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Key: Rightarmofexodia
Character: Dupe the Fourth
Skill(or transformation):
Skill(or transformation):Tri-wield
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): 
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): yes
Reasoning: The madness that plagues the land has never ceased. From Lee's return as a mad husk to the blind devotion of Yoshida, the darkness that is Amogi bringing an end to more brave warriors, and the impending war on the horizon. Its been a hectic, constantly changing and an ever dangerous world. All because of the rift and those tied to it.
What is the moment:
Over the days under their disguise as a wanderer, Dupe has trained his new form of swordsmanship against several powerful foes, Neith in a rematch where the tides were near;y changed against him, Yoshida where he was brutally defeated, and bearing witness to the new, terrifying power at Karitori's disposal in the battle for the dojo. Tomorrow starts a war, a battle between the jungle and the rift that would embody aspects of every conflict before it and settle many things for both sides. A loss is inevitable, the only thing up for debate is which side would suffer it.
So with such stakes in the coming day, fated reveals of his return, and the return of countless foes that have all grown stronger since the day of his death, Dupe strives to master his new art of swordsmanship to maximize the aspect he has relied on in battle time and time again. His speed combined with his ferocity with a blade, taken to its utmost limits to become a whirlwind of destruction against all darkness that plagues this world. Julius had fallen to Amogi's carnage, Lee had been warped from the pain he endured by it, others were maimed and forced through mental anguish time and time again.
Its time to end it once and for all, to destroy Amogi and his forces, then the source of it all that remained dormant in the background. To see peace and light return to the world, Dupe must fully embody the role of a tool of war, to ensure no more losses are taken and that the people of the Earth can finally rest.
But above even that? Its fear. The very reality of Dupe's safety net being gone and the possibility of his actual permanent demise in these destructive and unstable battles looming on his consciousness. Death was never something he considered before, always being able to push beyond it, but with that new concept presented to him now with the death of his original power? It just served as that much more motivation to strive for something more, to reach for victory and ensure he can be there to help bring this world the peace it deserves.