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━━━━━ CITY 127
━ BACKUP SLOT: most likely won't pick backups but just in case
━ PASSWORD: read the rules!
━ NAME: her birth name & what she goes by
━ OTHER NAME: if she's not full korean
━ NICKNAME(S): who calls her this & why? minimum of 2.
━ BIRTHDAY: follow the slot!
  ◦ WONNIE + called this by her close friends and family, and it's used as an affectionate nickname and a play off the first syllable of her name. people think it's cute and that it matches her personality, and as far as nicknames go, chaewon doesn't think that it's that bad.
━ AGE: international | korean
  ◦ BUBBLES + called this by her love interest, since he thought it was cute and wanted to have a nickname for her that no one else called her. she's not entirely sure where the nickname came from, but chaewon just goes along with it. she figures that he probably wouldn't stop calling her it even if she asked him. 
━ BIRTHDAY: 27 01 2001
━ AGE: 17 INTL | 18 KOR
━ HEIGHT: 162 CM
━ FACE CLAIM: ulzzangs only!
━ FACE CLAIM: @boori_boo
━ BACKUP FACE CLAIM: @0_1206 or @yoonjiiii
━ ETHNICITY: asian is not an ethnicity!
━ BIRTHPLACE: daegu, south korea 
━ HOMETOWN: daegu, south korea 
━ FAMILY: name | relation | dead/alive | occupation | relationship
━ ETHNICITY: korean
━ BACKGROUND: minimum of 7 sentences. this will be different depending on your slot. older slots will have longer backgrounds while the ones in high school will typical be shorter. make sure it makes sense with your character & look at the bonus points!
  ◦ CHOI HYUNWOO | father  | alive | finance manager    | 3/5
    chaewon gets along reasonably well with her father, even though he's frequently out at work, trying to earn enough money for the family. chaewon appreciates everything that he does for her, and she truly does love him, she just doesn't like the way he's always off on business trips, or dragging her and her mother to fancy business dinners where all the other business men watch her creepily and ask her about school and what she wants to do when she graduates. she was honestly much closer to her father when she was growing up, but they've kind of grown apart as chaewon got older, and she's not sure what the real reason for it is. 
  ◦ JUNG MIYEON  | mother  | alive | personal assistant | 4/5
━ PERSONALITY: minimum 6 bullet points with 7 sentences in each. i didn't give a lot of personality so this your chance to be creative! but make sure they make sense.
    chaewon is closer with her mother, mostly due to the fact that it was her mother who was the primary caregiver when she was growing up. her mother is an assistant at the same business her father works at, but spent the first five years of chaewon's life not working at all so that she could raise their daughter. she's since gone back to working part time, to make sure that she was always around to look after chaewon so that chaewon didn't spend her entire life growing up with a nanny. the only probably is, her mother really likes to gossip and brag, and chaewon hates the way her mother is always bragging about chaewon's achievements to her friends.
━ LIKES: bulleted, minimum 6
  ◦ chaewon was the first and only child of choi hyunwoo and his wife, jung miyeon, a couple that had fallen in love rather quickly. her parents met while working under the same company after graduating from college. her father was beginning his work up the ranks at a finance company, where he met miyeon, a pretty young lady who was the personal assistant of his boss. the pair danced around each other for a while, wanting to keep their workplace a strictly professional environment, but it was difficult to ignore the spark between the pair, and sooner or later, they were going out on dinner dates, and within six months, the pair had moved in together. their relationship was met with mixed reactions from their fellow workers, as some thought it was unprofessional, and others were extremely supportive (several of the workers had made bets on the pair). within two years, the young couple were married, and trying to have children. unfortunately for them, it seemed it was rather difficult for them to actually have a child, as it took a long time before miyeon actually fell pregnant with a baby girl who would eventually grow to become chaewon. needless to say, both of them were thrilled the day that chaewon was born, finally bringing their first and only child into the world. between their jobs, people had assumed it would be difficult for them to raise a child, but hyunwoo was earning more than enough money to support the small family, so miyeon was able to spend the early years of chaewon's life looking after their daughter, without the need for a full time nanny. despite having relatively rich parents with busy work lives, chaewon wasn't raised by a nanny. her mother spent the first five years of chaewon's life being her full time caregiver, while hyunwoo worked a standard 9 to 5 job, coming back in the evening to spend time with his wife and daughter. miyeon only returned to work after chaewon turned five, and even then, she only worked part time as a secretary, only managing to get a job under the company due to her husband's influence in the department. this meant that chaewon only spent three afternoons a week with a nanny after school, while the rest of her time was spent being raised by her parents. 
