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Heresy Free Version
Original text by cargoweasel
A Trip to the Store
Lucas glanced at the clock - if he was going to get to the comic shop before it closed, he had to leave now.  He jumped up from his bed finished the soda he’d been slurping, tossing the empty can into the trashcan with its two other empty cans, and grabbed his roomy cargo shorts up off the floor.  Shaking them out, he tucked his feet into the legholes, tugging the shorts up along his legs and around the bulge of his diaper, fastening the button tightly, leaving a tiny glimpse of white plastic peeking above the belt loops of his shorts.  He rummaged through the crumpled pile of T-shirts near his dresser and selected a reasonably clean one, pulling it on over his shoulders and then slipping his feet into a pair of sandals.   The familiar bulk of his padding shifted between his legs as he got dressed, and there was a faintly audible crinkling noise as he walked out of his room and skipped down the stairs - a noise so familiar that he never even thought about it anymore.  He hoisted his ubiquitous backpack, inside which jostled his spare diaper and changing supplies along with his bike lock and other general equipment, and slipped his arms into the straps.
“Goin' out, mom!  Back soon!”  he called to his parents as they sat in the living room watching TV, and he went out into the garage, opening the door and hopping onto his bike.  Lucas went everywhere on his bike, and his padded rump sank onto the bike’s firm seat, compressing the padding of his diaper under his shorts as he pushed the pedals and coasted down the driveway,
peeling out into the quiet suburban streets of his home town.  The late afternoon sun was warm on the late summer day, and Lucas stood up on his pedals, building up some speed before gliding out of his cul-de-sac and tilting his bike around corners and out to the main streets. 
Lucas didn’t even think about the diaper around his hips, taped on snugly by his own fingers about half an hour ago, the faint smell of powder hanging in his room.  The teen-sized diaper clung securely to his waist, the padding’s bulk familiar and comfortable between his legs, the ruffled plastic contours of the leg openings hidden under the khaki fabric of his cargo shorts.
He’d never worn anything else, having been incontinent his whole life, and it was as routine to him as anything could be.  The padding crinkled rhythmically in time with his pedal strokes, inaudible in the noisy street traffic as he rode along the shoulder of the main road down the large hill, his backpack a gentle presence on his shoulders, the neatly folded spare diaper inside jostling a little against the travel-size container of baby powder that accompanied Lucas everywhere he went - even for a half hour jaunt to the comic shop.
Tsking as the light ahead turned yellow and then red, Lucas pulled to a stop, braking and putting his foot down, as opposing traffic cruised through the intersection, and Lucas nonchalantly tugged his shorts up a tiny bit, a glimpse of waistband still visible behind him if he had decided to hike up his shirt, but the loose hem of his T-shirt hid any glimpse of his padding from passersby, not that anyone would have noticed.
With the green light, the high school student started pedaling again, his diaper shifting slightly between his legs and back and forth across his rump with the motion of his thighs, and built up speed again, before making a turn onto another street and bunnyhopping over a curb, skidding on the sidewalk for a few yards before pulling to a stop in front of the comic shop.
Lucas opened his backpack, the zipper opening to reveal the folded white plastic of his spare diaper, curved and slightly shiny, wrinkled a bit from its storage, but Lucas ignored it as he fished out his bike lock and cable, quickly throwing the lock around his wheels and frame, fastening the bike to the nearest bike stand.  He didn’t even detect the scent of baby powder that wafted up from the inside of his backpack as he zipped it up again.
Lucas’ bladder, never having been trained to hold closed for any length of time, sloshed ever so slightly inside him, squeezing and sending a small quantity of urine into his tubes and, unnoticed, tucked inside the padding he wore between his legs, his penis dribbled a few droplets of pee into his diaper, the bulk of which absorbed it immediately and without his conscious thought, as he opened the door of the comic shop with a jingle of the bell above the door.
The clerk paid no attention, flipping through a graphic novel as Lucas crinkled into the store, the quiet interior of the shop amplifying the noise from his diaper as he walked up to the New Releases stack, browsing the week’s new arrivals.  Spiderman, Captain America, X-men.. Lucas was definitely a fan and spent a lot of his allowance on comics.  He selected his usual titles and moved over to the graphic  novels and trade paperbacks, looking through the bound editions and reading some of the indie titles that looked interesting.  
As he browsed, Lucas’ diaper remained snugly fastened around his hips, shifting with every step or slight motion of his legs, the bulge between his legs only dribbled-in so far, not enough to even darken the exterior or turn the wetness indicators blue, not that anyone could see his diaper inside his cargo shorts.  The legholes compressed and expanded, the ruffled leg gathers keeping the leakguards aligned to the inside of his thighs, forming a cupped shape ready for anything that might trickle from his penis, aimed downwards, dangling as it was tucked inside the warm, snug padding.
