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Key: ShadeXe0n
Character Name:
Character Name: Shimi
Character Age:
Character Age: 20
[ ] Applying for Rank
[ ] Applying for Rare
[ ] Applying for Skill
Desired Rank/Rare/Skill:
Desired Rank/Rare/Skill: Gravity Machine
Type a sample RP here. For ranks, we expect a sample of what is to be expected from your character and actions IC'ly. For rares, we'd like an idea of your understanding of the rare, and what should be expected of your IC. For skills, show us an emote, or set of emotes, that display your learning and eventual understanding of the skill.
Shimi has the frame of her ship all planend out, it's going to be pretty big in order to accomodate everything that is necessary for proper space travel. Of course there are different types of gravity other than the one on Earth's surface so she has to possibly find a way to compensate for it. Perhaps she can create artificial gravity to put on the spaceship to stop the inhabitants from getting crushed, maybe they'll be able to adapt if there was some way to control gravity. This is what Shimi is going to plan to do next after writing down her schematics for the large ship. The scientist is going to work on the internal systems in order to get the ship up and running as well as simulate an environment that is always constant so the riders will always be comfortable. 
"Soo... Console... Basic Needs... Gravity..." She mumbles to herself the things necessary to make this possible. Now focusing her research on this space plan whenever she steps foot within the lab. Over all these months she has been trying to get the gist of gravitational pull and how to manipulate it to her own whim. It cannot be rotationaly gravity as that would mean causing an entire room to spin around, instead she is going to link a machine to a room that is going to control the pull of everything to the floor. That means she's going to have to link a machine to an entire room so that it properly pulls all objects to the floor.
Day by day she tries the test with common objects to see if they flatten under the stress of gravity, writing down each of her tests and recording the findings. Until soon, after nearly a year of studying, she manages to figure out the way to emulate gravity almost near perfectly. Shimi turns on the machine and allows the gravity in the room to settle while staying a safe distance away. She had placed an old training bag out in the room to check if it collapses under the stress. 2x Earth Gravity... 5x Earth Gravity... The bag seems to hold up just fine until she cranks to gravity up to 10x, making the object collapse in on itself from the weight alone.
The scientist raises a fist to the air of her new underwater lab. This is the perfect breakthrough she needed to bring her closer to her space mission. Though she hasn't even thought about the training possibilities that the strain of gravity could bring, she may keep this a secret for now until it becomes important.