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MISS BERRY Is not too old for this stuff!
MISS BERRY is not too old for this stuff!
Up+B: Overclock - Miss Berry emits a burst of her time magic, and a duplicate of herself appears just above herself, before the original pushes the duplicate upwards, and then vanishes, with her player now playing as the 'duplicate'. If the player presses B again during the boost, a third Berry will appear above the second, grab her, and toss her up a modest distance, before vanishing. This has no attack component, and causes helplessness.
Up+B: Overclock - Miss Berry emits a burst of her time magic, and a duplicate of herself appears just above herself, before the original pushes the duplicate upwards, and then vanishes, with her player now playing as the 'duplicate'. If the player presses B again during the boost, a third Berry will appear above the second, grab her, and toss her up a modest distance, before vanishing. This has no attack component, and causes helplessness. The original Berry and her duplicates can all be hit during this move, and whichever one is hit becomes the 'real' Berry.
Neutral B: Punch The Clock - Miss Berry strikes a kung-fu pose, emits a quick burst of her magic, and a semi-transparent duplicate of herself appears, holding that pose indefinitely, in that position. It will activate either if the enemy touches it, or Berry's player presses neutral B again, and activation has it launch itself a short distance in the direction of the nearest enemy while attacking with either a shotokon punch (if the enemy is to the left or right), a diving kick (if below), or an upwards crane kick (if above). After attacking, the duplicate goes away.
Neutral B: Punch The Clock - Miss Berry strikes a kung-fu pose, emits a quick burst of her magic, and a semi-transparent duplicate of herself appears, holding that pose indefinitely, in that position. It will activate either if the enemy touches it, or Berry's player presses neutral B again, and activation has it launch itself a short distance in the direction of the nearest enemy while attacking with either a staff thrust (if the enemy is to the left or right), a diving kick (if below), or an upwards crane kick (if above). After attacking, the duplicate goes away.
Side+B: Berry leaps up+forward (mostly forward) a set distance, stopping when she hits an enemy, at which point she either throws an airborne kick, or a karate chop, depending on how long she went, with the kick being for short distances, and the chop being for longer ones. They do the same damage and knockback, but the kick knocks the enemy straight ahead, while the chop flings them diagonally downwards, which can bounce standing enemies off the ground.
Side+B: Martial Assault - Berry leaps up+forward (mostly forward) a set distance, stopping when she hits an enemy, at which point she either throws an airborne kick, or a downwards strike with her staff, depending on how long she went, with the kick being for short distances, and the staff strike being for longer ones. They do the same damage and knockback, but the kick knocks the enemy straight ahead, while the staff flings them diagonally downwards, which can bounce standing enemies off the ground.
Down+B: Winding Down - Berry poses so that her arms mimic clock hands, and a semi-transparent image of a fancy victorian clock is superimposed on them. While the button is held, she will maintain this stance, and the clock will steadily tick. Any enemies directly in front of her - regardless of distance - will abruptly move very slowly while this is active, as long as they remain level with her horizontally. This move has very little start or end lag.
Down+B: Winding Down - Berry poses so that her arms mimic clock hands, and a semi-transparent image of a fancy victorian clock face is superimposed on them. While the button is held, she will maintain this stance, and the clock will steadily tick. Any enemies directly in front of her - regardless of distance - will abruptly move very slowly while this is active, as long as they remain level with her horizontally. If the player ends the move manually while it is affecting an enemy, they remain slow for half a second after it ends. This move has very little start or end lag.
Final Smash:
Final Smash: Killing Time - Berry turns towards the screen and twirls her staff like a pinwheel, and throws it forward, still spinning, a short distance. If it hits an enemy, the camera zooms on her face as her eyes flash with magic, and everything is stopped in time but her. She then delivers a fierce series of punches, kicks, and staff strikes - suddenly appearing in a new position with each hit - to the enemy who does not respond. She stops the combo to bow, and a gong sounds, at which point time starts up again, and the enemy is flung violently away from her.
Berry is sneaky and technique based, and knows the value of playing mind-games with the opponent.
Berry is sneaky and technique based, and knows the value of playing mind-games with the opponent. Her biggest strength and biggest weakness is in how indirect some of her attacks are. She can get unique combos going with Punch The Clock, and has good reach with many of her normals due to her staff, but is light and has a very vulnerable recovery.