━ HABITS: maximum 3
  ◦ if there is one way to describe the way that chaewon grew up, it would be sheltered. from the day she was born, it was clear that she was going to have the most over protective parents on the planet, and there was absolutely nothing that she could do about it. now that she's older, she understands that it was simply because her parents were so thrilled to actually have a child that they went a bit over the top, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that chaewon was so sheltered growing up that it's severely affected the person she is today, drawing a line between her an all the other kids. her innocence comes from her upbringing, because her parents made sure that keep her away from anything that they deemed unsuitable for her eyes. they prided themselves in teaching chaewon right from wrong at an early age, and in all honesty, chaewon could be compared to a child of royalty, from the way her parents always tried to make sure she stood straight and always used her manners. she didn't experience a lot of the things other little kids did, as her parents didn't like taking her out to the playground, scared she'd injure herself, which is why her visits were very limited, and she spent most of her early childhood years suffering due to a lack of social skills, which is why she has very few close friends. growing up, chaewon had always been a good child, simply because she was scared of getting into trouble. she'd seen the way the other children were punished by their parents on the playground, and resolved never to suffer the same fate. some say that chaewon is the perfect angel child, but chaewon was just scared of getting into trouble. she'd heard the way her parents had yelled at people on the telephone, and she'd overheard her mother fire one of her baby sitters once, so she most certainly wasn't keen to end up on the other side of a telling off.  
━ TRIVIA: fun facts about her! minimum 8, maximum 14
  ◦ the main reason that chaewon's so scared of doing anything "bad" is simply because she's scared of getting in trouble with her parents. she's very rarely actually gotten in trouble with them, and if anything, that makes her more anxious, because she doesn't know how they'll punish her and she really doesn't want to find out. she doesn't like to draw negative attention to herself at school in case they phone her parents, which is why she always works hard and finishes her homework. she's never skipped class in her life, and she's never so much as broken a rule, living chaewon with her goody two shoes nature. she's been so sheltered all her life that she's never really experienced a lot of things, which is why she's scared of being reckless because she doesn't want to get herself injured (especially since that'll mean she has to tell her parents what she was doing). her parents have always been protective over her, and it wasn't until she was fifteen did they finally agree to let her walk home from school by herself, insisting that she be picked up and dropped off everyday prior to that. she knows her parents only want what's best for her, but sometimes she wishes she wasn't so sheltered. maybe then she wouldn't be so scared to sneak out like the other kids, or go to parties every so often, or get a detention every once in a while. chaewon loves her parents, truly. but she just doesn't want to disappoint them. so that means she has to be on her best behaviour and be a good role model, and someone that her parents can brag about, even if it makes her uncomfortable to no end. 
━━━━━ KNOCK ON
━ OCCUPATION: where does she work? put student if she's in high school & if she has a part-time job, you can put that here too.
    chaewon is a self proclaimed optimist, and she is always looking on the bright side of things. if you need someone to brighten up your day, chaewon is the person you need to find. she's a glass half full person, who never seems to let a negative thought cross her mind, ever, no matter how grim things might seem. chaewon can find the bright side of anything, even when you think there's nothing but darkness surrounding you. she can always find the best in people, even those who are straight up evil and horrible, somehow managing to find their redeeming traits buried among the facade. chaewon is also a very bright person, in every sense of the word. she has a talent for brightening up other people's lives, and she has a smile capable of lighting up any room she walks into. her bright personality is what draws people towards her, making her someone that always seems to have friends trailing around her, never spending a free moment alone, because there's always someone trying to talk to her. she has a talent for making others smile with little effort, and can always be relied upon to cheer up people when there feeling down. she's also a very smart person. while she might not be the top in all her classes, chaewon is definitely consistently ranking within the top ten for most of them. she's a hard working student with a naturally smart mind, and the ability to understand difficult concepts. she's very good at maths, and is actually known as somewhat of a math genius by her classmates, as it's always her that people go to when they need to copy someone's notes. maths is by far her best subject, and it makes up for her barely passing marks in science. chaewon might be smart, but unfortunately, she's not naturally gifted at any subject that is not founded on numbers. she's the type of person to try her best in everything that she does, and that's the only reason why she does so well in school (well, that and she wants to keep her parents happy).
do they live alone? with parents? a roommate? do they live in an apartment? mansion? what?
