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Hello Everyone. I am making this document for all moderators and staff members throughout the RC-gamers franchise, Tekkit, Pixelmon, and FTB. I would like to invite you all to a special event called UHC. A bit earlier in the month a friend of mine reminded me of an idea I had a while back to have a UHC event. I figured i would set up a little thing with one of my friends, ZeroForce, for all of us Pixelmon mods, but it went so well that i figured we would have another one. Not only is this a fun event, but it is a great way to get to know one another in a fun way. 
Hello Everyone. I am making this document for all moderators and staff members throughout the RC-gamers franchise, Tekkit, Pixelmon, and FTB. I would like to invite you all to a special event called UHC. A bit earlier in the month a friend of mine reminded me of an idea I had a while back to have a UHC event. I figured I would set up a little thing with one of my friends, ZeroForce, for all of us Pixelmon mods, but it went so well that I figured we would have another one. Not only is this a fun event, but it is a great way to get to know one another in a fun way. 
What is UHC?
UHC stands for ultra hardcore. it originated from the mindcrack group who created it as a fun event among themselves and put it on youtube. It happened to be a hit and has been extremely popular ever since. Basically UHC is a pvp event where teams fight to the death against other teams. you are spread across the map and have to gather resources, but there is a twist. natural health regeneration is off. this means that the only way to regain health is by eating a gold apple or drinking potions, a full hunger bar does not allow you to regain health. This makes Caving even more difficult, with no natural health regen everything is much more difficult and you must be very careful. I know what you're thinking, if this makes caving harder then I will just strip mine for all my materials. Nope, strip mining isn't allowed. Strip mining is against the rules. The only thing that is allowed is caving and digging down in a staircase pattern to find a cave. Also digging to a noise signifying a cave is allowed as well, but strip mining and room/chunk mining is prohibited.
UHC stands for ultra hardcore. It originated from the Mindcrack group who created it as a fun event among themselves and put it on youtube. It happened to be a hit and has been extremely popular ever since. Basically UHC is a pvp event where teams fight to the death against other teams. you are spread across the map and have to gather resources, but there is a twist. Natural health regeneration is off. This means that the only way to regain health is by eating a gold apple or drinking potions, a full hunger bar does not allow you to regain health. This makes Caving even more difficult, with no natural health regen everything is much more difficult and you must be very careful. I know what you're thinking, if this makes caving harder then I will just strip mine for all my materials. Nope, strip mining isn't allowed. Strip mining is against the rules. The only thing that is allowed is caving and digging down in a staircase pattern to find a cave. Also digging to a noise signifying a cave is allowed as well, but strip mining and room/chunk mining is prohibited.
-Only caving. You must get the majority of your minerals from caves. If you strip mine or chunk mine the whole time it makes things alot slower and takes all the risk and fun out of getting materials. Digging down to find caves in a staircase pattern is allowed, but this does not mean you should only dig down the entire time, if you find a cave, you must explore it. Also digging to the sound of a mob or lava or water which signifies a cave is near by, is allowed. Everything else, however, is not allowed. 
-Only caving. You must get the majority of your minerals from caves. If you strip mine or chunk mine the whole time it makes things a lot slower and takes all the risk and fun out of getting materials. Digging down to find caves in a staircase pattern is allowed, but this does not mean you should only dig staircases the entire time, if you find a cave, you must explore it. Also digging to the sound of a mob, lava, or water which signifies a cave is nearby, is allowed. Everything else, however, is not allowed. 
-Absolutely no team killing. friendly fire will be on, but we can tell if someone accidentally hit someone or if they killed someone on purpose. it ruins the other persons experience and often will guarantee you won't be invited to the next event.
-No teaming up with enemies, if you are seen standing near an enemy team and you are not killing him then you will be smited. each smite is a quarter of your max health, 2 and a half hearts. stick to your own team and don't team with others not even if your team has died
-No teaming up with enemies, if you are seen standing near an enemy team member and you are not killing them, then you will be smited. each smite is a quarter of your max health, 2 and a half hearts. stick to your own team and don't team with others not even if your team has died
-Listen to the in game moderators. What they say goes.
