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Primordial Saiyan 4 Scaris Vs Ultimate Zen Janembuu (universal janemba and zen buu *everyone and everything absorbed* potara fusion)  Golden great ape cellza (golden frieza and great ape cell potara fusion) Karoly Black (legendary super saiyan broly and super saiyan rose goku black fusion) Omega Zamasu (omega shenron and fused zamasu fusion) and Final Demon God Damira (Final Form Mira and Demon God Dabura fusion)
Primordial Saiyan 4 Scaris Vs Ultimate Dark Divine Maxi Fusion (Ultimate Zen Janembuu (universal janemba and zen buu *everyone and everything absorbed* potara fusion)  Golden great ape cellza (golden frieza and great ape cell potara fusion) Karoly Black (legendary super saiyan broly and super saiyan rose goku black fusion) Omega Zamasu (omega shenron and fused zamasu fusion) and Final Demon God Damira (Final Form Mira and Demon God Dabura fusion))
Winner: Scaris