━ FRIENDS: create your own characters to be in the book! give them a face claim & personality and how they'll relate to the story.
   another word that could no doubt be used to describe chaewon is innocent. she exudes an innocent aura, from her doe eyed expression and her youthful nature, one that makes people want to leap up and protect her, shielding her from the horrors of the world. and because of that, she's actually kind of oblivious to the bad things that happen in the world, because she's been so sheltered her entire life. it doesn't help that she's always finding the best in people, willing to look past their mistakes even when they don't deserve it. she's an innocent smol bean who needs to be protected. her innocence is somewhat adorable, because despite being on the cusp of adulthood, chaewon is nowhere near ready to grow up, and still has the mindset of a child. she's never been to a party in her life, and she's never done drugs or drank alcohol – she's pure in every sense of the word, which is honestly a bit unusual for someone her age. she's so innocent that most dirty jokes tend to fly over her head, and people wonder on a daily basis if she even knows what sex is (she does, she just doesn't think much of what her classmates through around on a daily basis, not bothering to consider that some things might have a hidden double meaning). she's gullible, in a way that makes her vulnerable towards particularly bitchy or mean people, because she'll always believe those around her, and never seems to realise when she's being tricked. for someone as smart as chaewon is, she's not very good at picking up on social clues, and often misses the intentions hidden behind the words of her classmates. she's innocent enough to not even jump to the conclusion that she's been tricked most of the time. honestly, chaewon just needs to be protected (and if her love interest gets it his way no one will dare go after her ever again). her childish nature is all part of her charm, but if she's not careful, it might also end up being the reason for her downfall, and no one really wants to see her innocence shattered. 
   despite her social obliviousness, chaewon is actually a very cautious person, and never really does anything reckless. she's very much a goodie two shoes, which, isn't really much of a surprise. chaewon is as far from a rebel as one can get, and while most parents sit around, nervous about all the rebellious things their children might be getting up to, chaewon was the opposite. she never had a rebellious teenage phase, and even now as she's on the cusp of adult hood, she's never done anything bad in her life, and she still obeys her parents' every word, and doesn't get in trouble with the teachers at school. she's the definition of a good role model for younger students, and she's the type of person that other parents compare their children too, as her parents take great pride in talking about their daughter and her perfect mannerisms. but in all honesty, chaewon's life is kind of boring because of it. she's never been the type to put herself out there or take risks, because she's a very big worrywart. as someone who's spent her entire life doing the right thing so she won't have to suffer the consequences, she's not very good at breaking rules. it's a running joke that choi chaewon has never broken a rule in her life, and in all honesty, the people who gossip about it wouldn't be wrong. chaewon's never so much as skipped class before, let alone do something really rebellious. it's hard for her friends to drag her out to try new things, because chaewon is the type of person who overthinks everything, trying to calculate the risks of all her actions, her mind already playing out the worst case scenario. she is normally a positive person who's good at finding the bright side, but that doesn't mean that she completely ignores the very likely consequences that could occur. because of this, chaewon's known as predictable, and her actions a very rarely surprising. people are used to how she acts, and she doesn't seem to have an impulsive bone in her body. being reckless and impulsive just isn't in her nature.
━ GRADES: how does she do in school?
━ CLUBS/ORGANIZATIONS: involved in any clubs or sports?
   as someone who is known for her generally happy-go-lucky nature, it surprises a lot of people just how petty choi chaewon can be. while it might seem like she does, chaewon doesn't have the patience of a saint, and there's only so much she can deal with. while it is very difficult to get on her bad side, it is possible. she's not the type of person to ever result to violence or anything of the sort – she's actually strongly opposed to violence and any sort of bullying – she's actually very passive aggressive, and she knows exactly how to piss people of with minimal effort. she's the type of person to result to petty behaviour like stealing pens and pencils and erasers when you're not paying attention and then "forgetting" to return them. she also has a habit of holding grudges over people for a long time, and will frequently bring it up, years later, just out of pettiness. chaewon's never really been good at the whole 'forgetting' part of forgive and forget. she's is also extremely competitive to the point where it is not funny. she really likes the win, and doesn't like it when she's on the losing side. it's funny to see how riled up she gets, but it can also be pretty terrifying, because she will not show mercy when she's out for victory, and she will do whatever it takes to come out on top. she's not opposed to cheating (even though she's really bad at it, and always gets caught when she tries), but chaewon just really does not like losing. as a child, she was always the first person people chose to have on their teams during phys-ed classes, because of how competitive she got and how seriously she'll take things. she's a bit of a sore loser at times (for example whenever she loses at monopoly – her friends learned the hard way that it was not a good idea to play with her, because wow chaewon can be terrifying when it comes to buying everything she possibly can on the board). for someone who's generally so passive all the time, it's actually pretty amusing to see her in a competitive state. unless, of course, it's you she's competing against. 