Absently, Lucas adjusted his shorts, tugging his diaper between his legs as a leakguard tickled the fine hairs on the inside of his thighs just a tiny bit, shifting the padding to an ever so slightly more comfortable position, not even thinking about it.
His bladder hadn’t nearly emptied by the last little reflexive squeeze, and as he was flipping through a trade paperback, another few milliliters of pee dribbled into his slightly damp padding, immediately, again, absorbed by the gel diaper filling that was in position just for that purpose.
Lucas made his selections, choosing a couple of books and mentally adding up the cost of his purchases against the twenty bucks he had in his pocket.  A couple other customers were in line ahead of him, as the cashier sleepily rang up each one and bagged their purchases.  
While he waited, the soda he drank earlier completed its journey through his kidneys and his bladder had filled up again, this time to the point where he felt the tiniest twinge of pressure - he recognized the feeling, on some absent level, but didn’t have any way to prevent what normally happened next from happening, because Lucas was totally bladder-incontinent and relied upon diapers twenty-four hours a day.  He did, however, spread his legs a tiny bit, bending his knees ever so slightly as that position made it less likely to leak when he wet his diaper, something that happened six or seven times a day, not counting the occasional dribbles that happened every few minutes.  This motion of his was reflexive and unconscious, something he’d done since he was 5 or 6 and first adjusting to his inevitable life in diapers, something most of his friends had outgrown by the time he was in kindergarten - but not Lucas.
As he stepped up to the cashier’s glass countertop and placed down his purchases, reaching into his pocket for his wallet, Lucas’ bladder contracted on its own, his extraordinarily weak muscles unable to contain even a moderate amount of urine for more than about a minute, and his legs spread apart even more, knees nudging against the glass countertop.  Inside his diaper, his penis pulled up a fraction of an inch, and a trickle of pee dribbled from his soft cocktip, turning into a stream as the cashier rang up his comic books.  Lucas felt his diaper getting heavier and softer and warmer as the absorbent padding he HAD to wear turned yellow under his shorts.. he was wetting his diaper, the wetness indicator strips turning vivid blue and green as his padding sagged down between his legs.  He didn’t even realize it was happening, fishing his money out of his pocket and paying the fifteen dollars, waiting for the cashier to put his comics in their paper bag.  His bladder slowly emptied, contracting fully, a weak dribbling trickle of piss splashing into the already wet padding and streaming down to the still-dry area between his legs, bouncing off the leakguards in a rapid flow like a river in his diaper.  It happened several times a day and Lucas initially paid it no mind whatsoever, however as he felt the urine start to splash and pool inside his padding, warming up the plastic that hugged his inner thighs and beginning to creep up his backside, he realized he might need to change sooner than he’d expected. 
“Thanks!  Hey, where can I find a restroom?” he asked the Cashier, who grunted and aimed a thumb at the sub shop across the street, and Lucas nodded.  He plunked his backpack on the counter, opened it up and tucked his purchases inside, again revealing the neatly folded, spare diaper in his backpack and the faintest scent of powder wafting up in the comic shop’s quiet air, before he zipped his backpack up and strode out the door, his legs bowed slightly from the soaked padding wedged between his legs.  Lucas had wet his diaper, and the soggy bulk shifted noticeably differently between his legs with every step he took.  Even though he barely realized he was wetting, it never took him too long to notice that he was wet, especially if it was anything more than a faint trickle.  Deep inside his diaper, almost too subtly to notice, Lucas’ penis twitched, as if to dribble the last of his wetting, and just the tiniest fraction, reflexively stiffening inside his wet diaper.
The sub shop was all yellow and green, large photo murals on the walls depicting sandwiches and salads, and Lucas grabbed the restroom key and walked to the back of the empty shop, opening the door and slipping into the restroom, with its toilet and sink and paper towel dispenser and wastebasket and hand-dryer.  Lucas put his backpack on the sink, unbuttoned his shorts and tugged them down, revealing the sagging bulk of his wet diaper between his legs, visible under the hem of his T-shirt in the mirror.  Lucas hiked his shirt up, untaping his padding at his hips and nonchalantly pulling the wet diaper out from between his legs, quickly bundling it up and tossing it into the wastebasket, its heavy bulk landing on the crumpled paper towels already in there.
Lucas pulled a couple of paper towels from the dispenser, and dabbed quickly at his crotch, cleaning up the dampness before taking the travel size powder container, turning the lid and poofing a handful of powder into his hand, rubbing it between his legs and around his ballsack and penis, the familiar scent tickling his nose as he powdered himself up, cleaning his hands off again when he was finished.
