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Key: Hellz Raze
Key: Sobrek
Character: Yuzu Ume
Character: Siegfried
Skill(or transformation): Bearers of Godrobe / Kamui
Skill(or transformation): Maim Adapt
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): I watched KLK when it came out but haven't since.  I'll probably rewatch it.
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): Future Gohan
Reasoning:  My character has started to transition into a combat role after splintering off of Alaba's group, giving up her career s a novelist to become an expert in cyber engineering in order to have more of a hand in deciding the fate of her home planet.  Rather than write about the exploits of better men and women, and seeing the true nature of the foremost leaders of her own race, she wants to establish herself as a leader and hero of some sort herself.
Reasoning:  Though Siegfried hasn't had much happen to him recently the last big clash with the Tuffles, he has been fighting with the handicap he gained in his battle against Icebox for years now. Going through numerous battles and wars, adapting his fighting style several times over and with the upcoming timeskip, spending two whole transitions with the disability. At this point Siegfried has had more than ample time, practice, and the drive to overcome the damage to his body and finally access his full strength once more for the future conquest of Oasis and the Saiyan homeworld. 
She's sworn to herself that she would kill both Alaba & Tayuya (the latter of which she modelled her cybernetic adjustments after) after witnessing their ruthless treatment/experimentation on the Saiyans-- not to mention Zall, who she has promised to fight alongside the Saiyans in order to secure the future of planet Vegeta and both the Saiyan & Tuffle races.
What is the moment: Timeskip