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Race: Saiyan
Power Level: Unknown
Bio: Scaris Recently Found the 6 infinity stones. Little did he know they were all corrupted by 6 villains when they all died previously in battle. The 6 Villains Dark Kahn, Fusion Zamasu, Ultron Sigma, Aku, Bill Cipher, And Discord have given there dark energy and powers into the stones. and now with the 6 stones energy and powers Infused into scaris the world has a new threat, a Corrupted Scaris who is being controlled by the dark energy.
Moves: Final Destructive Cannon, Final Special Masenko, Chaos Turtle Laser, Supreme Kamehameha, Final Divine Wrath, Creation Burst, Omni Destruction Sphere, Chaos Flare Bolt, Zero Quasar Blast, Destructive Plasma Wave, Subzero Tremor Cannon, Hurricane Barrage Storm, Omni Divine Barrage, Final Spirit Sphere, Ultimate Rift Storm, Hyper Nuke Cannon, Divine Pulsar Sphere,