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IC Name: Josephine Castle
IC Age: 17.6
IC Age: 21.5
Race: Human
Skill Applying For: Ripple
Skill Applying For: Telepathy
Devs: (Reminder that the higher the Tier, the more we expect)
(14:43:21)*Josephine Castle // "Well..if you're going to go and kill yourself again, i'm going to sit for a moment, i got something i wish to figure out at least..something i've been contemplating on for some time"
01/23/24(21:17:20) *Josephine Castle(Hotdogblooper47) hummed as she looked around, there was the nearby building, she was not quite sure what to really do about her time, she was going to practice meditation to help her control her breathing, but given how she now occupied her time with helping a chimp babe with their clothing issues.. ..Well it was a productive thing, yes she was helping a chimp, but she was never the kind of person that had THAT much of a superiority complex as a human.. ..Just the reminder of that she is not superior in martial might is what kept her mind set right. "Well, sister, i'll be around, going to help this one acquire better clothes..and don't we all wish that, GMH"* 
She said to the two as they went off..she didn't care if they changed their mind on going to the living realm, she needed to focus on herself, she wanted to see if she could transfer her voice through her mind to her lover..but how could she?, it was not a thing that could be done, trying to imitate a scouter that is..
01/23/24(23:15:51) *Josephine Castle(Hotdogblooper47) moved to step back, she was not sur at all what was going on, aside from the fact that the GMT had just eaten some kind of finger, she felt a sense of dread across her whole body after that, and had felt that for a long while now, it just got amplified seven more after being present, albiet late, to the location.. After she did, she took a deep breath..or as much of one she could get before she put her hands up to her side..deeply breathing once again, focusing her mind to keep to the moment current.. "Well, i guess this could be considered a team working it's all of us and one of him.." (Preparing to Fight)* 
..So she decided to ruminate on the does one do that?, send their mind to another like a scouter frequency, talking to someone without the device required..more private too..
01/24/24(12:54:00) *Josephine Castle(Hotdogblooper47) huffed as she rested herself on a stool at the table, she put a hand above her collarbone and practiced her breaths, taking them deep and slow, why?, it helped her relax, espacially when she had to deal with idiots like this blonde, she turned to look at what he found.. ..She thought on it..and thought on it..she looked at him and then back to what he put together for himself.. "..Seems like i'll have to go through and rummage around our food supplies, see what we have..that's edible, but i suggest you try to find some that are dry, those are infinitely better than this garbage, you can eat it, but if you have any self-respect, you look for any of that in which is dry, if you don't care..well, eat away"* 
..She hadn't really used Qi for much, but she decided to utilize it at least, combine it with her hamon abilites and maybe send her voice out maybe, towards the was a step..but maybe she needed to fine tune it..
01/24/24(15:24:23) *Josephine Castle(Hotdogblooper47) hummed as she looked at the pinky picked herself up, she huffed as she stepped back, she moved to spin her elbow around for a bit, then doing so with the rest of the arm, stopping it and putting her hand on her other shoulder as she did the same with that arm, relaxing herself, tensing her arms.. Taking concentrated breaths..but coughing afterwards, she sucked in wind too quickly and almost choked herself from it.. "Uuuugh..sucked too much wind in there..*Cough* *Cough*" She tried to stop her coughing..taking a deep breath after that, placing her hand on the center of her chest. trying to calm her breath..then bringing her arms back to position, tensing her arms..and relaxing them.. "Okay..actually ready now.."* 
All she did was make an equivilent of throwing her voice out to the two without yelling, nothing real special.
01/25/24(09:37:59) *Josephine Castle(Hotdogblooper47) hummed as she moved to step towards the nearest wall, she was not focusing at all on the conversation at hand, she decided to work on her own self, cultivation, she was thinking back to earlier..back to the fighting..she felt that she could have done better, that she could have done.. Could she have done something better?, or was she doing the best she could do?.. No, she could do better..but what was she missing..maybe she hadn't practiced her craft enough?..she needed to be better after all.. She recalled that often she sucked wind a lot during those fights with those beasty hollows, maybe working on her stamina?.. ..Maybe her cigar smoking habits were now metaphorically kicking her in the teeth, she moved to grab a cigar on a whim as she reflected..realizing she was about to fall back into a nasty habit, she pocketed it, sliding herself against the wall..into a medative sitting pose.. "..I reallly don't know why i keep that on me anymore" She said as she relaxed..and took deep breaths, focusing on those, those helped her at least with her control over her Qi and focus..* 
01/25/24(10:18:04) *Josephine Castle(Hotdogblooper47) kept on focusing on her breathing, softly channeling her energy mid-meditation, it felt..natural to do, probably due to how good she was at channeling Qi in the first place, better than most, while having the reserves to outlast anyone who tried to match her. She saw this with the hollows when they got outmatched, so it checked out.. Though being around others..that is making it it harder to focus, but she took that as a challenge. She focused her Qi along her arms..they were what she used more than the rest of her body, especially in battle, she moved her arms up..bringing one hand to the other arm, channeling energy in her hand and rubbed it across her arm..she could feel the hairs on her arm tingle as they stuck up, as if channeling a non-harmful electic shock.. She then did the same to her other arm..humming gently as she kept at it, the humming actually helped her focus while doing so, taking some breaths in to continue her focus-assisting-humming. "Mmmmmmmmmmm.."* 
Was her word she sent out to them..
