- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | [root@sthost-10 ~]# asterisk -rx 'core show channels count' | |
2 | 0 active channels | |
3 | 0 active calls | |
4 | 286 calls processed | |
5 | ||
6 | [root@asthost-10 ~]# asterisk -rx 'core show fd' | wc -l | |
7 | 134 | |
8 | ||
9 | ||
10 | Current maxfiles: unlimited | |
11 | 3 utils.c:2169 (ast_utils_init ): open("/dev/urandom",0) | |
12 | 4 asterisk.c:1476 (ast_makesocket ): socket(PF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,"tcp") | |
13 | 7 tcptls.c:574 (ast_tcptls_server_start ): socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,"tcp") | |
14 | 8 chan_mgcp.c:4767 (reload_config ): socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,"udp") | |
15 | 10 netsock.c:120 (ast_netsock_bindaddr ): socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,"udp") | |
16 | 11 chan_sip.c:32107 (reload_config ): socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,"udp") | |
17 | 12 chan_skinny.c:7800 (config_load ): socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,"tcp") | |
18 | 15 chan_unistim.c:6814 (reload_config ): socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,"udp") | |
19 | 16 asterisk.c:4258 (main ): pipe({16,17}) | |
20 | 17 asterisk.c:4258 (main ): pipe({16,17}) | |
21 | 18 astmm.c:1424 (__ast_mm_init_phase_2 ): fopen("/var/log/asterisk/mmlog","a+") | |
22 | 43 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({43,44}) | |
23 | 44 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({43,44}) | |
24 | 69 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({69,70}) | |
25 | 70 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({69,70}) | |
26 | 100 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({100,101}) | |
27 | 101 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({100,101}) | |
28 | 104 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({104,387}) | |
29 | 112 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({112,113}) | |
30 | 113 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({112,113}) | |
31 | 132 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({132,133}) | |
32 | 133 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({132,133}) | |
33 | 142 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({142,143}) | |
34 | 143 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({142,143}) | |
35 | 181 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({181,182}) | |
36 | 182 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({181,182}) | |
37 | 198 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({198,212}) | |
38 | 199 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({199,216}) | |
39 | 207 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({207,221}) | |
40 | 212 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({198,212}) | |
41 | 216 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({199,216}) | |
42 | 220 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({220,234}) | |
43 | 221 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({207,221}) | |
44 | 229 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({229,260}) | |
45 | 234 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({220,234}) | |
46 | 244 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({244,245}) | |
47 | 245 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({244,245}) | |
48 | 247 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({247,248}) | |
49 | 248 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({247,248}) | |
50 | 260 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({229,260}) | |
51 | 265 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({265,266}) | |
52 | 266 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({265,266}) | |
53 | 268 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({268,276}) | |
54 | 276 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({268,276}) | |
55 | 278 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({278,281}) | |
56 | 280 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({280,287}) | |
57 | 281 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({278,281}) | |
58 | 285 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({285,286}) | |
59 | 286 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({285,286}) | |
60 | 287 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({280,287}) | |
61 | 301 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({301,325}) | |
62 | 304 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({304,332}) | |
63 | 319 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({319,320}) | |
64 | 320 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({319,320}) | |
65 | 322 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({322,346}) | |
66 | 325 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({301,325}) | |
67 | 328 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({328,334}) | |
68 | 332 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({304,332}) | |
69 | 334 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({328,334}) | |
70 | 341 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({341,342}) | |
71 | 342 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({341,342}) | |
72 | 346 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({322,346}) | |
73 | 364 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({364,365}) | |
74 | 365 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({364,365}) | |
75 | 376 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({376,400}) | |
76 | 387 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({104,387}) | |
77 | 398 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({398,399}) | |
78 | 399 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({398,399}) | |
79 | 400 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({376,400}) | |
80 | 435 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({435,731}) | |
81 | 442 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({442,443}) | |
82 | 443 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({442,443}) | |
83 | 446 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({446,451}) | |
84 | 451 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({446,451}) | |
85 | 452 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({452,457}) | |
86 | 457 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({452,457}) | |
87 | 484 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({484,485}) | |
88 | 485 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({484,485}) | |
89 | 512 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({512,706}) | |
90 | 515 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({515,516}) | |
91 | 516 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({515,516}) | |
92 | 535 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({535,536}) | |
93 | 536 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({535,536}) | |
94 | 538 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({538,539}) | |
95 | 539 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({538,539}) | |
96 | 540 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({540,661}) | |
97 | 552 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({552,573}) | |
98 | 573 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({552,573}) | |
99 | 579 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({579,584}) | |
100 | 584 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({579,584}) | |
101 | 590 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({590,591}) | |
102 | 591 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({590,591}) | |
103 | 608 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({608,622}) | |
104 | 622 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({608,622}) | |
105 | 632 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({632,633}) | |
106 | 633 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({632,633}) | |
107 | 644 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({644,659}) | |
108 | 659 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({644,659}) | |
109 | 661 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({540,661}) | |
110 | 679 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({679,680}) | |
111 | 680 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({679,680}) | |
112 | 697 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({697,700}) | |
113 | 700 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({697,700}) | |
114 | 703 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({703,704}) | |
115 | 704 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({703,704}) | |
116 | 706 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({512,706}) | |
117 | 718 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({718,719}) | |
118 | 719 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({718,719}) | |
119 | 725 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({725,726}) | |
120 | 726 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({725,726}) | |
121 | 727 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({727,728}) | |
122 | 728 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({727,728}) | |
123 | 731 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({435,731}) | |
124 | 762 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({762,854}) | |
125 | 778 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({778,779}) | |
126 | 779 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({778,779}) | |
127 | 785 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({785,801}) | |
128 | 801 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({785,801}) | |
129 | 837 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({837,838}) | |
130 | 838 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({837,838}) | |
131 | 847 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({847,848}) | |
132 | 848 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({847,848}) | |
133 | 854 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({762,854}) | |
134 | 867 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({867,868}) | |
135 | 868 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({867,868}) | |
136 | 947 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({947,948}) | |
137 | 948 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({947,948}) | |
138 | 949 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({949,950}) | |
139 | 950 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({949,950}) | |
140 | 951 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({951,952}) | |
141 | 952 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({951,952}) | |
142 | 967 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({967,968}) | |
143 | 968 channel_internal_api.c:1160 (_internal_alertpipe_init ): pipe({967,968}) | |
144 | -- Remote UNIX connection |