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This individual is a tall humanoid standing more than 7ft, and proportioned oddly, they are very slender, and their arms are longer than either trolls or humans should be. They are dressed in a flowing hooded black robe with long flowing sleeves, underneath which is a black military jumpsuit complete with gloves and turtleneck style collar. Under the hood is a polished metal mask of a beautiful, androgynous face, the eyes of which are reflective silver lenses. not one millimetre of skin shows on the figure.
 is a petit tealblood, standing about 5'1. very pretty, though not particularly curvaceous. They are dressed in a simple indigo yukata decorated with teal flowers and carp. Their feet are stockinged within the simple low healed sandals they wear, and their hair is done up in a simple bun, held in place with a sextet of ebony needles. A pair of large teal butterfly wings sprout from their back, slits in the yukata permitting the wings freedom.