━ CLASSES: what classes do you want her to take?
   with her somewhat social obliviousness comes her awkwardness. chaewon is usually a really easy person to talk to, but she does have her moments of awkwardness, like most people do, but hers just seem to happen a lot more often. she's not really the best at noticing social cues, so she often misses the point of conversations, and doesn't realise when people are trying to wrap up the conversation or change the topic. she hates awkward silences more than anything in the world and always feels the need to try and fill the void with something, which leads to her blubbering on about the most embarrassing things like the weather or politics. she's never really been good at initiating conversations first, either. while she's a friendly person, she's not good at randomly talking to strangers, or people she's not close with. she has her close friends, but often relies on them to initiate conversations first, or include her in other conversations, because she doesn't want to seem rude by just inserting herself out of nowhere. she's used to reading about people in books instead, and in her opinion, the people that are described on the pages are far easier to understand that actual, real life people that chaewon can never truly figure out. she's also an extremely clumsy person. some people might find this cute the first time, but chaewon's clumsiness is a bit excessive. ever since she was a child, she used to walk around, wobbling on her little feet and often fall face first onto the ground beneath her. her parents had always assumed that she'd grow out of it once she reaches her teenage years, but chaewon's nearly eighteen and she still has yet to actually figure out how to remain on two feet all the time. she's constantly tripping over things, or knocking things over, or loosing things, and what might have once been endearing is now more annoying than anything. you can't keep anything valuable in close proximity to choi chaewon, because it's highly likely that she'll break it. her arms and legs are always dotted with bruises from falling over and knocking things that it's no longer alarming to see blemishes across her skin. 
   chaewon is actually a really calm person. most of the time. when she's not in her raging competitive mode, she's actually more on the quiet side of things, and she's not normally a noisy person. she's not the type of person who screams a lot when talking, or talks so loudly that they can hear her in china, because she's actually a very soft spoken person. it goes hand in hand with her passive nature, and it's one of the reasons why she's always been so good at cheering people up and calming them down. along with her positivity and optimism, her calm aura is the final factor that enables her to help others out without overwhelming them. she's also a very emotional person, in the sense that she's not very good at hiding what she's feeling. she's been told time and time again that she wears her heart on her sleeve, and along with being extremely predictable, she's very easy to read. her emotions are always showing on her face, so she's never quite been good when it comes to hiding her sadness or excitement. if she's feeling happy, she won't be able to stop the smile creeping on her face, and if she's upset, her watery eyes will be a dead giveaway, because she's not good at hiding her emotions. she's never been the type of person to bottle up her emotions, but she doesn't particularly like showing them to the world either, even though she's not the best at hiding them. when other people see her upset it makes her feel vulnerable and weak (and also extremely embarrassed, because she's a bit of an ugly crier). along with her inability to keep her emotions hidden comes her struggle to keep secrets. now, she's not the type of person who'll go gossiping and tell everyone your dirty little secrets, but people can always tell when she's hiding something, and they always seem to know when she's got a secret. she's just not good at keeping things hidden, so if you don't want to have people onto you, it's probably best that you don't tell chaewon all your secrets. she might not go spilling them to everyone, but she's most definitely not good at hiding the fact that she's keeping a secret. 
━ LOVE INTEREST: follow the list on the slot!
  ◦ statistics
━ HOW THEY MET: some slots mention how they met and others don't. if they've already met before, still write their first meeting.
  ◦ white chocolate
  ◦ little kids
━ FIRST IMPRESSIONS: her & him. how did they feel about each other upon meeting?
  ◦ puppies !!
  ◦ girls' generation
  ◦ the colour blue
D E T A I L S. this is the main focus of the story so please please please be detailed with this! make sure their is a beginning, middle, and end. this your story so make it interesting!
━ PREFERRED ENDING: do they end up together or not? sad ending? happy ending?
  ◦ high heels
  ◦ spiders
━ COUPLE TRIVIA: cute stuff they do. minimum 8, maximum 14.
  ◦ snakes
  ◦ being woken up early
  ◦ vibrant colours
  ◦ the dark
  ◦ tapping her pen against the desk when she's doing homework
how do they react to her love interest & does it change overtime?
  ◦ blinks a lot when she's nervous
━ MAJOR EFFECTS: what are some major events in the story caused by this romance?
  ◦ wants to work with children when she's older
━ MAJOR CHANGES: what are some changes your character and/or love interest go through?
  ◦ she's highkey a girls generation fangirl
  ◦ she's always wanted a pet dog but her mother is allergic to them
  ◦ actually cannot walk in high heels – she's an accident waiting to happen
  ◦ has an intense fear of needles
  ◦ wishes she was bilingual, but the only language she can speak is KOREAN
  ◦ wants to travel a lot when she's older, because she didn't go on many holidays as a child
━ REQUESTED SCENES WITH LI: minimum of 4! not optional.
  ◦ actually has the attention span of a five year old
  ◦ she will eat anything that has chocolate in it
  ◦ has a mildly alarming obsession with NUTELLA
  ◦ she's never been to a party, but if they're anything like what she sees on tv, she doesn't want to go to one
━ OTHER SCENES: optional but helpful.
  ◦ she's left handed
  ◦ doesn't want to disappoint her parents
  ◦ (it's the main reason why she never does anything "bad")
━ ANYTHING ELSE? anything else about the character that didn't fit anywhere?
