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Chesters worse fears have been confirmed.  Chester thinks that Joyce Meyers is working together with father to sexually abuse (brushing past or touching Chester.  After watching porn, father knocked on door.  Chester switched over to the Joyce Meyers channel because he thought that he was going to be sexually abused by father.  Then chester unlocked the door by removing the chair.  Father then looked at Joyce Meyers and the proceeded to move towards Chester.  Joyce had a funny look on her face.   Chester quickly put his fingers to his face to say to his faggot father that he hated his faggotry. LOL  
This happened on a previous occasion.  Chester has noticed a pattern.  When Joyce is on TV faggot father brushes past Chester while he is sitting in computer chair or comes into the room.
This happened on a previous occasion.  Chester has noticed a pattern.  When Joyce is on TV faggot father brushes past Chester while he is sitting in computer chair or comes into the room.
Jesus, even pastors are possessed by the devil.  LOL