Lucas tugged the folded up diaper from his knapsack and unfolded it with a fresh crinkle, quickly dabbing at his crotch with a paper towel or two before slipping the clean diaper between his legs, spreading his thighs for a better fit, pulling it up around his rump and engulfing his dangling ballsack and penis in the crinkly padding, expertly opening up the tapes and fastening them at his hips, rubbing them to make the adhesives set better.  He watched himself perform this operation in the mirror, but didn’t think anything of it.
His shirt still hiked up, Lucas looked at himself in the mirror, mostly to check that his diaper was on correctly, and adjusted himself a little, tugging the padding so that the leakguards were situated properly along the inside of his thighs, the tapes symmetrical and snugly attached, the bulge of his ballsack and penis tucked into the white plastic, forming a bulge at his crotch.  The diaper’s high waistband reached nearly to his bellybutton, the padding’s white bulk looking oddly comforting wrapped as it was around his middle.  He was back in a clean dry diaper.  Again.
Just a second or two’s pause, before he reached down and tugged his cargo shorts back up, buttoning them around his waist and, just as before, leaving a tiny glimpse of white plastic peeking above the belt loops of his shorts, ruffled slightly in the dim lighting of the sub shop restroom.  Lucas let his shirt drop back down, hiding the waistband of his diaper and shouldering his backpack, washing his hands before drying them off and slipping out the door, without fake-flushing the toilet, something he used to do when he was self-conscious about changing his diaper in public restrooms.  Lucas nodded to the sub shop attendant and went back out into the summer’s afternoon, his diaper crinkling faintly audible with every step he took, shifting slightly between his legs and around his rump as he crouched down to unlock his bike for the trip home.
Diapered Normality
It was a routine day.
"Oh, Diet Coke is on sale, I'd better pick up a case," thought Charlie as he pushed his cart along the aisle at the supermarket.  As he bent down to grab the silver and red box of cans, his bowels started to gurgle and a heavy *sppllrrttch* of poop surged from his bowels through his relaxed asshole, bulging into the diaper he was naturally wearing under his overalls.  He barely noticed this event, even as he was standing back up, a warmth spread in his diaperfront, his bladder emptying itself and yellowing the padding as it soaked up his pee.  Without a second thought Charlie put two 12 packs of soda into his cart and continued shopping.  A short distance later he noticed the squishiness between his legs and felt he needed a change and would get to it at some point.
Elsewhere in the supermarket, a young woman with her kid riding in the shopping cart twitched her nose.  "Oops, someone's got a full diaper.." she thought to herself, slipping her hand down to check her toddler son before realizing the heaviness between her own legs was HER loaded diaper.  Oh well, time for a change.  She sighed and headed towards the clearly marked restrooms.
In another part of the store, a teenaged stockboy, was shelving cans.  He didn't even break the motion of his price tag gun as his diaper yellowed and sagged under his uniform, the thick padding absorbing the piss that dribbled from his flaccid penis, slowly turning into a full fledged flood. He smiled a little at the pleasant warmth and continued shelving and pricing cans of soup.
The cashier checking Charlie's groceries out was a young husky-looking man, dragging each item across the scanner and tapping in the codes for produce.  One item failed to scan, and he lifted up the microphone. "Price check on 12, Quaker .. nngh.. oatmeal."  His grunt was involuntary and unnoticed, the other patrons of the store taking no more notice than they would a throat clearing, as his asshole involuntary unclenched. His loose anus relaxed further around the emerging load of his wastes, which dumped heavily into the back of his diaper with an audible *frrt*, slightly muffled under his clothes.  The waiting padding shifted and bulged, sagging heavily under the weight of his poop as it slid through his anus and landed in the soft cushion of his diaper.  The man was completely incontinent, of course, as was everyone else in the world, and he thought nothing of this diaper messing, something that routinely happened to everyone several times a day.  His butthole was permanently loose and unable to tighten to any great degree, as were the muscles regulating his bladder, which had relaxed of its own accord and gushed a surging flood of urine into his full diaper, the cashier vaguely aware of a damp warmth but not even thinking about it as he boredly continued keying in Charlie's groceries.
The supermarket continued its operation, every patron and staff person in the store periodically pooping or peeing into their diapers, routinely.  Charlie changed his diaper in the parking lot, depositing the used padding in a large receptacle marked USED DIAPERS, carried by trucks to huge recycling plants, broken down and re-made into new clean diapers, such as the one Charlie nonchalantly taped around his waist before tugging his clothes back up.  It wasn't long before he felt a little gurgle in his belly and a moment later, his slack poophole was stretched with the familiar heavy squish of a big load dropping into his diaper.  He barely even noticed.  His quivering anus would have been utterly unable to hold back the load if that thought had even occurred to him.  He truly needed to wear diapers, but that wasn't unusual at all.