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[Ageless Immortality] — Due to a late after-effect of his powers, Shade's body can no longer age beyond the point of 26, granting him the 'Unaging' aspect of Immortality.
[Ageless Immortality] — Due to a late after-effect of his powers, Shade's body can no longer age beyond the point of 26, granting him the 'Unaging' aspect of Immortality. He also obtained a portion of the other aspect of Immortality, 'Undying', though it is quite weak in comparison, granting him near perfect Disease Immunity as well as, a higher survival rate, making some fatal wounds not as fatal.
[Eternal Reincarnation] — As an effect of his powers, and due to a curse presented in his family many centuries ago, Shade cannot permanently die. Upon his death, his soul will immediately disperse then, after some time, gather around his sword. His body will then start to regenerate around the soul, granting him a new body with all of his previous memories, and after one month, the body will completely regenerate, resulting in a new 'Reincarnation' of him. This power also increases his body's natural survival rate, making certain fatal wounds less fatal than they actually would be.
[Darkness Manipulation] — As a result of his awakening his powers at the Age of 13, and utilizing them fairly common, he has obtained near perfect control over Darkness. He can drain the Darkness of people's hearts (negative emotions) and turn them into his power, as well as, utilize Darkness as Dark Energy, giving it a metaphysical energy state and being able to use it in a variety of ways, such as compressing it into a more solid state to create small constructs (Nothing bigger than a 12" by 12" by 12" cube at best), though unable to control them remotely and have alot less weight due to lack of mass, however are very durable. As well as, the constructs must be provided a steady source of darkness, otherwise they will disperse.
[Darkness Manipulation] — As a result of his awakening his powers at the Age of 13, and utilizing them fairly common, he has obtained near perfect control over Darkness. He can drain the Darkness of people's hearts (negative emotions) and turn them into his power, as well as, utilize Darkness as Dark Energy, giving it a metaphysical energy state and being able to use it in a variety of ways, such as compressing it into a more solid state to create small constructs (Nothing bigger than a 12" by 12" by 12" cube at best), though unable to control them remotely and have alot less weight due to lack of mass, however are very durable. As well as, the constructs must be provided a steady source of darkness, otherwise they will disperse. If there are more than enough people (40+), he can, temporarily, distort time and space, creating an alternate mirror dimension utilizing the Darkness within them all to power it, however this Dimension will collapse if the people outside lowers to below the required amount. This dimension, however, is not his to control but is merely a mirror of the real world, lacking the people of such.
[Expert Swordsmanship] — Through his constant usage of his sword, he has gained a wide array of skills regarding swordsmanship, as well as, increased his skill on it.
[Defensive/Evasive Martial Arts] — Due to his Darkness Manipulation, he sought after Evasion and Defensive skills, thus, he has learned how to fight, somewhat. He can defend quite well in combat as well as read into a fight well in order to learn how to evade hits.