━ NOTE TO ME: hii! sorry for the long form. i just want to write your storylines well (:
━ OCCUPATION: student
  ◦ chaewon lives with her parents in a nice apartment in one of the richer neighbourhoods of the area she lives in. her parents are relatively well off people, but the apartment is more than enough for the three of them, and it's close enough to her father's work place and chaewon's school. plus, it's in a relatively safe neighbourhood, which is probably the only reason why her parents ever let her walk home from school every day. the rest of the neighbourhood is filled with other well-off businessmen, most of which don't have children. there are only a handful of families in the area with children, all of which are under the age of five, so chaewon never really had many neighbourhood friends growing up.
  ◦ HAN JINWOO (FC: HWALL of THE BOYZ) – he's chaewon's only male friend, if she's completely honest, and they've known each other since they were children. they met like most five years olds do – in the playground, and it all started when chaewon accidentally knocked over the castle he was building in the sandcastle. what started as snotty tears running down both their cheeks and desperate mothers trying to calm them turned into a beautiful friendship that's lasted all the way until know. jinwoo is actually kind of the opposite of chaewon, in the fact that he's far more reckless and impulsive, and is always getting in trouble for not wearing the appropriate uniform of not turning in the homework, but overall he's a pretty funny guy. he's always prided himself in being one of the class clowns, but he knows where to draw the line, and while he gets in trouble a lot, he's not exactly one of the school's "bad boys". people have often mistaken him and chaewon for dating before, but chaewon finds in funny, especially since she knows that he has a crush on their best friend, heejin, and he sucks at hiding it.  
  ◦ KWON HEEJIN (FC: CHAEYEON of IZ*ONE) – she's the newest addition to chaewon's little trio, after she transferred to their high school halfway through their first year. the pair immediately hit it off after being paired together as lab partners in their chemistry class, and by the end of the week, heejin could be found sitting in the small corner of the cafeteria that previously belonged to chaewon and jinwoo. unlike jinwoo, heejin is far more studious – even more studious than chaewon herself, but she also likes to go out and have fun, and isn't opposed to letting lose and going to parties every once in a while. both heejin and jinwoo have tried to drag chaewon out on multiple occasions, only to be met with resistance. despite chaewon being the one to originally bring them together, both of her friends actually get along really well, and if chaewon's totally honest, she wants to set them up. 
  ◦ honestly, it depends on the class. she's doing really well in her math and chemistry classes, keeping her ranking towards the top of the class, but she's not very good subjects such as biology and english, where she's kind of just scraping by. in the rest of her classes, she's doing slightly above average, but she's not exactly genius level smart like some people seem to think, and she works hard for all of her grades. 
  ◦ she's the treasurer of the student council
  ◦ she's also on the girl's volleyball team
  ◦ probably helps tutor younger students in math in her free time
  ◦ modern history
  ◦ statistics 
  ◦ english
  ◦ childcare
  ◦ chemistry
  ◦ biology
  ◦ geography 
━━━━━ MY VAN
  ◦ their first meeting is almost like something out of a stereotypical movie, where the bad boy and the good girl meet on the roof of the school, and honestly, that's exactly what happened. hwang hyunjin is no stranger to skipping the classes that he doesn't want to go to, and he had absolutely no intentions of going to his physics class, so instead he went to hide on the roof, like he often did when he wanted to think. there weren't many people that went up there anyway, so he was certain that he wouldn't run into any teachers or students that would try and make him go to class. choi chaewon, on the other hand, has never skipped a class in her life. call her a goody two shoes, but she's never once disobeyed her parents, and she doesn't intend to start now. she's not the type of rebel who goes out drinking and skips classing whenever she wants. except she forgot about the homework that was due in her modern history class, and she had an entire essay to write on world war ii, a topic that chaewon honestly didn't know much about. she doesn't exactly have the best memory, and she was scared of disappointing the teacher. in her panic, chaewon decided that she'd just go and hide on the roof until the session was over, and then tell the teacher she went to the nurses office because she was feeling unwell. then she'd have enough time to finish the essay that evening and hand it in the next day. at least, that was chaewon's logic, but she was practically shaking from both fear and adrenalin at the mere thought of skipping class. needless to say, she hadn't expected to find hwang hyunjin on the roof, skipping class for no other reason than he just simply hadn't wanted to go. it's the first time the pair have ever spoke, and chaewon had to admit that while he usually gave off an intimidating aura, he honestly seemed more amused than anything, and amusement was a good look on his features. 
  ◦ CHAEWON – she didn't really know what to think. she's was too scared about skipping class for the first time ever and trying to hide that it didn't occur to her that someone else might be on the roof too. she's able to identify him pretty quickly – after all, hwang hyunjin is also known for his looks, not just his "bad boy" persona – and she's ready to turn around and go and find somewhere else to hide, because he's nothing short than intimidating and chaewon's heard all the rumours about him, but stops when she realises that if anything, he just looks amused. 
