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Mini-Hakkero Contest: Backstory and Guidelines
We all know that Marisa is a thief. She's compulsive, focuses on power, and is most importantly, careless. 
This carelessness is what will come back to haunt her.
During one of her visits to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she "borrowed" some books as usual, and left using the same method that she came with. By flying through the window, and while dodging danmaku. Patchouli sighed and went back to attempting to organize books left on the floor. From the corner of her eye, a glint caught her attention. "Hmm..."
Marisa, relaxing after her heist, tried to feel for the mini-Hakkero in her pockets. It wasn't in her left, nor in her right, and after using some basic tracking magic, wasn't in her house at all. In fact, it seemed to be quite a distance away. Marisa wondered where she could have left it. The last time she had a use for it was when she...
"Oh crap."
Patchouli was instructing some fairies in the use of new artifacts. "So, you just use these as catalysts for what power you may have. I know I cloned these perfectly, but if you encounter any...defects, tell me immediately." Afterwards Patchouli went to Sakuya to give her quite a few letters. "The invitations to the symposium on magic should reach their recipients immediately." When the maid raised her eyebrows at the recipients of some of the letters, Patchouli smirked and said "Trust me". The maid nodded and vanished, so Patchy sat down and returned to drinking tea with a smile. On her next visit, Marisa was going to get a lot more than she bargained for.
Artifact Contest II: Augmented Magic
So yeah, this contest will focus on the theme of Patchouli acquiring and making duplicates of Marisa's Mini-Hakkero. She also invites magicians and others that would be interested in magic to the Mansion. This contest will be a bit more strict than the last one, but I hope it's flexible enough to allow for quite a bit of variety in what scripters do.
-Your script must be a stage.
Patchouli gave copies of the hakkero to some fairies. As such, a stage is required, so that this can be shown. Fairies shooting master sparks, using ridiculous patterns, and anything else that shows that they've been "augmented" is recommended. It technically doesn't have to be an actual stage script, but it must resemble one. This means that it must have relatively weak enemies, a midboss, and a boss. Note that not every fairy has to have a hakkero.
-Your boss must have at least 3 nonspells and 3 spells. Your midboss(es) must have at least two lifebar segments (an individual attack is a segment)
I think this is a pretty fair requirement. You can go over these limits, and in fact I think it would be a very good idea for you to do so.
-Patchouli must be a boss and/or midboss.
She wants to be involved in this, and also wants to try out the hakkero herself. To do this, she needs a target, like you. As such, she's required to fight the player at one point, but can at more than one point if you want. She can be as annoying as Alice in PCB stage 2, be the stage boss, be a midboss, or anything in between. You have to use her at least once.
-The rest of the bosses must be one of these characters: Alice, Byakuren, Ran, Meiling, Sakuya, Remilia, Reimu, Eirin, Mokou, Nitori, Satori, Kogasa, Futo.  
-The rest of the bosses must be chosen from one or more of these characters: Alice, Byakuren, Ran, Meiling, Sakuya, Remilia, Reimu, Eirin, Mokou, Nitori, Satori, Kogasa, Futo.  
Patchouli is holding a sort of convention for other magicians, as such these other magicians will be invited. Interestingly, a lot of people showed up for this. The other residents of the SDM will also be present, sans Flandre.
Patchouli is holding a sort of convention for other magicians, as such these other magicians will be invited. Interestingly, a lot of people that aren't magicians showed up for this. I guess they're interested in magic...? The other residents of the SDM will also be present, sans Flandre. If you need a boss that isn't Patchouli, you must use one of the characters listed above.
-Bosses must exhibit signs of having increased power.
So, this is a really loose definition, but basically your bosses must actively use the hakkero, at the very least in some spellcards. The wiki page ( has some further information, but it essentially makes the character using it stronger. 
-You must require a Marisa player script.
Make your own, ask the creator of one for permission. Regardless of which you choose, a Marisa player is mandatory. Be sure to balance your stage around this player. Marisa should NOT be firing master sparks since she doesn't have her hakkero. Make up something new or use something old. Please include the player script with your entry, since having people run around downloading stuff is a tad annoying.
-Have fun and don't stress yourself!
This is a contest for your enjoyment. As such, relax and have fun with it. You don't have to aim to win.