01/25/24(10:38:57) *Josephine Castle(Hotdogblooper47) moved her hands over to her knees, taking further deep breaths as she focused on channeling her Qi alongside her breathing, trying to syncronize it so she can channel it in such efficiency she'd may as well be using her Qi to breath, she told her gramps that she'd do what he couldn't after all.. ..But she felt like she was not making any progress, she had got to this point before, but all she did was get herself to a near-zen like state, where she was relaxed, calm, and isolated in her own world, somehwere that no one can intrude, despite being very much still in the land of the living.. She sighed as she moved to her bring out a small was a diary, said so on the top corner of it, on a taped up small piece of paper. "Fought..something called..hmm..those creatures were called hollows, right?"* 
"...Hmm..may need to work on it"
01/26/24(12:51:07) *Josephine Castle(Hotdogblooper47) huffed as she moved to sit where she wanted to meditate at, for focus on herself, she hummed about what she was missing..what she could do..she felt she was lose to something, a breakthrough, she recalled her gramps doing something with his breath, but he never said what, so did her grams, neither did she. So maybe she was going about things she decided to stop using Qi while breathing..take a deep breath..and breath out..deeper breaths..longer breaths out..breathing via the nose..and letting it out.. She tried to feel out for something instead of her Qi..but maybe that was for the best not as she focused on her breaths, trying to see something in the absense of Qi.. She closed her eyes while in this focus..emptying herself of her focus on the outside world, and on her breaths..* 
(Telepathy Dev)
(15:04:30)*Josephine Castle hummed as she looked on at the living realm now..back with her body, but not back with her life, she can live with that..heheh, she scouted around earlier and tried to get a sense for what was going on, she at least saw her lover with the group, she saw Yametto in it's a good thing to see, but she was not about to do what she was doing, so she decided to calm herself..
She needed to reach out to her lover at least, she had no connection before, so she had to just...establish it..right?, she just had to hone in on the energy of her lover..and try to speak to her through the connection, did she do that?...
She sat herself down on the ledge she sat herself upon..and contemplated on the moment, the thought even..she was a master of hamon, not Qi, Qi was easy to use for her, but she never mastered it, while others honed in on it while amplifying other aspects..
While she honed in on her martial prowess along side her Hamon training..maybe she could use hamon?..but that had a limit to life, and she currently was unliving, with a body, but still, unliving, so that was out of the window..
..She sighed once more, she contemplated on more so the connection they had on an emotional level, maybe channeling her emotions, all of them at once with her Qi could establish that connection..a complicated process, but hamon was more complicated than harnessing her emotions towards the person of interest, aka, her lover..Garnia..
Humming, she did as she focused..pouring her anger, her love, her despair, her hope her sadness and her joy into a form of an imagined string that connected the the rather simple design of putting two cans on both ends of a string, she just had to..imagine it on both sides, along with the string connecting them..
..But as she felt she had it..she stopped, losing focus at the last second, why?, she had doubts like..would she still be connected to her?, would she have moved on from her?, was she unable to reignite the spark of which they had when around eachother?, the connection they had was fleeting but powerful and passionate, everything in her life was fleeting, yet powerful, every memory she herself had with the people she had around her, was fleeting, she treated it so, because she felt the next day would be her last..
..T'was why she hadn't allowed in the memories of old yet to rain down upon her, fear of losing what she had and returning to what she once was..
..But she decided to try try and reform the string and cans..and reform that string..the doubt lingered, but she just made it slower to establish and create..
"..Dear Garnia..i'm here..please hear me.."
(Telepathy Dev)*
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