  ◦ HYUNJIN – he was more amused than anything else. he was hiding out on the roof to skip class, because he didn't want to go, when she came stumbling out, looking puffed out, her hair all over the place and holding her books to her chest. he knew who she was, because choi chaewon is a bit of a teachers pet, and most of the kids at school know who she is. he's both surprised and amused to see her skipping class, and voices as much. he'd never actually spoken to her before then, but he hand to admit that she was very cute. 
    it's nothing short of awkward between the pair at the beginning, especially since he seems both intrigued and amused by chaewon after their first meeting, but he doesn't bother to seek her out, instead trying to uphold his image around campus. in the end, it's chaewon who goes looking for him, finding herself back up on the rooftop again about a week later (during lunch this time, because she doesn't think her heart can take skipping another class), which only fascinates hyunjin further. he's only spent about two hours of his time in her company, and he's already taken to the girl, even though he won't admit it (his friends all shout that he's whipped, and they know that there's a girl, they just don't know who she is yet). but chaewon is an interesting person, and she doesn't look at him like he's nothing more than a criminal (a look he gets from teachers and the rest of the student council on a daily basis), or stare at him like he's a piece of meet (he knows that the only reason so many girls pay attention to him is because he has a nice face). chaewon's heard a lot about hyunjin, from the rumours that circulate through school, but she doesn't want to jump to conclusions without getting to know the boy first. maybe it's because chaewon has a habit of always seeing the best in people, and maybe it's because she's really good at looking past peoples flaws, but chaewon doesn't actually think he's that bad of a person. she's heard about him getting into fights, and while she doesn't know if that's true or not, he's never made any move to attack her, and chaewon's pretty sure she's given him plenty of opportunities to do so (especially after she accidentally snapped at him, and saw the boy flinch, anger flashing in his eyes. if that hadn't been a prime opportunity to start a fight, chaewon doesn't know what is). if anything, he just seems like someone who keeps his emotions hidden, and chaewon would almost go as far to say that he had low self esteem. then again, chaewon's not exactly good at psycho analysing people, and she most definitely doesn't want to be a psychologist, so that deduction should be taken with a grain of salt. 
    somehow, their occasional meet-ups on the rooftop during lunch time have gone to chaewon frequently seeking him out after school when she's finished studying in the library, and to hyunjin walking her home on a daily basis, frequently stopping for after school snacks. it's odd how quickly they've become comfortable with each other, and no one really seems to understand why because they're honestly complete opposites. chaewon won't lie when she says that she's charmed by him, even though she's slightly cautious because she's heard the rumours about him, and she knows his reputation isn't to be messed with. but chaewon also knows that he is very sweet and he's complete gentleman, because he refuses to let her pay for her own food, and he always holds doors open for her, which is more than she can say for some of the other boys at her school. she thinks that hyunjin looks really handsome when he smiles, and she wishes that he would do it more often, even though he seems to prefer to keep his brooding face on whenever they're at school in an attempt to keep up his reputation. in all honesty, chaewon didn't know how much of the rumours were true, until she found him on the roof top with a bandage around his wrist and a black eye. hyunjin had thought for sure that would be the final time she spoke to him, and in all honesty, he wouldn't have blamed her. he's come to know chaewon well enough by now to know that she's innocent and deserves the world, which means she deserves someone much better than him, no matter what she thinks. but chaewon never fails to surprise him, because before he knows it, she's crouching down in front of him, his face in her hands and she checks the wound, making sure that he definitely doesn't need stitches, and complaining that he needs to be more careful. chaewon seems to genuinely care about his wellbeing, which is something that he really appreciates, because he's come to the conclusion that most girls only care about him because he's good looking, or because they think it's exciting to be around "bad boy", but chaewon has made it clear that she's not that type of girl. she's so close to him that he can't help it, and while he knows he's made his affections clear to chaewon, he's not sure whether or not she's noticed that he has feelings for her, or if she is genuinely oblivious to him. so he simply leans forward and places a soft kiss on her lips, pulling back before she has time to register it. 
