were all set and ready to go, why do they continue to stall. Everytime they think Flint is on the fence, they go public with "We will not wait for Flint" the real truth is that KWA is in need of Flint's 20 Million that came from our raised rates. You see the Water and Sewer funds, if left alone by our administrators, would see a budget surplus. 
I pray that a Federal Judge separates the City of Flint's Water and Sewerage departments from the rest of the City Government, then and only then will the truth come out.