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Key: Daquann1
Character: Wushei
Skill(or transformation): Sharingan (Re-apply)
Skill(or transformation): Sharingan T5 
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): Well
 He's a lost soul at the moment; despite how he attempts to understand what's taking place or attempt to assist he seems to miss his mark. He's been left out of the loop for quite sometime now, and his offers of helping have been accepted, but never fell through. Wushei felt like a free spirit not bound to any one place, and able to travel and see what everyone's aiming for perhaps he'd continue on like this.
Imagine having an enemy who you fought, and they swore to defeat you only for you both to become allies and fight side by side waiting for that rematch. Now they died fighting for a piece of land, burnt to a crisp, and never to be seen again; it caused one to enter a sad state. They died, and their dreams died with them. It's easy to just get revenge though it is a bit more personal now. No matter how long it might take or how much blood might be spilled in the process; Wushei intends on taking whatever dreams they have and crushing them and bringing them to a point where they want to die and deny them that pleasure. To lose a person close to him, and his slight partial death was too easy he needed to make them suffer, and he's yet to figure that out, but with the Hood of his friend Ajaxx he has all the time in the world to think about it. 
Now with a little more experience under his belt; he felt confident at least that the people in the faction knew about him. With a history of being late he manage to make it to the huge brawl on time, and offer whatever little assistance he could to the others. 
What is the moment:
Wushei offered his assistance several times, but they never fell through; he decided that Theo didn't truly need his help, and being bound to a single ground might not be the best idea. He wasn't sure where he'd go or what he'd do, but it gave me time to travel around and learn from the others.
Battle of territory two lone warriors faced off against those far out of their league, but despite that only one managed to get away left with a reminder of what happens when you don't back down. When you lose a friend that was one an enemy, how does one cope with that? Wushei is left within a state of limbo and in disbelief, Ajaxx couldn't truly be dead; it was a figment of his imagination. In truth he doesn't know what he has in his pocket due to his sight fading. It could be anything, but he had a guy feeling, and he didn't like it. 
During his travels he might encounter an accepting group that would require his assistance, but as it stands he felt like a free spirit who's allowed to do whatever, and go wherever he please. Though being a nomad would fit him better by not being tied down to one place or tied to a single person it would allow him to do more.