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If Morris wants to become a great artificer he should practice on whatever he could get his hands on. The first piece of equipment would be the basic rod from the common shop. Luckily enough he managed to snag a book on rune-writing from starfall.
Morris decided it was time for him to work on rune writing again with his last attempt failing pretty badly; he took some more of that paste ink substance. He began to form the runic marks to place a wing enchantment; the boy spent about five minutes drawing the marks over the common rod again.
"Alright, so you take some crystals and a little bit of water." Turn page "Mix them together in a bowl, and form a little paste. Once you have that, apply the runic markings and infuse it with your mana?"
"Alright, this seems right, I just need to finish it up..."
The instructions seemed pretty straight forward, so as instructed he created that very same paste, and began to write a basic rune over the weapon though it didn't work.
He placed his hands over the staff, and began pouring some of his mana into it. The staff began to light up, and create another bright flash in the area; he closed his eyes.
"..I missed a step or something."
The moment he opened them he was somewhat shocked at his discovery the weapon didn't burn up in flames and held a crispy engravement. The runic marks that Morris wrote into the staff were now permanently burnt into it.
The moment he returns to the book he notices where it is read in bold infuses your own mana. While he hasn't learned to tap into his family magic: he hovered his hand over the rod and began trying to infuse his mana within it.
"Wow... that's amazing."
(Morris Storm)