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Big Band
Up+B: Timpani Drive - Free flight that attacks repeatedly beneath BB. Okay movement speed, but he changes directions slowly and by turning in a wide circle. Causes helplessness where you can't even drift left and right.
Neutral B: Cymbal Clash - Can be aimed in any direction around Big Band. Low damage, but causes a stun on hit. Has more ending lag if it misses.
Side+B: Take The A Train - Comes in straight and upwards-angle variants (hold the button). Mash the button when the enemy is caught to do more hits, causing more damage, but less knockback. The start-up of this attack is obvious (Big Band's giant fist is behind him, ready to come out), but there's no way to tell if he'll do the straight or diagonal variant.
Down+B: Giant Step - Meteor smash to airborne opponents. On the ground, causes a limited-range knockdown effect via earthquake. In the air, it keeps going until it's beneath Big Band, at which point it dangles straight down until BB hits the ground, acting as a downwards sex kick, while BB is free to move left and right at his normal air speed.
Final Smash: Satchmo Death Blow - Super Sonic Jazz towards the nearest enemy. On hit, deal damage, pause the game, trumpet time, TUBATUBATUBATUBATUBA
Big Band is, rather obviously, a big, strong grappler whose melee game is FUCKING SCARY. Take The A Train is almost enough to win matches by itself at close range (you have to guess whether or not to jump, and it's a literal coinflip, and it has a high-damage variant, and high-knockback variant...but you can just punch him out of it), Cymbal Clash is perfect for setting up smashes and grapples, and Giant Step lets him meteor you FROM THE FUCKING GROUND...but it otherwise kinda weak and gimmicky. His drawbacks are being slow and awkward, and having no long range options.