  ◦ END
    the news of the relationship between choi chaewon and hwang hyunjin wreaks havoc across the campus, and no one can figure out where it came from or how the pair work together so well. no one expects the school bad boy to be dating the school's teacher's pet. that's the sort of thing that happens in movies, and honestly, everyone's first impression is that he's somehow manipulated chaewon into it, and that he's using her for something, a theory that even chaewon's friends believe. and it takes its toll on hyunjin, to the point where chaewon feels the need to go out of her way and assure him that she doesn't feel pressured into doing anything with him, and that she genuinely likes his company and being around him. their relationship is met with resistance, especially from chaewon's parents, and while hyunjin is sure that's what is going to break them, chaewon still refuses to leave him, despite her parents wishes. he's the sole reason that chaewon's come out of her shell, and he's the reason why she's not so closed up. she's not the goody two shoes that she used to be any more, and people can't hyunjin's not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but he supposes that as long as chaewon is happy, it shouldn't matter. her spirit perks up a lot once she finally manages to get her friends on her side, and while the pair are still wary of hyunjin, they make an effort to get to know him for chaewon's sake. he's not sure he can say the same about her parents, who only stare at him coldy throughout the entire dinner that chaewon invites him too, one that will no doubt go down in his memory as the most awkward situation ever, but he can't bring himself to care, not when chaewon just wraps her arms around him and mumbles apologies into his chest, because maybe things will work out okay. 
  ◦ happy ending ? honestly i feel like they'd work pretty well together, since he brings chaewon out of her shell a little bit, and teaches her how to take risks, because otherwise chaewon will continue to live her life being dependent on her parents and doing everything they tell her to do. chaewon also brings out the good in hyunjin, because she's able to see past all of his flaws and still find his redeeming traits, and teach him how to love himself. so i think they'd be super cute together.
  ◦ he calls her BUBBLES or BABE
  ◦ she just calls him his actual name
  ◦ chaewon highkey loves his dog KKAMI more than she loves him
  ◦ he loves hugging her because she's short enough to bury her head in his chest
  ◦ he likes to walk her home on most days (even though he lives on the other side of town)
  ◦ chaewon steals his leather jacket a lot because she likes wearing it
  ◦ he has a secret soft spot for her, and his friends always tease him for it
  ◦ (he could be furious but his anger melts as soon as she walks in the room)
  ◦ he brought her a bracelet with a paw charm on it and chaewon hasn't taken it off since
  ◦ HER PARENTS are not happy. they're not pleased that her grades have slipped (they literally didn't go down that much, she just dropped one ranking, and she doesn't see why it's such a big deal, but she supposes her parents have spent so long bragging about how perfect their daughter is), and they're not pleased to find out that she's been late to some of her classes (she was only late to class five times, and one of them was because she needed to pee, but her parents weren't people to listen to reason when they were mad). in all honesty, they wouldn't have been so mad about the fact that chaewon had a boyfriend, as they were more concerned that she was hiding something. or at least, they wouldn't have been mad as long as her boyfriend was anyone but hwang hyunjin. her parents are furious to find out that chaewon's become entangled with the boy that they've heard rumours about, and they're not pleased about their daughter's "innocence being tainted" by hyunjin, not even bothering to listen to anything chaewon has to say about him. they give her the silent treatment for ages, disappointed in her choice an men before her mother finally caves and asks chaewon to invite him for dinner so that she can meet the boy for herself. her parents still aren't happy, and they still do not trust chaewon or hyunjin (that much is obvious from the frequent drug tests her parents insist that she have, to make sure she hasn't been doing anything illegal, despite her insistence that she'd never ever do drugs), and chaewon doesn't think they'll change their minds anytime soon. but they haven't insisted that she break up with him yet, and she thinks as long as she keeps her attendance and grades up, it'll keep her parents off her back about hyunjin. 
  ◦ HER FRIENDS are on the fence. they're happy that chaewon's happy, and they're happy that she's found someone who's bringing her out of her shell a bit, and showing her that there's more to life than studying, but they're also extremely suspicious. after all, hwang hyunjin is someone who is well known all over campus, for all the wrong reasons. he's always cutting class, he's always in detention for something than other. he's known to hang out with the wrong crowd, and they don't want him to corrupt chaewon. they wanted her to come out of her shell, but falling for the campus' bad boy wasn't want they expected. they're worried because they know how oblivious chaewon can be when it comes to other people, and they already know that she cares for this boy, no matter how bad of an influence he is. they just don't want her to get hurt, and it takes an intervention and a lot of spying for her friends to slowly come to the conclusion that he's not as bad as they thought. at least, not around chaewon. it's obvious that he has a soft spot for chaewon, and while he's still closed off and cold towards everyone else, it's almost sweet how much he melts for chaewon. in the end, even though her friends are still suspicious, they know better than to tell chaewon that she can't date him, and settle for telling hyunjin that he better not hurt her, or they'll beat him up. (it's an empty threat, they all know, because heejin has never so much as thrown a punch in her life, and jinwoo is honestly scared shitless of hyunjin and his crowd, but it's the thought that counts).