-The only Mod that is allowed is Optifine, every other mod isn't allowed. Absolutely no mini maps. And xray and similar are also not allowed obviously.
-The only Mod that is allowed is Optifine, every other mod isn't allowed. Absolutely no mini maps. And x-ray and similar are also not allowed obviously.
-1 minute after you die you will be removed from the server and won't be able to join back in. There is no talking about the game in a negative way, aka raging, only playful banter with the others in the UHC chat
-1 minute after you die you will be removed from the server and won't be able to join back in until the event has ended. There is no talking about the game in a negative way, aka raging, only playful talk with the others in the UHC chat
-Regeneration Potions and Strength 2 potions are not allowed, strength 1 potions are, however. They will be turned off in game so going for regeneration potions or strength 2 is futile. Since regen potions are off ghasts will now drop gold ingots instead of ghast tears.
-Regeneration Potions and Strength 2 potions are not allowed, strength 1 potions are, however. They will be turned off in game so going for regeneration potions or strength 2 is futile. Since regeneration potions are off ghasts will now drop gold ingots instead of ghast tears.
Things to know
In UHC every little bit of damage counts, so keep the useless damage from mobs and fall damage to a minimum. Blocking cave entrances so you can explore 1 area at a time is recommended as well. Also keep an ear out for mobs and other noises.
In UHC every little bit of damage counts, so keep the useless damage from mobs and fall damage to a minimum. Blocking cave entrances so you can explore 1 area at a time is recommended as well. Also keep an ear out for mobs and other noises. Shifting to hide your name tag is recommended as well so others cannot see you. pvp will also be a lot more difficult, so teamwork is essential for your victory. The servers difficulty will be set to hard so the mobs will be even more difficult and running around at night isn't recommended. Also even though you don't need food to regenerate, taking damage from starving is a major problem so make sure you have enough food. If you don't have a mic or you are shy, then you can talk in game using a command to join your teams party chat where you can talk freely without having to type a command before your message, just one simple command at the start. Also this event will be taking place in a vanilla 1.7.2 server.
Shifting to hide your name tag is recommended as well so others cannot see you. pvp will also be a lot more difficult, so teamwork is essential for your victory. The servers difficulty will be set to hard so the mobs will be even more difficult and running around at night isn't recommended. Also even though you don't need food to regenerate, taking damage from starving is a major problem so make sure you have enough food. If you don't have a mic or are shy, then you can talk in game using a command to join your teams party chat where you can talk freely without having to type a command before your message, just one simple command at the start.
How to Join
If any of this sounds like fun to you, I encourage you to join us. If this one goes as good as the last event, I am sure we will be doing more of these in the future. The Event will be taking place on August 9th at 11 am PST, 1 pm CST, 2 pm EST, and 7 pm GMT. The IP will be given out the day of the event and you will be able to join the server. Teams will be randomly selected the day of the event and each team will have their own color and team chat. Once in a team you will be tasked with calling your team using skype, you don't have to talk but being in the skype call is recommended. If you don't have a mic or are shy, then you can talk in game using a command to join your teams party chat where you can talk freely without having to type a command before your message, just one simple command at the start. To join, add me as a friend on skype and tell me if you will be participating. If I don't hear anything from you the day before the event, you will not be able to participate. My skype name is MrBlizzard25. Thanks for reading this and I hope to see you guys there ^^.
If any of this sounds like fun to you, I encourage you to join us. if this one goes as good as the last event I am sure we will be doing more of these in the future. The Event will be taking place on August 9th at 11 am PST, 1 pm CST, 2 pm EST, and 7 pm GMT. The IP will be given out the day of the event and you will be able to join the server Teams will be randomly selected the day of the event and each team will have their own color and team chat. once in a team you will be tasked with calling one another in your team, you don't have to talk but you must be in the call. If you don't have a mic or are shy, then you can talk in game using a command to join your teams party chat where you can talk freely without having to type a command before your message, just one simple command at the start.