  ◦ one major effect that their relationship has in the story is the destruction of chaewon's goody two shoes image. she's known by the entire student body to be someone who is innocent, and a teachers pet above anything else, so the fact that she's been cozying up to the campus bad boy comes as a bit of a surprise to the students and the teachers. the teachers try to discreetly talk her out of hanging around with him, and her friends won't stop reminding her how much of a bad influence he is, but chaewon doesn't seem to care. she's always been someone who can find the best in people, and hyunjin is no exception, so despite everyone trying to convince her to stay away from him, chaewon refuses, even if it brings the downfall of her reputation
  ◦ it also puts a major strain on chaewon's relationship with her parents. if she thought the people at school were bad, than her parents were on a whole entire level. she'd spent years trying her best not to disappoint them and to reach their standards and expectations of her, but everything is shattered as soon as they find out that there's something going on between her and hwang hyunjin. needless to say, they're not pleased, and they refuse to talk to her about it for ages. honestly, it takes its toll on chaewon to the point where she just wants to cry, because all she's ever wanted is for her parents to be proud of her, which is why she lets them have so much control over her life, but she doesn't want to keep living like that, especially not when she genuinely likes hyunjin. 
  ◦ chaewon loses a bit of her innocence. to be fair, a lot of it was probably extremely overdue, since she finally lets herself be dragged to a party by hyunjin (they don't stay long because it's sort of overwhelming for chaewon, and he's nice enough to take her for ice cream after they leave), and she does a lot of things the other kids have already done that chaewon missed out on. she gets to experience things with hyunjin, and she realises that there's so much more to life, and that she really should take more chances. she learns to stop caring about school so much and live a little (not too much though, because her grades are still really important, but she learns that grades and school are not all she should be thinking about, and that she should go and have fun and embrace her youth, too). it's hyunjin that helps her learn that she doesn't need to let her parents have control over every aspect of her life, and that she shouldn't throw away the things she likes just to make her parents happy. 
  ◦ hyunjin, on the other hand, learns to become a lot softer. he's known for his cold and blank expressions, closed off to all of those except for a few of his extremely close friends, but people see a completely different side of him when he's with chaewon. chaewon helps him realise that there's more to him that just his good looks, and she's very good at finding his redeeming qualities, and making sure that he sees them too. ever since becoming close with chaewon, he's stopped getting into as many fights, (but his attendance hasn't changed much, because he still refuses to go to the classes that he thinks are boring). he still feels the need to uphold his bad boy image, around people, but when he's with chaewon, his soft side comes out, and it's quite clear to see that he'd do anything to make her smile. 
  ◦ a game night or something where chaewon convinces hyunjin to play monopoly with her, and he panics as soon as he realises just how competitive she is so he purposely doesn't buy the expensive properties to let chaewon win – and if chaewon notices, she doesn't care because at least she's winning
  ◦ him taking her on cute dates to get ice cream and stuff because he likes to see how happy she gets, even though his friends tease him about it because it goes against his whole "bad boy reputation" but he doesn't care if it means chaewon will keep smiling at him
  ◦ chaewon meeting his dog and falling completely in love, and hyunjin gets jealous, because he invited her over to spend time with him but she's too busy playing with his dog. cue clingy hyunjin trying to get her attention, and chaewon remaining oblivious to it because she loves puppies so much
  ◦ chaewon gets her first detention because she was late to class and she freaks out, but hyunjin just spends the whole time trying to make her feel better and trying to get her to smile, even though she's terrified of what her parents are going to say when she gets home
  ◦ cute backhugs because hyunjin just likes to drape himself around her whenever they're alone, and despite his bad boy appearance, he's actually super clingy
  ◦ "can i have my jacket back?"
    "no. i'm cold. you're supposed to give me your jacket when i'm cold."
    "but i'm cold too."
  ◦ midnight convenient store runs with jinwoo and heejin, because they have a friday night tradition where they always go and get ramen on fridays in the middle of the night (they're waiting until one of them gets their licence so that they can go for midnight drives, too)
  ◦ chaewon volunteering at the local daycare because she loves playing with the little kids, and several of them attach themselves to her and chaewon thinks it's adorable because she wants to wrk with little kids when she's finished
  ◦ chaewon trying to sneak out to go and meet her friends but she's too scared of getting told off by her parents and chickens out because she's always been an obedient person
  ◦ her parents trying to show her off to their friends at some fancy business party and chaewon hates it and feels super uncomfortable because it just feels like her parents are pitting her against everyone else, and it makes her feel embarrassed and a little bit pathetic of how much of a goody two shoes she is
  ◦ jinwoo and heejin trying to spy on chaewon and heejin but get caught because they both suck at hiding 
  ◦ chaewon rocks up two minutes late to class and it's a super big deal because she's always on time
━━━━━ RUN BACK 2 U
━ ANYTHING ELSE? i don't think there's anything else
━ NOTE TO ME: hi! i'm sorry this took me so long, and i hope that this form and chaewon are both up to your standards. i'm sorry that i've gone for a popular love interest, but i was already halfway through this form and hyunjin fit it so well that i didn't want to change it.